Yun Ning's voice attracted the attention of Jiya and Xu Jinrui, and they both walked to Yun Ning's side.

Yun Ning didn't pay attention to the two people who were approaching, but concentrated on observing the contents of the mural.

The content of this mural is very simple. It can be seen that the scene is inside a tent, and a woman is giving birth to a child in the corner of the tent.

Judging from the clothes of the people around, the season should be winter, but there was no fire inside the tent, and the people around were all curled up and huddled together to keep warm.

There were many people in the tent, but few people cared about the woman who was giving birth. It seems that everyone is getting used to it.

There were no beds in the tent, just some haystacks made of hay. The people inside slept on these haystacks.

The newborn baby was held in the hands of the midwife, and the umbilical cord was attached to her body.

Yun Ning didn't stop, shifted his steps, and walked to the second mural.

In the second mural, a six- or seven-year-old child is mowing the grass, and people around are collecting the cut grass. Although Yun Ning is not from Mo Nan, he also understands that they are silage. This is for storing green grass for the animals to use for the winter.

A middle-aged man is holding a long whip, constantly beating the slow-moving man. It can be clearly seen that a mark has also been drawn on the back of the six- or seven-year-old child.

Yun Ning knew that this child should be the baby in the first mural.

Now he should be a slave.

His mother was also a slave, so she lived in that kind of tent.

In the third mural, the child was no longer visible, and in its place was a boy of fifteen or sixteen, who was fighting on horseback.

In the mural, his little fire horse is covered with human heads, which are obviously his enemies.

In the fourth mural, a young man riding a flaming horse is inspecting his troops. He is holding a commander on the grassland in his hand. Obviously, this young man has been entrusted with an important task because of his outstanding military exploits and has become the commander-in-chief. the general.

In the fifth mural, the young man took the army back to the pasture where he was mowing the grass, cut off the head of the middle-aged man who had whipped him, and picked it up with a knife. The army behind him looked at him frantically. Obviously, he was already the leader in these people's minds.

Yun Ning kept walking and continued to walk to the seventh mural.

The young man just now sat on the throne in the middle of a luxury tent. Countless people knelt down in front of him.

In the eighth picture, a large group of Kentaros are running wildly in front, followed by a group of knights riding small fire horses. In front of them are the smashed troops.

The original youth has become middle-aged, riding his flaming horse behind him and watching his army defeat the opponent.

The next few pictures are all of this middle-aged man commanding his army to continuously defeat his opponents, but the scenes in the pictures are different.

Yun Ning could clearly see that the scenes in several murals that appeared after that were constantly changing, and the plants on the battlefield also hinted at their location.

From the Monan grassland all the way to Europa.

At the end of the corridor, Yun Ning saw the last mural.

This time it is no longer a victory, but a **** battle.

The middle-aged man has become an old man. The army on his side has a very simple composition. The electric dragon has long-range output, and Kentaro is facing the front.

The trainers all rode a small fire horse or a flaming horse to watch from the rear, and from time to time they spewed a jet of flame to support the front line.

The big milk jar stood at the end of the line, shaking the healing bell constantly, and at the same time using milk to heal the wounded Kentaro in front of him.

There were also several warrior eagles hovering in the sky, observing the formation of each other.

This is a perfect teamfight lineup, with turrets and face-to-face, as well as auxiliary healers and scouts.

And his opponent, the lineup is even more luxurious.

Kirby is blocking the road ahead, and Wind Speed ​​Dog is assisting by its side.

Hu Di gave his best output in the formation, and Geely Egg kept treating the troops on the front line.

Several fast dragons were flying in the air, looking for an opportunity to strike a fatal blow to the enemy.

In addition, there are countless powerful elves mixed in.

Such as Yusan, such as the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus.

Yun Ning knew in his heart that this was Huaxia's army.

The old man finally pointed his blade at the most fertile land in the world.

It can be seen from the picture that the number of troops on both sides is similar.

This is very strange. With Huaxia's resources, it is impossible to cultivate such a powerful elves.

"This is... God Khan!?"

Ji Ya's voice came from behind, awakening Yun Ning from his thoughts.

Turning to look, the two of them were already standing behind Yun Ning.

He was too careless, it seemed that he looked too deeply into the mural, so he didn't pay attention to the situation behind him.

"Tian Khan?"

Yun Ning looked at Jiya in disbelief. This is the only hero in the history of the legendary Monan who unified the entire Monan grassland.

Before him, the grasslands were scattered with sand and tribes.

After him, his descendants quickly separated, and a unified grassland became the original state.

"Yes, these murals should tell the story of Tian Ji Ya's eyes stared at the last mural and said:

"This should be Tian Khan's last war. In this war, he mobilized the resources of all the places he conquered to fight against the Song Dynasty in the Central Plains."

"However, they still lost." At this time, Xu Jinrui interjected: "The original Song Dynasty could not fight against the Tian Khan who conquered from the grasslands to Europa, but they resolutely asked for help from the aristocratic families in China, hoping that they could help them. In exchange for helping, the Zhao family, the ruling family of the Song Dynasty, allowed the aristocratic clan to build their own private army, and at the same time gave them great privileges."

Xu Jinrui coughed twice to make his throat feel more comfortable, and continued:

"Although the Song Dynasty successfully resisted the attack of the Tian Khan, the power of the central government also became extremely weak. Finally, a few decades later, the Song Dynasty was overthrown in an uprising and became a historical term. And the Zhao family has also wisely handed over the throne in their hands, and has transformed into an ordinary family with the wealth accumulated over the centuries."

After speaking, Xu Jinrui turned to look at Jiya, he only knew so much, and the rest of the content had to be filled by Jiya.

"This defeat was the only one in Tian Khan's life. He was 54 years old that year. At that time, he was already an old man. Tian Khan was depressed because of this defeat, and eventually fell ill and became bedridden. , even if he received the best treatment every day, he was still unable to return to the sky, and died in his king's tent a year later. And the grasslands that lost the Tian Khan were immediately plunged into chaos. The son divided up the empire of Tian Khan, and eventually evolved into these families on the grasslands today. The Chiat family is said to be the descendant of the fifth son of Tian Khan."


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