Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 36 - Infinity Energy

The main headquarters of the Venu family was not large. It was Gynormous. On the first look, Axel had thought that the place would compare to one of the large cities of the earth. How very wrong he was. The place was comparable to a medium country of the Earth. Peter started the orientation program as instructed by the leader.

The ranking of the members of the family was simple. There were young trainers, elite trainers, elders, and finally the leader. Peter was an elite trainer. There were around 300 members at the main headquarters and a maximum of 50 members in its branches. There are only 4 branches of Venu family and they were all in a different region. The 4 branches are from Johto, Sinnoh, Kalos and Ferrum.

"What is this Ferrum region? It doesn't seem to be a part of the 8 ruling regions?" asked Axel. Many regions had not been shown in the anime or games. However, there were 8 ruling regions. These regions hold the most power. They were Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, and Galar regions. But there were many other regions besides those 8 regions. Those were called trivial regions. Ferrum must be part of trivial regions.

"Ferrum region is an important branch for us. Cause it is an examination place where we determine the ranking of our family members. There are 4 rankings of members in Venu family. Except for the leader's position, all other ranks are decided in the Ferrum region. It is the home of cities, towns, stadiums, ruins and other locations such as volcano, multiple islands, and even a dragon's nest. There is a Ferrum league. Battles are held wherever the energy of the earth is particularly strong, so most areas in the region serve as battle arenas. If you have certain achievements in those battles, your rank will increase, but it is an unrelated topic for you now." Said Peter

"Are there any benefits of higher ranks in the members?" Asked Axel. "There are many, there are many resources which are unlocked if you become an elite member. If you become an elder, then your decisions could impact the whole Venu family. You are now at the bottom of the rank, so try to increase it fast"

Peter showed me many things; Auction house, Pokemon traders, Medical department, residential and commercial buildings, and finally "This is the infamous forest of Venu family. Its name is DeorcLacu Holt. Around 3/4th of the total area of the premises consists of DeorcLacu Holt. This is the biggest forest in the Kanto region and it is very mysterious. The interesting part is, it has not been fully explored. The deeper you go down the forest, the more dangerous it becomes. It comes to the point that, we humans could not even explore further or we just die. There is a huge purple tree in the forest. It is a focal point that divides the forest with a deep crack line forming from one end of the forest to another. Our ancestors had told us never to venture past that crack until we are ready. Since the resources are diminishing, around 50 years ago, we made an explorer group of 6 people, to venture past the crack."

Saying that Peter's face was not energetic like before. It was felt with dread and sadness. "What happened then?" asked Axel as he was really into the story. "Nobody returned. We waited them for months behind the crack but they never returned. The group consisted of 5 elite members and 1 elder. It was a powerful group. My father too was in that group."

Seeing such a sad face in Peter, Axel didn't know what to do. He just patted his back and said sorry to make him remember this. After some time, Peter seemed to regain his energetic personality. "The orientation session is almost over. I just need you to take you to the training field. Mark the elder specializing in history and research will meet you there. He wishes to talk to you." "Why does he wish to see me? Do you know the reason?" Axel asked.

"I am not completely sure, but I guess elder Mark wishes to give you some lessons on history and the research field. As you may already know, not many elders are psyched about you joining our family. Mark is not one of them. His only interest is in research and history and he doesn't care about family politics. So I guess he may be interested in you though I don't know why. Remember getting a lesson with an elder is already very rare. So you should take full advantage of it" said Peter with a serious face.

Peter may not know why Mark was interested in him but Axel could make a guess. He is a research assistant and he had now released his 2 theories: Mega evolution and Eeveelution. Mega evolution has not been discovered yet and there are only 3 eeveelution at the movement. Axel wanted to complete his research on these 2 subjects….. But he could not. Axel was not a scientist in his previous life. He knew that Pokemon could mega evolve with Mega stone but he didn't know how to create it or find it. Even if he found the mega stone and the corresponding stone for the trainer, he didn't know how to assimilate it. He thought only finding the 2 stones would not be enough. There must be something science stuff to be done to complete the process.

Regarding Eeveelution, he knew how to do it, but how could he prove it? Even if he knew the process, if he wanted this to be his research, he must develop the theory paper with the integration of a lot of elements like how modern-day scientist prove their theories by combining various elements like hydrogen, oxygen etc. So, Axel also wanted to talk with Mark. Maybe he had something that could help him.

The training field was inside the forest. The forest consists of many camps field with training fields, battlefield, research field, and many more. There were 25 training fields inside the forest. Many young trainers and elite trainers were battling in the training field. Some were experimenting on Pokemon moves and some of them were training their body. Axel and Peter went to training field no.7 where they saw a Venusaur and Scizor in a battle stance. The training file was round with a path of grasses and bushes covered. More than dozen of trainers were watching the spectacle.

"Let me see Stacy, how much you have improved. Venusaur use 'growl' said a young women "Scizor!! Concentrate" said Stacy. By looking at the power they were emitting, the 2 Pokemons looked above rare ranked. So the 'Growl' of Venusaur, basically looked liked a roar. A huge sound came from its mouth, the air was whistling at a fast pace and some of the grass uprooted from their position. However, Scizor didn't budge an inch. His hair had all flown up like a spike from that 'growl'. It surprised Axcel, that the trainer could train a normal move like 'Growl' to such an extent. 'Growl' is an early move that any Pokemon could learn, it has decent effects but when the Pokemon starts to learn more moves, the trainer prioritizes the more that has more effects and damage, and 'Growl' was not one of them. So he was curious about this trainer.

"You have improved Stacy and Scizor. You have won this challenge" said the young women. Now Axel was even more surprised. How did the girl name Stacy win? The young women just used "Growl" and she lost? It was incredibly confusing to Axel. But the help had come.

"You have a look of confusion boy!!" said a man in a hoarse voice. He then noticed that the voice belonged to elder Mark. "How did the young women with Scizor win?" asked Axel. "This is a training field boy, not a battlefield. Here, trainers train their Pokemon, in their moves, or in battle or taking advice from their colleges. They also sometimes have a challenge. Pretti challenged Stacy that her Scizor could not withstand "Growl" but she did, hence she won.

"But let me ask you something "Growl" is a move that reduces the target's Attack by one stage. There is a 100% chance it will be effective if it is used by a Pokemon with above rank and a high probability to be effective if the Pokemons are in equal rank. Sizor is a rare ranked Pokemon but Venusaur is an elemental Pokemon. So how did Scizor withstood the attack after taking it head on?" asked Mark.

Axel was surprised about hearing this. He didn't notice at first but Venusaur was higher ranked than Scizor. The move hit Sizor head on but it didn't seem to have any affect. Most of the Scizor stats are based on Attack, it is not a defensive Pokemon, so how did it do it? Did it receive some special training? Is this the secret training method of Venu family? Axel had lots of questions in his head.

After thinking for some time and not finding an answer, Axel said "I have no idea. How could Scizor withstand the attack? "

Mark had a grin on his face, then he said "Boy, have you heard of Infinity energy?"


I am writing some advanced chapters for creating *******. So the chapters were delayed

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