Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 18 - First Quest

A/n : Pokemon traders have been changed from Pokemon Poachers. Pokemon Poachers was mentioned in chapter 10. Poachers just didn't sound like a socially accepted name for me.


At the gate of Brew'd Awakening

"I have a lot of expectation from you Axel. I would hope that you don't disappoint me" Mr. Koga said. Axel just nodded and parted ways with him. He didn't know why but, he felt free after such a long time. It may be because the Rookie tournament just ended or maybe due to the funding and the resources he would get then or maybe cause he would get a new Pokemon. He took a deep breath. Fresh air assaulted his lungs. He could feel his body getting energized. He was thinking about what he should do today. Tomorrow, he would get the paperwork, poison barb, the funding, Gogoat, and would visit the Auction but he didn't have any plan for today. He first planned to finally train Shedinja seriously but he gave up that thought. He planned to train Shedinja after the Auction.

He decided to visit 'League Association' today and do some quest and earn some money. Though he had money now, he knew that it would not be enough after some time. He went inside the hall of League Association after walking for an hour. Gringey city was huge. It was bigger than most of the cities in his previous world. He entered to the League Association and first decided to get some information. He went to the reception and found out that it was packed with a huge line. There were 2 receptionists, one male, and another female. The line of the female receptionist was huge than the male. The female looked like a beautiful girl in her 20s. The male looked around his 40s with a sizable brown beard wearing a formal shirt and pants. He stood in the line of the male receptionist. After around 20 minutes his turn came.

"Hello, my name is Tommy. How can I help you, young trainer?" The receptionist asked. Axel then said, "This is my first time here. I want to accept some quest if you would be so helpful." "Oh.. If it is your first time then you will have to be registered first. Please hand me your Pokecard so I can get you registered. I will also have to connect your bank account through Pokecard." Axel handed him his Pokecard and Tommy started entering the data. League Association was like 'Freelancer.com' in his previous world. They would connect the customer with people like Axel for various jobs. If there were some wild Pokemon in the outskirt or in the city or any burglars or thief, then League Association would also handle it giving some quest on it. Of course, there must be some qualifications for the job. Like, if Brew'd Awakening requests for some temporary staff at the peak hours then, the person must have some experience in the restaurant business. If there was a thief who is in the rank of 'Advanced trainer' then League Association would not let Beginner trainer take the job. After being registered, Tommy gave Axel an interface (like a desktop computer), in which he could look at all the quest, rewards, and qualifications for them.

There were hundreds of quests listed on the interface. Axel started browsing through it and found a suitable one. A group of Beedrill had been causing a rampage near the edge of the forest. 2 trainers were seriously injured and it had been happening for a few days. There was a reward of 30000 Pokedollars. It was said that some idiots tried to get honey from the Beedrill colony and killed some young Weedle. Beedrill was a type of Pokemon that took grudges seriously. So, they have been hurting the trainers that came in their way. The quest was either to catch or kill those Beedrills.

Axel thought to take this job. There was only 1 reason for him taking this job. Beedrill was a poison/bug type Pokemon. It also had some normal attacks. Shedinja was immune to all the 3 types of attacks. So, it would not be hard for him to take this job. He would have to be careful though. So, he went to Pokemart to get some potions and antidotes. The antidotes were for him. Shedinja was immune to poison but he was not. He bought, 2 potions, 4 super potions, 2 repel, 4 antidotes, and around 20 Pokeballs. The repels were just for precaution. If the size of the Beedrill colony was huge then, he would use repel and run from there.

It took an hour and a half for Axel to get to the edge of the forest. "Arise" Axel said and his shadow flickered and Shedinja came out of it. This was the way Axel wanted Shedinja to come out when he said 'Arise'. It seemed cool to do it. "Shedinja, we are now near Beedrill colony. Beedrill stay in a group so there could be many. Almost all of its attack will not affect you so this could be an easy battle. It may have flying type move like peck. So we must be careful. Are you ready" "Shed.. Shed"

Very soon, they saw around 10 Beedrills with some Weedle near them. They seem to be close. Axel waited for some of them to scatter but they seem vigilant. So, Axel planned to attack all of them at once. "Shedinja, use harden 3 times and then use mass Hypnosis on them. Don't worry about Weedle, just focus on Beedrill for now". Shedinja could only use harden 3 times due to its low mastery. Shedinja carefully used shadow sneak and hid under the shadow, when it came a bit near, it used mass 'Hypnosis'. Since, it was day, hypnosis effect were also slow. It used 'hypnosis' 2 more times and 5 Beedrill came under sleep status. By this time, other 5 Beedrill had already noticed Shedinja and they immediately attacked. 3 of them used 'Pin missile' , one of them started charging 'Hyper beam' and another started charging 'Solar beam'. These last 2 Beedrills seemed exceptionally powerful as they could use these stab moves. 'Pin missiles' hit Shedinja and just flew out. At the same time, 'Hyper beam' and 'Solar beam' also connected to Shedinja. Huge amount of dust and sand flew out due to the impact. After 10 seconds, it started to get visible. And there stood Shedinja without any damage what so ever. That's right. 'Hyper beam', 'Solar beam', and 'Pin missile' had no effect on Shedinja cause it is immune due to its 'Wonder guard' ability.

