Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 38 - Kalos - Galar war and the Origin of Pokeballs

"The Kalos-Galar took place around 3000 years ago. The details of the war have been removed from history, but due to our Champion, we have detailed knowledge about it. An unnamed empire had ruled over the continent that Kalos and Galar were a part of. However, it soon collapsed due to unknown reasons. Due to the rushed nature of its downfall, the two regions disagreed on who would rule the area that made up Kalos and Galar. As such, the two regions quickly made empires of their own and went into battle." Said Mark.

Axel was silent when listening to his story. Mark then continued, "This long conflict was drawn out and many lives were lost. People treated Pokemon with special powers as mere tools in their conflict, so they gathered lots of Pokemon, including Pokemon with unique powers. The battle went on for more than 3 years but it didn't end. In order to emerge victoriously, the soldiers believed that they needed even more powerful Pokemon. That is where the king of Kalos region, "Az" comes in. Az had a Floette which he loved very much. It was the Pokemon that he had received from his late mother. But it was forcefully taken from him by the soldiers and became just another sacrifice in the war."

"AZ received the body of his beloved Pokemon sometime later, and out of unspeakable grief, he decided to end this war. His love for Floette was so much that he wanted to revive it. So he made an ultimate weapon. No one knows how the ultimate weapon was created. The ultimate weapon was said to be the weapon to be used by supreme beings. The weapon has the power to store the infinity energy"

"Infinity energy is the bioenergy of Pokemon, and humans too. It is present more in Pokemons, that is why Pokemon are more powerful and could do magical things. It is the power derived from the life force of Pokemon. And Az did exactly that, he used the ultimate weapon, killed millions of Pokemons and humans, destroyed both sides of the conflict, and ended the war. And with that amount of energy, he revived his Pokemon Floette. But his Floette, disgusted with the fact that the machine was powered by the life energy of other Pokemon, left him. But something happened. Due to the use of infinity energy, Az and Floette gained immortality. They could never die."

Now, everything was coming to place for Axel. He didn't know all of the truth of Arceus, Pokemon master, or the origin of this world, but he now knew, why this information is hidden. If the knowledge of this comes to light then, the world would be devastated. The greed of humans is not something that could be contained.

But Mark was not finished. "Az disappeared after that, nobody knows where he went. But we know that his younger brother had wished to claim Kalos out of his own greed. After AZ ended the war with the ultimate weapon, his brother realized the error of his ways and sought to make amends for his actions. He buried the ultimate weapon in a safe and unknown place and told his sons, never to use it again, as it was the weapon for supreme beings."

There was a stiff silence when the conversation ended. Mark broke the silence, "But of course, that is not the end of the story. We believe that, companies like Devon corporation and Silph co. have done extensive research on infinity energy. But the history of that is a bit complicated. Devon and Silph didn't get such power by discovering the ultimate weapon, it was due to the influence of Unown and Ho-oh"

"How do Unown and Ho-oh comes to play in this?" Asked Axel

"Well boy, the invention of Pokeballs is a recent discovery and it has not been very long. Everyone believes that Devon and Sliph invented the Pokeball but they are wrong. Around 150 years ago, in a small city named Ecruteak city, there was a bell tower that was burned and 3 Pokemons died on that tower that day. But Ho-oh one of the legendary Pokemon came forward and revived those Pokemons as the 3 legendary beast, Suicune, Entei, and Raikou. This is not a secret as many of us who have done research on it know. But Ho-oh did the same thing, that the ultimate weapon did, revive the dead. How was it able to do it? Not much is known about Ho-oh's power but we know that it could revive the dead. We believe that, Ho-oh has the power to control this infinity energy and it did it with the help of Unown."

"But how does Unown comes into it. We don't know much about it, except from the books and some statue about it" Asked Axel.

"Ruins of Alph is called the home of Unown as there are many engravings, statues of Unown in it. But there is a particular engraving of the ruins of Alph except for Unown, that is of Ho-oh. We only that Arceus created the Pokemon universe with the help of Unown, so we could say that the Unown has the power of creation or it helps in creation. So we believe that, Ho-oh revived the Pokemons with the help of Unown."

"But how does it connect to Devon and Sliph.co?" Axel asked being confused.

"I am coming to that, my boy, damn! You are really impatient. There is an old man named Kurt who leaves in Azalea Town in the Johto region who proclaims that he could make the Pokeballs with the help of a fruit called Apricorn" said Mark.

"Apricorn..?" "Yes, Apricorn. Further, he says that, his family has been making Pokeballs for generations. But here is what gets interesting. Ruins of Alph is located near to Azalea town."

"Oh! So you meant to say that, the ancestors of old man Kurt took the help of Ho-oh and Unown, gain the power of infinity energy, and made the Pokeballs. But I thought infinity energy helps to revive the dead, not making Pokeballs" Said Axel.

"Then, let me ask you this, what do you think happens to the energy which has been dispersed. After that Venusaur, used that 'Growl', what do you think will happen to the power released after the attack?" Asked Mark in a curious tone.

"Well, the energy is never destroyed. It changes from one form to another" said Axel as it is the most natural thing to say.

"Yes, that is right, I believe…. I mean that I know that energy changes from one form to another." Said Mark. Then he put his hand under his jaw, thought, and said, "but how do you know it? 'Energy not being destroyed and changing from one form to another, it is something that I have researched for a very long time and then came to the conclusion that it is true. But how do you know about it?" asked Mark

And then Axel realized, that he had made a horrible mistake.


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