Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 60 - Result of Practice

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"K, catch that one. It has a high Potential" Axel said suddenly. The group decided to chase out other Pidgey and catch the one Axel had said. But K decided against it. Pidgey is a docile Pokemon and it is very close to its group. If they did that, then it would be like kidnapping the Pokemon. K and Pidgey would have had a good relationship if that happens. So, K decided to talk to the Pidgey and convince the Pokemon to join him.

It took around 30 minutes but the Pidgey decided to join K. The Pidgey said goodbye to its gang. After some tearful farewell, K caught the Pokemon inside his Pokeball. The group ran out of the jungle since it was not safe at the night. After they reached, the group immediately went to test the potential of Pidgey. The Pidgey was of advanced potential. K was very happy when he saw the result. He repeatedly thanked Axel for his help.

K's Pidgey had purple [advanced] potential. It was the same potential Nidoran had. It was hard to find an advanced potential Pokemon in the wild. So, K was very happy. The group celebrated K's new Pokemon with some drinks and food. They decided to call it a night.


Axel and the brothers were already on the training field. They had decided to train seriously from today. Axel had already made training plans for each of his Pokemon. But first, he looked at his stats again after training for a week.



Name :- Axel Blaze

Race :- Demi human

Alignment :- Venu family

Profession :- Pokemon trainer (Beginner)

Reputation :- 700*

Health :- 180/180* Aura :- Locked

Strength :- 25* Agility :- 29*

Intellect :- 35 Leadership :- 32*

Skills :- Active skills

1. Identify (Lvl 7)*

Passive skills


Pokemon :- Nidoran, Shedinja, Weedle, Charmander, Gogoat

Quest :- Main quest - 2

Sub-quest - 3


All of his stats except for Intellect had increased. Strength increased the most, as it was the lowest stat and easy to train. His only skill had also leveled up once. And after doing quests and battles, there was some increase in his reputation. He selected Nidoran to see its stats



Pokemon's name: Nidoran (Age- 5 months)

Pokemon Nickname: Megalania (Locked)

Ability: Poison point

Potential: Purple

Health : 170/170* Attack: C+*

Agility: B* Defense: C++*

Sp. Atk: D Sp. Def: E+

Moves: Chip away (Egg move) (Lvl 6), Sucker punch (Egg move), Venom drench (Egg move) (Lvl 3), Tackle (Lvl 11)*, Poison sting (Lvl 3), Peck (Lvl 3), Focus energy(Lvl 8)*, Horn Attack (Lvl 14)*, Rest (Lvl 6), Bite (Lvl 4), Quick Attack (Lvl 2), Sludge Bomb (Lvl 10)


All the stats and moves on which it focused had improved by leaps and bounds. Agility was now B which was very high as per Axel's opinion. Shedinja's 'hypnosis' had helped in this. Tackle had only leveled up once as Nidoran never used full force when hitting Charmander during 'defense' class. But there was a massive increase in the level of 'horn attack'. Axel would also give Nidoran some tips when using the move.

Axel then looked at Charmander's stat


Pokemon's name: Charmander (Age- 1 month)

Pokemon Nickname: None

Ability: Blaze*

Hidden ability: Solar Power (Locked)

Potential: Black

Health: 130/130* Attack: D*

Agility: D* Defense: D+*

Sp. Atk: E++ Sp. Def: F

Moves :- Dragon dance (Egg move) (Lvl 3), Dragon rush (Egg move) (Lvl 10)*, Dragon Energy (Egg move), Scratch (Lvl 7)*, Ember (Lvl 7)

The changes were almost the same compared to Nidoran. Its stats had increased. 'Scratch' and 'Dragon rush' had also improved. 'Dragon rush' was a difficult move to master. It takes a lot of energy and Charmander had to rest after using it 2 times. He didn't care for 'scratch' too much but training in it would harden its claws which would be good for future moves like 'Dragon claw'.

It had also unlocked its ability, 'Blaze'. Blaze increases the attack power of fire type move by 50% when its maximum Hp goes down below one-third. This came as a surprise. It was during defense class when Nidoran was hitting it with 'tackle' . The ability activated and it raged for some time. Turns out unless you master the ability, it would lose focus which was not very desirable.

Now, finally for the boss of the group.....

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