Those 5 Beedrills were shocked to see this scene. They never thought that they would face a powerful Pokemon like Shedinja. Axel quickly instructed his Pokemon to use 'Hypnosis' on the 2 Beedrill who had used 'Hyper beam' and 'Solar beam' respectively. Since they were tired due to their attacks, they fell asleep. Shedinja then used Shadow sneak and came behind the 3 active Beedrills. It then used gust on them. Gust is a flying type move and it is super effective against Beedrill. 2 of them were critically hit as it was in a point-blank range. One of them flew away but it was hit partially by the attack. Axel identified the 2 sleeping Beedrills.



Pokemon name :- Beedrill (Age:- 5 years)

Pokemon nickname :- None

Ability :- Swarm

Potential :- Red (Advanced)


Axel was shocked. It was hard to find Pokemon with Red potential and above. Due to his Identify being only level 6, he couldn't see their moves but he was happy of what he saw. He immediately threw 2 Pokeballs and caught them. He then identified other 5 sleeping Beedrill. Due to the ruckus, they were starting to wake up. 3 of them were of Blue (low) potential and 2 of them were of Green (Normal) potential. He threw 5 Pokeballs and caught them immediately. Meanwhile, Shedinja was battling those 3 Beedrills. Using the combination of shadow sneak and gust a few more times, they were defeated. What would you expect from a Pokemon that would not take any damage. Shedinja then used Hypnosis and made them sleep too. 'Shedinja is too OP. If used nicely, it would be invincible' Axel thought. Those 3 were also of Green Potential and Axel caught them too. Now, Axel had 10 Beedrills with him. He didn't want to use them but sell them to Pokemon traders and earn some money. After catching all the Beedrills there was silence in the forest.

Axel went near the group of Weedles and found out that there was honey too. And quite a lot of it. He started collecting honey. It was around 15 liters of honey. Then he found something amazing. Among a group of Weedles, there was a Weedle with a different color. It was yellow instead of Brown. It was a shiny Weedle. He couldn't believe his luck. Shiny Pokemon are normally powerful than their normal counterpart. But he felt bad about catching this Weedle. He was going to sell its parents to Pokemon traders. He first wanted to Identify his Weedle. When he was thinking of catching his Weedle or not, he could hear a buzz sound coming from afar. There were 5 Beedrills coming for the rescue. But even from afar, he could sense that 1 of the Beedrill was very strong.

Axel instantly knew that he may not win this fight. So he did what intelligent trainers would do in such a situation. He ran. Shedinja was using 'Shadow sneak�� and 'Hypnosis' to slow them down. Axel was running without looking back. Shedinja could be a safe cause of its 'Wonder guard' Ability but he could not. So he ran. Among the 5 Beedrills 2 of them went to safeguard the Weedles. But 3 of them came to him. Among those 2 Beedrills safeguarding the Weedle, one of it was the strong one. But the 3 of the Beedrills who were chasing Axel weren't so weak either. Seeing Axel getting far, all of them used 'Hyper beam' together. Those rays of 'Hyper beam' combined and a huge and fast yellow-ray flew towards Axel at extreme speed. Shedinja came at a crucial moment and blocked that 'Hyper beam' with his ability. Even though Shedinja took the full hit, the impact of hyper beam was massive. Its shock wave made Axel fly for 5 meters when he crashed on the ground. He crashed on the grass so he had only minor injuries. He tried to stand up fast and started to run again. Unlike other 2 Beedrills who were tired after using 'Hyper beam' and 'solar beam��� these 3 were not. They took some time while Shedinja started to use 'hypnosis'. As 'hypnosis' mastery level was not that high, they became slow but didn't fall asleep. They started chasing again and this time all of them charged 'Solar beam' and attacked Axel. Shedinja again came to the rescue. This time Axel was a bit far so the impact didn't blow him away. The chasing continued for some time and the trio again charged 'Hyper beam'. "What the hell. I didn't think that a few Beedrills will make so much trouble" Axel shouted. Shedinja again blocked the attack. But this time all of them were tired. They were huffing and puffing. Shedinja used a couple of 'gust' and then 'hypnosis' and then they finally fainted. Axel threw 3 Pokeballs and caught them. They were of Red potential too.

"I never thought that I would nearly die fighting Beedrills but at least my luck is good" Axel murmured. Axel got 15 liters of Honey, which was an accomplishment. When he was browsing the quest in the Association, he had found a quest from Brew'd Awakening wanting 10 liters of Beedrill honey. He had completed this quest without any thinking. The most he gained from this battle was the Beedrills with Red Potential. It was very rare to find Pokemons with Red Potentials and above and he had caught 5 of them. He planned to sell these to Pokemon traders at a high price. But his quest was not completed. There were still 2 Beedrills left and one of them was very strong. So he waited till night for this battle. Beedrill is a bug type Pokemon, so it would not have night vision like Shedinja as Shedinja is a ghost type Pokemon. And Shedinja attacks like 'hypnosis' and 'shadow sneak' would show good effect during the night.

So he waited for the night, healing his injuries.

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