Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 23 - New Partner

Fast forward 15 hours,

6 a.m. in the morning

A boy with light silver hair was doing push-ups, huffing, and puffing. He had his night trousers, and b.a.r.e c.h.e.s.t sweating to show his hard work. The boy was not very fit with abs and big biceps but his body looked toned with almost no fat. This boy was our protagonist, Axel Blaze.

Axel was a bit excited and nervous today. Cause today was the day, he was going to get his new Pokemon that Mr. Koga promised. He was also going to get 10 million Pokedollars but he didn't give this matter much thought. If the Pokemon is coming from a person like Mr. Koga then it must have very high potential and if he didn't like Pokemon, it would not be good. Like what if it was a void potential Goldeen or a Meowth? What would he do? It is not like they are bad Pokemons. If used well they could be deadly but for a Pokemon to be powerful, they must have a good connection with the trainer. And Axel didn't think that he would connect to Pokemons like Goldeen and Meowth.

Spending some time with his Pokemons in his room and surfing through Internet, it was already 9 p.m. Then he received a call in his room telling him to come to the ground floor to meet Nurse joy.

"Hello Nurse Joy, I got a call from the reception to meet you" Axel said giving a morning vibe tone. "Oh.. Yes Axel. Didn't knew you would come so fast. I figured that you had already left outside for your training. Anyhow, your package just arrived. The money will be transferred to you within a minute after you sign this paper and here is your package" said Nurse joy carrying a huge egg incubator. It looked heavy and she was carrying it with utmost care. Inside the incubator was a red-colored egg with a hint of dragon scales. "Oh here are 2 letters for you. I was told to tell you to read Mr. Koga's letter first" she said.

2 Nurse assistants helped Axel to carry the egg incubator into his room. It was not that the egg was heavy, it was the incubator. The incubator looked high class and expensive. After he thanked the 2 nurse assistants and closed the door, he took 2 deep breathes.

That was not what he had expected. He had got a f.u.c.k.i.n.g egg. He thought he would get a Pokeball with a Pokemon inside but he got an egg. Mr. Koga seemed to have pulled out a lot of strings for this. Getting an egg is a very big deal. Getting an egg from a wild Pokemon to do any activity is considered illegal. The laws for this are so strict that the repercussion for this is was either Ling chi or the more severe white torture. Ling chi is a type of punishment where the condemned was tied to a post and bits of skin and limbs were gradually removed one by one, usually culminating in a final cut to the heart or decapitation. White torture is psychological torture. It is a type of sensory deprivation in which a prisoner's cell, clothes, and food are entirely white. Guards were all white, lights are kept on 24 hours a day with no words spoken and no color seen. While the physical pain is minimal, the psychological damage is beyond compare.

It is like messing with John wick's dog or Eminem's daughter. Once you do, you are ….

You can only get a Pokemon's egg with a Pokemon's consent and this can only happen if the Pokemon you are training or is with you have an egg. Plus the egg had a bit of dragon scales, which means its mother or father was a dragon type Pokemon. He slowly opened Mr. Koga letter and it read:

'Axel, this is an egg of Charmander. I got it from a friend name Elizabeth who runs Charicific Valley in the Johto Region. Its mother and father are very powerful Pokemons, so its potential is bound to be good. Take good care of it. Yours only, Mr. Koga'

Axel was over the moon reading this letter. He had always wanted to get a Charmander but he never thought that he would get it this fast. And this Charmander's potential may be good as per Mr. Koga. He then opened the 2nd letter. It was not from Mrs. Elizabeth that he had expected but a girl named Liza.

It read "Hey, my name is Liza and I am Elizabeth's daughter. The mother of this Charmander is Hydreigon and the father is Charizard. They are both powerful Pokemons and they have given the consent to give you this egg. They only want you to take good care of it and visit once in a while."

This was another good news for Axel. Though his favorite Pokemon is Charizard, he was always disappointed that Charizard was not a dragon type Pokemon. I mean it acted like a dragon and looked like a dragon but was not a dragon type. But now since it is mother is Hydreigon it will have dragon characteristics.

