Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 16 - The Main Plot Starts



Ding! Nidoran has learned Sludge Bomb

Ding! Nidoran's Sp.Att has increased to F++

Ding! Focus energy of Nidoran has leveled up to 2

Ding! Nidoran's health have increased by 10

Ding! You have scored 2nd in the Rookie tournament. System will update now. It will take 10 hours for the update. You can't use any system function for the time being


Sleeping was hard for Axel right now. Though Nurse Joy assured that Nidoran would be perfectly okay, Axel was still worried. Axel had taken care of Nidoran like his baby. He had to tutor everything Nidoran has accomplished till now. So, naturally, he was worried. After an hour of rolling in the bed, he finally dozed off.

At 10 p.m. Shedinja woke up from its sleep. This was now training time for Shedinja. It went to the forest and tried to practice agility and battled with some Pokemons. After 2 nights of doing this routine, it could feel that it was getting stronger. 'Axel was right about hard work. But I seem to think a lot when I battle. Maybe I am a tactician' it thought. 'Thinking is also a hard work' "'Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it'", it praised itself. Being motivated it started to work hard.


"So I came 2nd in the rookie tournament. Nidoran was injured so we couldn't fight in the finals. I also got the certificate for being a 'Beginner trainer'" "Oh that is good news. Don't worry Nidoran will be okay. You don't need to be that tense. What is your plan for now? Will you be coming home for some time? You have been gone for a month."

It was around 10 a.m. around the morning. After doing the routine exercise with Shedinja, Axel was in a video call with his father. He was reciting his story of the Rookie tournament. His mother wanted him to call every day, but that simply not possible right now. "Oh! Your sister is here. She wants to talk to you" his father said and his cute little sister came into view. "Bro, how are you? Did you catch any new Pokemon 'Banana' ?" "huh!… yes I caught Shedinja. It is a very hard working Pokemon. So, how is school?" Axel asked. "School is boring. I want to have my 1st Pokemon already 'Pineapple'" she said. "Athena, why are you saying banana and Pineapple?" "Oh mom is here" she said and then ran. "Mom, why is she saying banana and pineapple?" "Oh, she has a speaking contest going on in her school. So she is practicing difficult words." 'Since when did 'banana' became difficult to speak? She is starting her weird habits again.' Axel thought. "So, how are you? Why are you not calling me regularly...." The conversation went on for about half and hour

Meanwhile Axel go the notification of system update.


Ding! System got updated. New system feature :- Host can determine the potential of the Pokemons now. They are determined by various colors. They are listed bellow:

1. White (low)

2. Blue (low)

3. Green (Normal)

4. Orange (Normal)

5. Red (Advanced)

6. Purple (Advanced)

7. Brown (Monstrous)

9. Void (Divine)

Note:- White being the lowest Potential and Void being the highest one.

Note :- Potential of Pokemon being low, normal, advanced and Monstrous were mentioned in chapter 2. The system just diversified it even more.


Axel then checked on his own status.



Name :- Axel Blaze

Race :- Demi human

Profession :- Pokemon trainer (Beginner)

Title :- None

Reputation :- 5

Health :- 120/120 Aura :- Locked

Strength :- 12* Agility :- 24

Intellect :- 30 Leadership :- 15

Skills :- Active skills

1. Identify (Lvl 6)*

Passive skills

Pokemon :- Nidoran, Shedinja*

Pokedollars :- 500200

Quest :- Main quest - 2

Sub quest - 0


Axel then checked on Nidoran stats



Pokemon name :- Nidoran (Age- 4 months)

Ability :- poison point

Hidden ability :- Sheer force (Locked)

Potential :- Purple

Health :- 140/140

Attack :- E++ IVs :- 0 EVs :- 10

Agility :- D+ IVs :- 0 EVs :- 7

Defense :- D+ IVs :- 0 EVs :- 0

Sp. Atk :- F++ IVs :- 0 EVs :- 0

Sp. Def :- F IVs :- 0 EVs :- 0

2. Sucker punch (Egg move)

3. Venom drench (Egg move)

4. Tackle (Lvl 7)

5. Poison sting (Lvl 2)

6. Peck (Lvl 3)

7. Focus energy(Lvl 2)*

8. Horn Attack (Lvl 2)

9. Rest (Lvl2)*

10. Bite (20%)*

11. Quick Attack (20%)*

12. Sludge Bomb*

Cores :- 1. Poison (5%)


