Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 57 - First Evolution

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The Crazies with all their Pokemons were inside the Weedle's training field. This was Axel's first evolution so he was very excited. The 3 brothers wanted to see their hard work come to fruition. They helped Axel gather the resources for Kakuna, however, they wanted to witness how powerful will Kakuna become after it evolves.

Nidoran's and the group were huddled around Weedle since they had not met it for quite some time. But Axel intervened "Guy, let Weedle be alone. It is about to evolve, it needs all the concentration and peace it can". Hearing this the group went near Axel not disturbing Weedle.

"Weedle are you ready?" "Wee.."

'System, start Weedle evolution' hearing this, the system gave the confirmation and white light started to envelop Weedle. It glowed for 30 seconds, then the ball of light started to change its shape. After the shape-changing finished, it shone really bright for few seconds and the light disappeared. But instead of Weedle, there was another Pokemon.

It was a green, cocoon-like Pokemon. It had a dome-shaped head and black, triangular eyes with glowing white pupils. It had two scythe-like arms in the middle of its body.

It was a shiny Kakuna




Axel was really happy, seeing his first evolution. He ran towards Kakuna to grab him, but Kakuna was now giving a stranger vibe. Axel stopped 2 feet next to it and stared at its eyes. Kakuna did the same. "Congratulations Kakuna. You have evolved and became much stronger.", beamed Axel. Hearing that, Kakuna seemed to have realized where it was and seeing Axel happy, it jumped to Axel's arm and hugged him.

Weedle was a shiny. Shiny Pokemon was normally looked down by their fellow Pokemons in the wild due to their different color. So Weedle had to face a lot of bullying in the forest. But after becoming a part of Axel's team, its life had completely changed. It had good team mates who it could rely on. It was happy with its life now.

But after evolving, its past trauma had came to light. It felt superior and powerful and felt huge anger towards the world. But hearing Axel's voice had calmed it down and brought it to reality. This is what happens when a Pokemon evolves. Its inner dark d.e.s.i.r.e rises so a competent trainer must control it at that time.

But Kakuna's case seemed pretty easy, as Axel had been one of its life-changing person.

Axel then immediately looked at Kakuna's stats



Pokemon's name :- Kakuna (Age- 3 months)

Ability :- Shed Skin

Hidden ability :- None

Potential :- Red

Health :- 80/80

Attack :- F Agility :- F

Defense :- F Sp. Atk :- F

Sp. Def :- F

Moves: Poison Sting (Lvl 3), String Shot (Lvl 4), Bug Bite (Lvl 3), Electroweb(Lvl 2)*, Harden (Lvl 1)*


But he was satisfied with Kakuna's growth. Normally, Kakuna had an average height of 2 feet. But his Kakuna was more than 3 feet. This showed that the Kakuna training field had improved its powers.

Weedle's stats before its evolution was:



Pokemon's name :- Weedle (Age- 3 months)

Pokemon Nickname :- None

Ability :- Sheild Dust

Hidden ability :- None

Potential :- Red

Attack :- E++* Agility :- E++*

Defense :- D* Sp. Atk :- E++*

Sp. Def :- E+*

Moves: Poison Sting (Lvl 3), String Shot (Lvl 4), Bug Bite (Lvl 3), Electroweb(Lvl 2)*


Weedle had grown in this week. All of its stats had increased but not its moves. It was given as it didn't practice the moves except for 'electroweb'

But looking at Kakuna, Axel came to a horrible realization. Since he now had an option to extend the time for his Pokemon, he could do the same for Kakuna. Axel only had resources for 15 days, as it was the maximum time needed for Kakuna to evolve. But now, it seemed it needed more of the resources which his points could not afford.

'System, what would be the maximum time for Kakuna to evolve?'


Ding! That information could only be provided at the time of Kakuna's evolution. But when a Pokemon is going through its next evolution or final evolution, the time would be extended much more.


'Now that is a pickle. How am I going to get more points? I cannot waste time only doing quests and battles. I also need to train' Axel was mumbling to himself. Seeing just such a look of Axel, Charmander went to him and put its burning tail right above its head.

Immediately after that, Axel had a great idea. 'Hmm. Does Charmander want to put some light inside my head? Well, it did work. Is this its special ability? Nah, I am thinking too much' thought Axel.

Axel was going to make 2 separate visits. One for his current problem and another for his personal training.

'Knock.. Knock'

"Come in. It is open". A guy with a white-silver hair entered the room. The room was filled with lab equipments. The broken glasses were littered around the room and the boy could smell something being burned.

"Ahh, Axel, long time no see. Don't worry, it is just another failed experiment of mine. Let's talk outside." "Very well. It seems you have experienced a lot of failed experiments", remarked Axel looking around the room

"Yeah, it is a curse for us researchers. Your information on 'water cycle' gave me some new ideas. But you can see the results are not very promising" By this time they were already outside the room. There was a wooden table attached to the ground and a couple of chairs. Mark poured some coffee on the cups and they started talking.

Axel had stopped calling him elder due to the fact that Mark always acted as a friend and Axel had also helped him in his research. "Oh, and what would that be. I am interested" stated Mark sipping his coffee.

"As you know, I am doing research on another eeveelutions. I think my research is promising and we can get the result in a very short time. I would like you to be a part of it"

"Are you serious? You do know it is your research" exclaimed Mark. Normally, a researcher would not include others in their work. So it came as a surprise to Mark.

"Yeah, with your information on infinity energy, I believe that we could complete the research. But I would need some compensation." "And that would be?" "I need 60000 points as initial payment. When we publish the work, our contribution in it will be 50-50" said Axel in a confident manner.

"Hmm, let me remind you I am a researcher and you are an assistant researcher. You also got the information on infinity energy from me. So, why should I give you compensation" "well, first of all, it is only a piece of information, not your research. I would have got that anyway as I am a member of Venu family. And as for the assistant researcher part, I could just publish an already proven theory with some modification to become a researcher. The reason I had not done so is that, I want to make a good impression on my first theory"

"Alright, I am sold. But even I don't have 60000 points to give you. I could only give you 20000 points and I am not the person who wants to haggle. So that is my final offer" said Mark.

"Done! We will begin our research from tomorrow" acknowledged Axel shaking Mark's hand.

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