It is will not be a fire/dragon type Pokemon. But it may learn some dragon-type moves which would be very helpful.

At the bottom of the incubator was time counting backward and it showed 2 days. That meant that the egg will hatch in 2 days. So, Axel thought that he would wait for 2 days in Gringey city and move after Charmander comes out.

After 2 days,

"Marcus use harden and then agility" "Shedinja…."

Axel was training Shedinja as he was waiting for the egg to hatch. They were still about 7 hours for the egg to hatch. Axel had been only giving light exercise for Nidoran as he was just released from the hospital and he was also not going full throttle with Shedinja cause he knew that Shedinja trained at night too. Though it never seemed to acknowledge it.

He had thought for a long time and decided on a career path for Shedinja. Shedinja was different from his other Pokemons. It was way more intelligent for its kind which was not normal. It was hard working too. So Axel thought to train not only its body but also its mind. Increasing mental capacity helps to increase potential. There are a lot of things needed to increase potential as doing this was very rare. But almost everything could be bought with money, except 'mental capacity'.

As he was training Shedinja to fight with Bug Pokemons he noticed something. It was the shiny Weedle he regretted to leave before. He was so excited to see it that he immediately threw an ultra ball to catch the Pokemon. Yes, he had mistakenly threw an ultra ball instead of a Pokeball to catch Weedle. He cursed this luck. Pokeball came at 200 Pokedollars whereas Ultra ball came at 15000 Pokedollars. Obviously, the Weedle was caught but he was not very happy.

How very wrong he was. Not only he could not use master ball to catch the legendary Pokemon, but he also lost Mightyena, his ace. It was the highest level Pokemon he had at that time. And that was not the worst part. The worst part was that when he could not win the Physic gym (which was the 2nd last gym) and then he learned that if you train Poochyena and evolve it and train some more, it will learn 'crunch' which is super effective against Physic type Pokemon. So he had gone all the way to the starting town to catch Poochyena with Master ball as he thought that it would be an important Pokemon. He had trained that Pokemon for days. And now he had lost it.

So, when he caught Weedle with an Ultra ball he felt bad but didn't think much about it.

Somewhere at the middle of the night, in a brightly lit room,

Tring!! Tring!!….. Tring!! Tring!!… Kachak..

" Hell—O! Who the hell are you bastard?" came an angry old man voice. "Well, it is not refreshing to hear your voice too old man" said an a.d.u.l.t voice. "Ohh.. If it is not little Koga. But why are you calling me in this ungodly hour?" said the old man again in an irritated voice. "I have something important to tell you." Said Mr. Koga. "Ok then. Chop! Chop! I have bigger fish to fry" said the old man. 'What bigger fish to fry? To go to sleep. This guy really gets on my nerves' thought Mr. Koga. " I have nominated a boy for LAT and I want you to support him too."Said Mr. Koga. "Ohh, now that is an interesting turn of events. You rarely do this type of thing. But I cannot support that kid just based on your words. He would have to prove it. You already know that." Replied the old man.

"I know and he will in due time. But you know my intuition. I am just advising you to grab the cakes when they are hot. Plus I gave him that egg of Elizabeth" said Mr. Koga. "What egg?" "That egg". "Ohh… I cannot believe that Elizabeth let go of that egg. I wonder how you convinced her. But that Charizard is not as powerful as my Charizard. What the big deal?" said the old man with a feeling of pride. "Cause your Charizard is a monster. Don't compare Pokemon with a monster, old man" replied Mr. Koga raising his voice. "Haha… I guess you are right. And from what I have heard, that Charizard is the most powerful Charizard after mine. That Hydreigon is not half bad too." Said the old man. "Ok then, I will meet the boy in my town and then I will test him. If he is good as you have said then I will support him. But he will have to come to my town first." Saying that the old man ended the conversation.

"Hehe… things are getting interesting," said the old man.

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