Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 40 - Infinity Energy End

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This was said by one of the most important figures in Earth's history, Albert Einstein. This was the basic theory, that he had learned in school but what he failed to realize was, Albert Einstein was the scientist from planet Earth, not the Pokemon world. Since it was a basic theory, Axel never thought that this has not been discovered in the Pokemon world.

"Well, you see, when ice is heated, it turns into water. And if the water is heated to, it turns into vapor. The vapor rises into the sky, and it becomes the clouds, and finally, it rains with water. Thus completing the cycle. I just thought that since it could happen to water,ice, vapor and clouds, why would it not be possible for infinity energy and all the types of energy?" said Axel, trying to make his point clear. But Axel could see a surprised face in Mark again. 'Oh shit!' he thought.

"Vapor turns into clouds? Where did you get that from? Can you prove it?" Mark started asking multiple questions to Axel. Yes, this was what Axel was afraid of. These idiots in the Pokemon world don't even know about 'water cycle' which he had learned in school. Axel was thinking hard, on how to get out of this situation now.

"Uhh… yes that is right. The reason I know about it is cause I tested it myself. You know that my sub-profession is the assistant researcher. I call this phenomena the' water cycle'. After thinking about 'water cycle' I was wondering, would that be possible for any other energies. It seems like your research and mine are quite similar. We could make a good team" said Axel.

"Then why don't we test this theory of yours. If this is right, then I could further improve my research. Come on let's go, I have a water and fire-type Pokemon. I think we could do it." Said Mark trying to stand from the chair.

'Ahh, I know what that look is. This is the 'crazy researcher' look.' Thought Axel.

"Wait a minute. You have not completed your story. Why don't we finish it first and then we could create rain." said Axel hurriedly.

Mark thought it about for a couple of seconds and then sat down saying, "so yeah, where was I? Hmm? Oh yes!, so we believe that the ancestors of Kurt took the help of Ho-oh and Unown, gain the power of infinity energy, and made the Pokeballs. Because Kurt's family was the only one to make those balls, it was not widely known in the past. But I think Kurt passed out his knowledge to the companies like Devon corporation and Sliph co. So they were able to mass-produce the Pokeballs."

"What I believe is that, if we want to manipulate infinity energy, we may not need to sacrifice the lives of Pokemon. I don't know if Devon or Sliph has done such things but, if they were killing the Pokemons to create the Pokeballs, looking at the number of Pokeballs that are created, it would be impossible for them to hide it." Said, Mark.

" What you mean to say is that, if we could manipulate infinity energy, a grass-type Pokemon could use fire type attacks?" asked Axel. This theory defied logic. If a Pokemon could you any type of attack then it would be heaven-defying.

"Yes, that is exactly what I believe. Damn! It is really nice to talk to an intelligent youngster like you. Not many people around here get this. It is really frustrating" said Mark.

"Then have you succeeded in it?" asked Axel in a curious tone.

"No, unfortunately, I have not. But there is some progress in it." Said Mark tilting his head.

"What I have found is that infinity energy could be changed in many forms. I believe that evolution stones, Z-crystal, PokeNav, all of them are created from infinity energy."

"However, there are some Pokemons who are more s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e to it than others. Like the Eevees. They could evolve to fire type, electric type and water type depending on the stones that they could get. It is cause they are s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e to infinity energy. You have ongoing research on Eeveelutions. I think that this information could be a huge help for you." Said Mark.

Mark has been interested in Axel's research. He was also the one who blindly approved Axel to be a part of the family. What Venu family needed now was the influence. And what could be better than get such a young promising researcher in their hands.

"Another Pokemon that is s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e to it is Lucario. It is an aura Pokemon. It could sense danger, sense feelings of others. It could sense the aura with help of its white spike. Riolu on have 2 white spots. However, Lucario has 4 white spikes making it able to sense more aura" concluded Mark

"Though we are not able to freely manipulate infinity energy, we have come across some of the training methods that would be helpful to you. Tomorrow, Elder Adam, would be giving a lecture on training. He would tell you about it."

They talked about their research for a bit, and Axel also said about his research on Eeveelutions and mega evolution. Mark was really surprised by imagination of Axel. The theory that Axel mentioned doesn't seem impossible to achieve. After some time Mark stood and said, "so now, why don't we go and test your 'water cycle' theory"

They both went to an open grass field. At aside, there was a massive lake. Mark took out 2 Pokeballs and threw them in the air, 2 Pokemons came onto the surface.

The first was a mammalian, quadrupedal Pokemon covered in short, reddish-orange fur. It had long ears with black interiors, dark eyes, and a small black nose. There were three small toes and a yellow paw pad on each foot. Fluffy yellow fur forms a small tuft on its head, as well as its bushy tail and a mane around its c.h.e.s.t and neck.

It was Flareon.

"Kuoooo!" Flareon gave a cute roar. This Flareon seemed powerful. It was obviously above rare ranked. As Axel was going to identify the Pokemon, another Pokemon emerged.

This Pokemon was Poliwrath.

"Poli" it said.

"Alright, both of you. We are here to test a theory." "Kuooo" "Poli" they said. Flareon seemed to be excited while hearing it but Poliwrath seemed to be disappointed. Looking at Poliwrath, it clearly seemed that, it was a battle oriented Pokemon

"Poliwrath use 'surf', I need a huge one. And Flareon, use 'lava plume' with all your power and turn the 'surf' into Vapor. Make it so that the vapor rises in the sky.." Said Mark.

And that is what they did, Poliwrath used 'surf'. The surf was so massive that you could not see the end of it. But Flareon was also getting started. The inferno of scarlet flames touched all over the water and vapor arose. The place was very smoky and unclear due to the collision.

After the vapor went up, nothing happened. "You need to do it few more times and it takes time to form the cloud and rain," said Axel.

The duo did the same thing 2 more times and after some time, it finally rained.

"Oh!! It is a miracle. You were right my boy" Mark shouted jumping in the air.

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