Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

Vol 2 Chapter 34: Science Cultivation (crossed out) vs.

"Interesting boy."

The butler secretly said.

"Perhaps, you are qualified to be a sharpening stone for the young lady."


In the guest seats in the stands.

Jia Lao and Bayar are watching the battle.

"It looks like a very talented young man. Not only does he know how to exploit the loopholes in the rules, he also has a very strong fighting talent."

The elder said slowly.

"Yeah, I really didn't expect a civilian rookie to have such a keen combat intuition and be able to take the opportunity to attack the opponent when the opponent jumps to the highest point. At this time, the potential energy is the largest and the kinetic energy is the smallest. Xiaobao stays in the air. There is no speed, so there is no impact. At this time, hitting Xiaobao is even more damage than Xiaobao standing on the ground. "

Bayar quickly agreed.

"It's just that this kind of battle is too difficult for this little princess? If people think it's not fun..."

"no need to worry."

Jia Lao waved his hand.

"For children of aristocratic families, this is something that must be experienced when growing up. Although this little princess has a noble status and can live well in this life even without strong strength, presumably the one behind her would not mind letting her go. She suffers a little bit. Sometimes only through setbacks can you get better growth."

Picking up the cup on the table and taking a sip of water, he continued:

"The kid I'm interested in now, if he can grow up smoothly, his future achievements will certainly not be low, and he may hope to become a gym-level existence."

"Gym level? Don't you think too highly of him? He's just a commoner. The resources in his hand can help him to upgrade to the elite level, even if his family's ancestral grave is smoked."

Bayar felt a little uncomfortable, thinking that as a child of an aristocratic family, he was only an elite trainer at the age of 42 this year. The road at the gymnasium level has not yet been seen clearly, let alone fully understood. But this commoner boy can get the praise of the elders, and it is false to say that he is convinced.

"You," the veteran cup gently put back on the table, "you forgot who the current league chairman is?"

"This..." Bayar was at a loss for words. The current chairman of the alliance, Ma Mingda, was from a civilian background, and he was still at the bottom of the civilian population. But it only took him a few decades to become the chairman of the alliance, and his strength is also at the top of the entire Celestial Dynasty.

"Never underestimate the commoners. Whose ancestors are not commoners? For the talented commoner trainers, what we need to do is to win over and provide some resources appropriately. The small families who helped Maminda at the beginning, What's going on now?"

"what do you mean?"

"No matter what the result of the game is, if you give this kid an extra amount of money after the game, it means that our Chiat family has invested in him. There is no need to hide it. Suspicion is not beautiful. In addition, all his consumption in our place during this period of time is free, and they will be returned to him together."

"are these all?"

Bayar was a little surprised, isn't this a bit too rudimentary?

Jia Lao looked at Bayar and said lightly:

"Otherwise? He is only a rookie trainer now. Although he will achieve a lot in the future, no one can tell where he will go. I have seen many geniuses who died halfway. There is no need to invest too much, meaning It's just the meaning, in the future he will be powerful, and it is enough to remember this incense love."


Bayar responded.


"Damn, little treasure, stand up, let's continue!"

Muzi said angrily.

Little Treasure stood up and squatted down, ready to sprint again.

"Tarzan hits the top!"

The smoke rolled up, and Xiaobao's figure rushed in front of Baa Li Yang in an instant. The hind legs exerted force and sent themselves into the sky, converting the kinetic energy generated by the sprint into potential energy.

"Right now, jump, hit!"

Yun Ning's order was no different from the previous one. Baa Liyang repeated the action just now, and once again accurately knocked Little Treasure out from the highest point.


Muzi couldn't believe his eyes. It was obvious that the skills used by his little treasure were stronger than the opponent's, but why couldn't he hit the opponent?


After all, he has used cotton defense twice, and the damage caused by the two collisions has been offset by more than half, so Xiaobao still has enough physical strength.

"This time, we must find the reason!"

Muzi clenched his fist.

As a princess from an aristocratic family, she has been fascinated by elves since she was a child. She believes that with the education she has received, she will be able to see through the opponent's tactical principles.

Xiaobao jumped to the highest point for the third time, and was hit by the Baa Li Yang for the third time.

"This is..."

Muzi opened his eyes wide.

"So...is that so?"

Any physical attack is essentially a shock of energy, and the energy that can directly cause damage to the opponent is kinetic energy.

If an object is stationary, it is difficult to cause damage to the surrounding objects.

Just like a stone weighing several hundred kilograms ~www.readwn.com~ is placed on the ground at rest, then its damage to the ground is extremely limited. And once it is thrown from the air, with the speed of falling, it may be able to smash a big hole on the ground.

When Xiaobao sprints, it is calling the energy stored in the body and converting it into its own kinetic energy.

And when Xiaobao jumped up from the ground using the top of Mount Tai, he converted the kinetic energy accumulated in the sprint into potential energy.

If Xiaobao can smoothly fall from the air, the potential energy will be converted into kinetic energy again. At this time, if he can hit the opponent smoothly, it can cause great damage.

In the world of Yun Ning's previous life, because of the existence of air resistance, there will definitely be a loss of energy in the process. Whoever uses this method to attack the enemy is mentally retarded.

But this is the fairy world, and the skill itself can greatly enhance the attack.

According to Yunning's calculations, it may be to multiply the kinetic energy calculation formula by a coefficient.

but! The formula for calculating kinetic energy is itself a multiplication formula. Once one of the numbers is 0, no matter how big the other numbers are, the result is 0.

And Yun Ning just picked the moment when the speed was 0: when Xiaobao jumped to the highest point.

In other words, in the martial arts novels, "the old power has exhausted the new power before the new power is born".

This is what surprised the housekeeper, the elder and Bayar.

"In that case..."

Muzi gritted his teeth.

"Since the pressure of Mount Tai is ineffective for you, then use the impact to consume it slowly!"

Muzi was obviously angry. He didn't expect to meet such a hateful guy in his first elf battle.

"Little Treasure, use the impact!"

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