Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 52 - Completing Quest

I would be posting 4 chapters today, as I was sick for 4 days

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There was a particular reason for Axel to choose this mission. Shedinja was immune to fighting-type moves. Primeape could have some dark-type moves like 'night slash' and 'payback' but it was highly unlikely for Mankey. So they planned that, A and B will take care of 3 Primeape. K and Axel will take care of Mankey's group.

Axel pulled out all his remaining 4 Pokemons and they began to discuss the strategy. Axel wanted Shedinja to be protected at all times. So, he decided that Charmander, Nidoran and Shedinja would fight together in close proximities. Axel didn't want to take Charmander to this quest at first cause he is still a baby but seeing K helping him out with only his Sandshrew, he decided against it. 'He would have to grow. I cannot protect him all the time' he thought.

As for Gogoat… he didn't know what to say. Surprisingly, he could not even see Gogoat's stats. As per the system 'Gogoat has not acknowledged you as its trainer. So you are unable to see it's stats'. This was what system has told. But he didn't give it a serious thought. It will take time for Gogoat to be closer and he was ready to wait.

Pokemon POV,

"Boss, are you ready for the fight? I am ready to kick some Mankey's a.s.s," said Nidoran. "Don't get overconfident Nidoran, never underestimate anyone. Do you remember what I have told you?" asked Shedinja in a m.a.t.u.r.e voice. "Yeah, yeah. 'Never underestimate the power of jealousy and the power of envy to destroy'"said Nidoran shaking his head. He had heard this line multiple times from Shedinja but never understood it. "Yes, but you should also never underestimate your talents," said Shedinja with a smile on its face. "But boss, Axel says that it would be a difficult fight for you if those Pokemons know dark type move. Aren't you scared?" asked Nidoran. "Don't worry, even the strongest of opponents always has a weakness"

"I suppose you will not be participating?" asked Shedinja. But Gogoat didn't respond as if it had not even heard it. "But I hope you would take care of Charmander if he is in trouble." Said Shedinja. "Don't worry about it"replied Gogoat. "I don't need to be taken care of , I would grab that moneky's tail and swing him round and round.. Haha" said Charmander jumping in the air.

"Don't be stupid child, you will be in Gogoat's protection. Remember the training ok?" Said Shedinja. Charmander nodded. Shedinja seemed like a very powerful Pokemon to Charmander. 'If the Boss has told me this, then he must be correct.' Thought Charmander.

Gogoat didn't have any friendship with others but she had a soft spot for Charmander. Since she was the one who gave him milk, she was protective of him.

Pokemon POV end

After an hour they reached the designated area. They could see a fierce battle happening between Butterfree and Mankey's group. The battle started 2 days ago and it doesn't seem to stop. Looking at their opponents, there were 20 Mankey and 3 Primeape.

Axel told his Pokemons to use status moves to increase their stats. Shedinja used 'harden' 6 times and 'agility' 1 time (cause of low mastery), Nidoran used 'focus energy' and Charmander used 'dragon dance' 1 time. Looking at this, K also thought to teach Sandshrew some status moves next time.

Then the group of 4 trainers rushed to the battlefield to attack. A and B used their 5 Pokemons to hold 3 Primeape. K and Axel went for the Mankey. The Mankey's group was already injured by fighting Butterfree for 2 days but the sheer number of 20 was not to be taken lightly.

Sandshrew fought with only 1 Mankey. Nidoran took 3 Mankey, the group of Charmander and Shedinja fought with 5 Mankey together and the rest were handled by the Butterfree group.

Nidoran V/S 3 Mankey

Nidoran used 'Venom drench' on 3 Mankey. Since they were already tired and hypnotized from the battle, 2 of them (Mankey1 and Mankey2) were hit, and one of them (Mankey2) became poisoned. It then used 'quick attack' to dodge Mankey 3's 'low kick'. Axel didn't have to instruct it cause they had already discussed the battle plan before. But at that exact moment, one of the Mankey from Butterfree's group used 'screech'. Nidoran was confused for half a second when 'low kick' connected. Nidoran was not affected much cause it is resistant to fighting-type moves.

"Nidoran use bite" shouted Axel. At a point-blank range, Nidoran viciously bit Mankey3. Mankey is resistant to dark-type moves but it flinched. At this point, Mankey1 was ready to use 'scratch' but Nidoran dodged it perfectly. Axel had told Nidoran to dodge the attack if it was able to and to face it head-on. "Now horn attack" Nidoran used 'horn attack' at Mankey1, but it dodged that move and Mankey3 was hit by it. 'Horn attack' was powered by 'focus energy' so, Mankey3 seem to be out of the battle. But as Nidoran was having a small victory, he was flown away by few meters. Mankey2 had come and hit Nidoran with a 'thunder punch'. Axel could not wholly focus on Nidoran cause he also had to instruct Shedinja's group.

"This guy knows 'thunder punch'?" shouted Axel with a surprised look. Nidoran seemed to be partially paralyzed. Its speed has been reduced by a lot. Since it could not move fluently, 'Chip away' was out of the question. But since 'venom drench' lowers attack, Nidoran was only sightly injured.

"Nidoran, concentrate and use 'sludge bomb'". Seeing one of their partner faint, the 2 Mankey became enraged and ran towards Nidoran. Nidoran waited for the correct time and then used the move. The move hit both Mankey. Mankey2 fainted on the spot cause it was already poisoned and Mankey1 seem to be barely holding. Nidoran then finished it with another 'horn attack'.

'Sludge bomb' is a powerful move. Nidoran is not fully capable of utilizing its power. Though it is already lvl 10, Nidoran could only use this move 2 times, before it faints. And since Nidoran was already injured by 'thunder punch', it was already very tired.

Charmander and Shedinja V/S 5 Mankey.

But Charmander picked Mankey4 by its tail, swung it round and round, and threw it towards Mankey5, 6, and 7.

Shedinja was using the combination of 'shadow sneak' and 'hypnosis' . It would attack them with 'hypnosis' and then hide in the shadow. After doing it 2 times, all the 3 Mankey seem to be sluggish. It then used 'gust'. 'Gust' is a flying-type move that is super effective against Mankey. Shedinja didn't seem to have any problems. But its stats were dangerously low, so it was already tired. It thought to finish the battle soon.

When Charmander was resting for few seconds, an enraged Mankey came rushing from Butterfree's group to attack Charmander. Gogoat was standing near Charmander. It roared, standing on 2 feet, and then ruthlessly used full-body charge and slammed the target. The body of the Mankey who was jumping was smashed by its 2 black horns and was slammed directly into the ground. The Mankey seemed to be moving no more. It was dead.

'F.u.c.k! How powerful is this Pokemon of mine? I wish I could see its stats' thought Axel.

After this, Charmander helped Shedinja and they quickly won the battle. Just when the battle ended, Axel could hear a loud roar. It belonged to B's Sandslash. They seem to have caught all the 3 Primeape.

"Your leader is gone. Surrender and leave this place and never disturb in Butterfree area. We will give you some antidotes and potions" said B in a loud voice.

A lot of Mankey seemed to be poisoned due to Butterfree group and Nidoran. The Mankey group already knew that it was a lost battle. So, they did what B told and went their way.

The quest was completed.

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