Axel then went to the Pokemon center to check on Nidoran. Nurse Joy said that Nidoran still cannot be disturbed and needed much rest as possible. But he could visit Nidoran tomorrow. Nurse Joy also gave an interesting news to Axel. Mr. Koga will be waiting for Axel on 'Brew'd Awakening' at 11 a.m. to give him his prize. 'Brew'd Awakening' was a famous restaurant franchise in the Kanto region. It had branches all over the major cities of kanto. There are some branches of it in Johto and Alola region too. So, it is a famous multi-regional company. The food in Brew'd Awakening is of very high quality and nutritious. It is one of the few restaurant franchises that sells food especially for Pokemons too. Of course, the prices on their menu are exceedingly high.

It was a 20 minutes walking distance from the Pokemon Center. So, Axel went to his room and bathe and changed his outfit to get ready. He was a bit nervous to meet Mr. Koga as he was a reputed gym leader. After getting ready, he started walking to Brew'd Awakening.

Brew'd Awakening was a massive 5 storied restaurant. It had a huge garden on the side, valet parking, and a huge gate at the front with armed guards on each side. Before entering the building, the guards asked for his identity. After he told his name and proved it with his Pokecard, the guards let him in. Apparently, you need to reserve a table before you came to this restaurant. Mr. Koga had already reserved a table for them. The ambiance inside the building was magnificent. Axel was led by a waiter to the 3rd where the table was. He came 10 minutes before the scheduled time. He just didn't want to be late.

After around 10 minutes Mr. Koga came. Mr. Koga had dark blue spiky hair. He was wearing a long red scarf on his neck that was hovering on his back like a superman. He was wearing a well made dark blue suit with half-gloves on each of his hand. He was around 6 feet tall and looked imposing. When Axel saw Mr. Koga, his heart was beating fast. Meeting a reputed gym leader was a big deal for him or any new trainers. Gym leaders, Elite 4, and Champions were the most reputed profession in the Pokemon world. His face didn't look much different compared to anime.

"Hello Axel Blaze, I am Koga Tanaka. As you may know I am the gym leader of Fuchsia city." Mr. Koga said smiling and raising his hand for a handshake. "Hello, Mr. Koga, it is an honor to meet you" Axel said accepting the handshake. After they both sat on the chair Axel asked, "If you don't mind me asking Mr. Koga, why did you want to meet me in person. You could have given me the prize through Nurse Joy as I didn't attend the prize accepting ceremony." Axel asked curiously. Gym leader was a highly reputable position and Mr. Koga must have been very busy. It surprised him a little that Mr. Koga would wait for him to have this meeting in private. "Haha, you don't need to feel reserved Axel. I found your battle very interesting. Your Nidoran seems to be properly trained which is rare among the Rookie trainers. I just want to meet a promising talent." Mr. Koga replied. Axel then felt a bit relaxed. "I researched you a bit and found out that you are an Assistant Professor. It is rare for a 13 yr old to be an Assistant Professor in such a young age" Mr . Koga said.

They then started talking about a lot of things. Axel told his research of Mega evolution and Eevee evolutions. Mr. Koga seemed very interested in the topic. "What do you want to eat? This restaurant is very famous for its food. Don't worry it will be my treat this time." Mr Koga said looking at the menu. Mr. Koga ordered a Dragonite meat steak and a miltank milk shake. Axel also ordered the same since he didn't know which was good. This is one of the reasons that Brew'd Awakening was very famous. Very few restaurants could afford meat of Pokemon like Dragonite. It is not only about the money. Famous Pokemon's meat like Dragonite is hard to obtain. You can't just pay to hunt Dragonite. Firstly, it is very hard to hunt s Pseudo- legendary Pokemon like Dragonite. And you have to go through a bunch of legal procedures to do so cause Dragonite is a very rare Pokemon. League wouldn't just let people hunt rare Pokemons like Dragonite and Alakazam. Even if Brew'd Awakening could serve food of almost all the Pokemon they couldn't serve meat of Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur line. It is cause they are the starter Pokemon of Kanto region. Killing a starter Pokemon is extremely illegal. They are considered as national animals of the region.

After talking for around 20 minutes and Axel realizing that the food could taste so good, Mr. Koga finally popped the question. "Axel I have a proposal for you. Do you want to be a member of LAT?"

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