Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 20 - Life Runs with Money

A/N: I m finally back.. finished my exams and my work. I got my laptop temporarily fixed. It should be okay for now. I will post another chapter tomorrow.. and then it will be 2 chapters per week. I m planning to open a patreonn account cause i cannot function with money. sorry for the wrong spelling on "Patreonn", the actually blocks the word. I want this novel to complete and cannot allocate my free time without money. There will be some additional chapters on Patreonn. hope you guy support me. Enjoy the chapter


10 a.m. in the morning

Axel woke up stretching his arms and legs. Normally, he's waking time was around 5 a.m. But considering that he reached the Pokemon center at around 4 a.m. at the night, he woke up late today. If he was in his home, he would have to do the morning dishes instead of his father. Shedinja also opened its eyes after hearing the noise of its trainer

Axel had only 3 objectives for today:

1. Meet with Nidoran. Nurse joy had told him that he could meet with Nidoran today as the visiting hours are open from today.

2. Complete the mission in 'League Association' and sell all the Beedrills.

3. And finally buy Gogoat at the auction.

He showered as he was very dirty from yesterday and went down to eat some breakfast. After that, he finally went to meet with Nurse joy. "Hello, Miss Clarie. How are you this fine evening?" Axel asked smiling. "I am very well Axel. Someone looks in a very good mood today. I hope you are here to meet with Nidoran." Clarie replied. "Yes, I am. I was told that I could meet him today" Axel said. "Yes, visiting hours are open now. I could discharge Nidoran tomorrow morning. But he still needs to rest for 1 or 2 days before his training starts." Clarie then lead Axel to meet with his Pokemon.

Nidoran was sleeping at this time. It had a boring past day as the nurse joy had said it to rest. It had bandages all over its body. When Axel entered the room, it quickly opened its eyes and was starting to jump to greet its trainer but seeing a stern look from nurse joy from behind it didn't. Although Nidoran was healed but it still needed some time to be completely healthy.

"How are you buddy? Are you doing ok?" Axel asked patting Nidoran's ear. "Nido!… Nidoooran" it said excitedly. But after remembering that it could not battle for the finals, it felt depressed. "Ohh don't worry about the tournament. We only trained for a month but came second. We will train more from now on." Said Axel. Nidoran then relaxed a bit after hearing it. While Shedinja was m.a.t.u.r.e, Nidoran was childish in nature. It immediately believed its trainer and became happy. Axel talked to Nidoran for 10 minutes and then left him to recover.

Axel then said his goodbye to nurse joy and then left the premises.

After walking for almost an hour he reached 'League Association'. Gringey was a big city. The Pokemon world and its cities were very large compared to games and in anime. He then went to Tommy to submit his quest. "Hello young trainer. How can I help you?" said the receptionist politely. Axel then submitted the quests that he had completed. "Oh you completed the Beedrill's honey quest too?". Tommy was shocked a little when he saw this. Getting honey from Beedrill colony was completely different from fighting some Beedrills. Axel then received 130000 Pokedollars from the quest. The first quest was of 30000 Pokedollars and the honey quest was 20000 Pokedollars per liter of honey with 5 liters required. The quest was posted by Brew'd Awakening so the price was a bit high. Plus Beedrill's honey was high in demand.

Satisfied with his earning, he went to 'Pokemon Traders' building to sell the Beedrills and the remaining honey. The interior of the building was dark brown and black. The place didn't look inviting to say the least. But Axel didn't care about that. He just wanted to sell the Pokemons and get the hell out of there. There was a m.a.t.u.r.e woman around 40 years of age sleeping on the desk. Axel then went up to the reception and wake the woman. "Hey kid, what are you here for? Buy or sell? Pokemon or items?" the woman asked in a hoarse and rude voice as someone had just woke her up from an exciting dream. "I want to sell some Beedrills. There are 14 of them and I have 9 liters of honey too" Axel said. "Oh, honey is good stuff. Show me the Pokemon and honey." Replied the woman.

After reviewing the Pokemons the woman said "Ok kid, your luck is good. 15000 Pokedollars each for the low potential, 50000 Pokedollars each for normal potential, and 150000 Pokedollars each for the advanced potential. 15000 pokedollars per liter of honey." The woman declared. It should be notified that the potential of Pokemon was only divided into low, normal, advanced, and monstrous potential. The colour potential only came from the system and the system was obviously more detailed.

"I want 500000 Pokedollars each for advanced potential and 100000 Pokedollars for this one normal potential�� Axel said. "Oh, and why would I give you that?" asked the woman with a questioning gaze. "Because the advanced potential Beedrills could use 'hyper beam' and 'solar beam'. And this Normal potential one is powerful than others so"

After some negotiation, the price came down to this

3 blue (low) potential, 15000 Pokedollars each = 45000 Pokedollars

1 orange (Normal) potential, 75000 Pokedollars

5 Red (Advanced) potential, 350000 Pokedollars each= 1750000 Pokedollars

9 liters of honey, 15000 Pokedollars each= 135000 Pokedollars

Total = 2255000 Pokedollars.

The amount was credited to his Pokecard immediately. "I have 1 Beedrill which is a bit special. Are you interested in it?" Axel asked. "Oh.. Is it a monstrous potential one?" the woman asked. "I don't know but, it is more powerful than the other advanced potential one and it knows, 'hyper beam', 'solar beam', 'Giga impact��� and 'Double edge'" Axel said. "Give me the Pokeball" the woman said. Axel gave her the Pokeball and the woman took it and went inside the room. After about 5 minutes the woman came and then said " Congratulations young trainer. That Beedrill is not of monstrous potential but it is above advanced in potential. You have very good luck". The woman's behavior changed immediately after he gave the Pokeball. She was rude at first but now she was treating him a like customer. "So, how much will I get for it?" Axel asked. "You will have to proceed to 1st floor. The dealing above advanced potential is done on the first floor and of monstrous potential on the 2nd floor." The woman said.

Axel then went to the first floor. There was an old man wearing a formal, white shirt and black pants with dark blue tie in the reception. He was very polite compared to that rude woman. "Sir, this Beedrill of yours is of very good quality and we could give you 5 million Pokedollars for this transaction. But are you sure you want to sell it? Pokemon above advanced potential is a very rare find" the old man said. "Could you tell me what is the difference between advanced and above advanced potential? I have only heard of low, normal, advanced and monstrous potential" Axel asked

"Sure sir, this is common knowledge. There is a huge difference between advanced potential and monstrous potential Pokemon. So to narrow this gap, traders like us call it advanced potential Pokemons. Their talents are above advanced potential but it doesn't come close to monstrous potential Pokemon"

"Oh. Ok then, I would like to sell this Beedrill" Axel said. "Alright then, could you give me the details of your Pokecard?" the old man seemed happy with this transaction. Axel's bank account immediately increased by 5 million dollars. He didn't want to negotiate with this transaction. 5 million Pokedollars was already way above his estimate. This showed how differently Pokemons with each potential are valued. Normal advanced potential ones are traded at 50000 Pokedollars but above advanced are traded 100 times the price.

Axel now had 7885000 in his bank account. He never dreamed that he would one day earn so much money in his lifetime. Axel then happily went existed the premises to buy Gogoat.

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