Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 74 - Road to Rare Rank

The next day,

Nidorino was experimenting on its body. Since it had evolved, the new body made it uncomfortable to walk, run, or train. When it was Nidoran, it would hop on the ground to move. It had become proficient in it. Now, evolving into Nidorino, it could walk on 4 limbs and that seemed difficult for it.

Roman, their teacher had showered Axel with praise cause of his quick improvement. The 3 brothers were the ones to take the anger of their teacher as they had not improved like Axel.

Still, Axel can't stop thinking about Bulbasaur. It had made quite an impression on him. He knew that the 3 months of training on Venu family would change him, but so much improvement was unexpected. He figured he would try to battle a gym leader after he is free from Venu family grounds.


"What is the difference between an uncommon ranked Pokemon and rare Pokemon?" "What do you mean?" "I mean, how could I evolve my Pokemon to a rare ranked Pokemon? Is there some special training that I should do? Or do they just rank up by training? And besides, how could a person know that a Pokemon is a rare ranked Pokemon?" "wo.. wo… hold your horses, my friend, let me start the explanation."

Axel and A were talking in the training field. B and K seemed to have a mock-up battle and K was losing. Axel wanted to ask this question long ago but he didn't as he didn't need to know before. Marcus was already an uncommon ranked Pokemon, but its stats were pitifully low before to an uncommon rank. But now, both, Marcus and Nidorina could train to rank up.

"If you are thinking that purple glow would emerge when it ranks up or its stats would change drastically then you would be disappointed. In fact, there is not much of a change between an uncommon ranked and a rare ranked Pokemon from the outside. But there would a sizable difference between their performances.

A rare ranked Pokemon is someone who is at the peak and could rank up to elemental after it grasps its elemental powers. You could just say that it is an uncommon ranked Pokemon who is at the peak in its power."

"Then why is there even such a rank in the hierarchy. Why can't it be from uncommon rank to elemental rank?" asked Axel

"It is because of what elemental rank signifies. Only 20% of the trainers could evolve their Pokemon to elemental rank. 80% could not pass the hurdle. It is extremely hard for a trainer to train their Pokemon to elemental rank. The Pokemon have to grasp their elemental power, awaken it and create a unique move to be called an elemental Pokemon."

By saying this, A stood up and concluded their meeting by saying "All I could advise you is to train your Pokemon, rectify even the smallest of their mistakes in their training and plan how to awaken their elemental powers."

There were a lot of things going on Axel's mind. He could train Nidorino to level up its moves and train its body stats again, but something was telling him that it would not be enough. Even if he evolves Nidorino into a rare ranked Pokemon, what about next? He would still need a corpus amount of time to evolve it into an elemental rank.

The ancient book gifted by MEW also said that a Pokemon must be a rare ranked to train its elemental powers. But Axel wanted to train elemental powers right now. He estimated that Nidorino is already as powerful as a rare ranked Pokemon.

So, he went to visit Mark.

"Oh hey, Axel, what brings you to these neck of the woods. You normally come to visit me in the evening" said Mark opening the door. "Yeah. Well, this is for something else" said Axel and he told everything to Mark.

"So, you want me to test Nidorino's power and tell you how much closer it is to be a rare ranked Pokemon." "Yes that is what I want to know" "But Axel, Nidorino just evolved. It is bigger than normal Nidorino but I don't think it could even come close to power in terms of rare ranked Pokemon."

"But I believe that it is close to a rare ranked Pokemon." Said Axel. "Well I could give it a test but let me assure you that you would not surprise me this time," said Mark.

Mark did a lot of testing on Nidorino. Some time he would ask it to use its moves or run at full speed. Mark did a lot of testing on Nidorino's poison power too.

The test took a whole day and Mark had to observe all the results. After the result came, the was silence in the room. But Mark broke the ice by saying "Well, you surprised me again Axel."

"So, that means it is a rare ranked Pokemon now?" Asked Axel expectedly. "No, don't get your hopes that high. I mean your Pokemon just evolved. But I could say that it is in a peak uncommon rank. This is the first time that I have seen just evolved Pokemon be so strong. It would only need some time of rigorous training to rank up. So, congratulations."

"So, does that mean, I could train it in elemental powers? Does Nidorino have the capacity to hold such power now?" asked Axel.

"Sure, go ahead. I don't think there would be any problem. But let me give a piece of advice. Don't train it on elemental powers now. Only do it when it ranks up"

"But why? Is there any specific reason?" "There is. You see, when a Pokemon ranks up to elemental, it becomes harder for it to train its body. Only mastery of elements could increase their body stats and they get a huge boost in body stats when they rank up each time. So training your Pokemon now would be beneficial"


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