Currently with Alex,

" Knowing you, you won't call us without reason and a graver reason so that you can escape the wrath of your mother. So what's the matter?" His father said

" Leave it to you to get straight to the point, dad. You also know what I think." Alex said

Arthur pumped his chest and said proudly," Of course I am your father. No one except your mother know you better than me. " He said looking at Gwen from the corner of his eye.

" Yeah I am in a bit of trouble. "

" Trouble. What happened. Tell me what happened. I will help you if I can. " His mother said aggressively on hearing the word,' trouble' coming from her son's mouth.

Arthur rubbed her shoulder to calm her down and it did work.

" Alex can you tell us what problem you have encountered?" His father asked softly but his eyes were hardened as if ordering him to say it.

Seeing their expression Alex knew he can't escape the trap he dug for himself and told them the entire story from him accidentally catching the baby ghost to facing their angry parent and losing his pokemons and ultimately catching them up

After hearing this his father only reaction was rubbing his forehead as if in a severe headache and he said," Your adventure is pretty eventful. The incidents you told us about are the ones most people go through in Their lifetime and yet you in your six month pokemons journey went through them.

So what do you need me to do?"

" Can you please send back Snorlax, Slowking and Piloswine back. Electabuzz is only tired out so he would be good after some rest.

With these I can handle the ghosts and even have them follow me. I am really excited about it." And Alex was really excited as one could see with his bright smile worth all his teeth visible

" Ok we will send them to you. Is there anything else you need us to do for you?"

Alex thought for done time and said" Yes . Can you help me get some poison vine. I really need them for my Haunter and nidoran especially nidoran since he may evolve into nidorino within a week time.

Also I will need some dragon scales and water stone for Magikarp. Also send azuril along with them. It is about time she too evolve or she will be very angry that I let Pichu evolve into pikachu and not her into marill."

" Ok so you need azuril, Piloswine , Slowking and Snorlax while want me to get some ingredients for you."

" Are they difficult to get Alex. From what I hear dragon scale and water stone are precious. "

" Dad contact our previous supplier Mark. I already told him some things I may need in the future. After our berries ripen he will be our agent so he could never tested if he could handle some thing for us.

After all dad you and Uncle Mark are childhood friends and I don't think he would cheat us for some profits which will probably expand over time if he follow us." Alex said

" Yeah Mark is a good option. Though did you consider some other people in case he can't do it. ".

" Yeah I did Scout some but they are for later. Now we have to just make our foundation better."

" Don't worry. I will take care of things here and you take care of yourself. "

His mother has left them midway to get the pokemons he need. As soon as she returned she brought the pokemons he need along with his grandpa and other siblings.

Seeing them he was really delighted.

" Hello grandpa, Ben Clara. How are you? " he greeted them

" I am well Alex. You seem a bit tired there. Is everything ok out there with you." His grandpa asked.

" Nothing happened grandpa. I am fine" and to change the topic he released Pikachu for everyone to see.

" A Pikachu. Did Pichu evolve Alex?" His sister asked

" Yeah. He evolved yesterday. Isn't he cute?" He said which rubbing behind his ears softly which was enjoyed by Pikachu.

" Yeah. He is so cute I just want to hug him to death. Can you send him back so I can play with him. "

Pikachu earlier as Pichu loved to play with Clara so now both of them looked at Alex with expectations.

Alex quickly told them," Pikachu has just evolved so there are some changes in his body which may affect the Pokemon battle and with electabuzz he can learn the electric tricks easily.

Wait for a week I will have him learn to control his body and electric moves and then he will be your to play with." He smiled softly at his baby sister.

Both Clara and Pikachu danced around in joy

Then Alex looked at Ben his other sibling and said," look here what I have just got?" And he released his Growlithe.

" A Growlithe. Where did you get it? When did you get it? Can I play with him, brother?" Been quickly fired his questions at Alex.

" I just got him sometime ago . He is just a new member. Wait for him to get acquainted with the team and then you can look after and play with him under mom, dad and grandpa eyes.

It will be great for you in the future if you want to raise a Growlithe too. Is that ok?"

Ben has lost his voice and just nodded his head up and down his eyes not leaving the young Growlithe.

" Ok. Dad do get those things early. I need them urgently and don't let the pokemons slag in their training back home. Can you do that for me grandpa?"

" Don't worry. I don't do much other than laze around. At least in this way I can keep myself busy. And with all these pokemons your brother and sister will learn much.

After all they don't like to read book or browse things about pokemons and only play with your pokemons here. At least while playing I can teach them something about the pokemons. " His grandpa said while eyeing the two young brother and sister who evaded the eyes of others.

" Ok everyone I gotta go. I have deposited the injured pokemons to nurse joy. I will talk to you later." And he switched off the phone

While Alex talked with his brother, sister and grandpa Arthur sent his pokemons (Slowking, Snorlax, piloswine and azuril) to Alex.

He thought ,' Good thing I didn't mention about Jewel or else mom would call me everyday to check on me.'

Now he left the cabin and went to nurse joy.

"Good evening nurse joy."

" Good evening Alex. I see you came for your pokemons updates."

" Yes nurse joy" he said nodding along.

" I checked your pokemons. Your electabuzz is just tired while other are injured and may need a few days to a couple week to get fully healed up." She explained

" Nurse joy is there any place I can get some berries and herb in the village." Alex asked her.

" Yes there is a place nearby. Head straight from the pokemon center then take the third right after a few metres turn left and then in front is an old house there many berries and natural nutrients for pokemons are sold.

Though be careful there. Many wicked people are around that area especially now since it is getting dark outside." She told him.

" Don't worry nurse joy. I won't have any problem." He told her confidently.

" But. It is dangerous….. " as she continued to warn Alex he told her his Pokemon trainer ID to check whether he us capable or not.

Then she checked and found he is an advanced pokemon trainer so her worry was unwarranted.

" Good luck in your endeavor. " She wished him.

Alex thanked her and left the pokemon center for the herbal store in the village.

Unknown to Alex, some people trailed behind Alex.

Why Alex is being trailed? What will happen ? Stay tuned.

To be continued…

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