Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 9 - Gringey City

Road to Gringey city

A pokemon was staring at the rising sun from the horizon. It was a beautiful sight to behold. The Pokemon was mostly light brown except for its abdomen, which was gray. It had 4 protrusions on its underside instead of legs; the top pair being brown while the lower being gray. The Pokemon was 0.5 meters tall. This Pokemon was Shedinja.

It had been 3 days since the incident. After Axel proposed to be its trainer, Shedinja didn't reply. It was weeping all the time for the loss of its trainer. It took a lot of time for Axel and Nidoran to calm the poor Pokemon. Axel didn't go to Gringey city and thought to take some time for Shedinja. After a day, Axel tried to convince Shedinja that it deserved better, that Bruno was a very bad trainer and it could be a powerful Pokemon one day. Shedinja,…. didn't take that well. It was offended that someone said bad about its trainer and refused to even talk to Axel.

And here we are, after 2 days of thinking about its life decisions, as it was watching the rising Sun, Shedinja finally decided what it needs to do. Getting rejected by a trainer is like getting dumped by a girlfriend. It hurts a lot but, life still goes on. It remembered how Bruno treated Pidgey so well and discriminated against Shedinja. It saw how Axel treated Nidoran with utmost care. It felt how Axel treated its injuries and now it had finally decided. It flew to the camp where Axel and Nidoran were sleeping and tried to wake up Axel. "Hey Shedinja, Good morning. You wake up so early" saying Axel came out of the tent. He could see a determined look in Shedinja face. "So, have you finally decided?" Axel asked. "Shedd… Shedinja" it shouted. "So, you want to be my Pokemon". Shedinja nodded its head.

"Okay then" feeling excited Axel threw a Pokeball and Shedinja went inside it. After red dots blinking 3 times, it gave a sound and Shedinja was finally caught. Axel picked up the Pokeball and whispered "My second Pokemon..!!" and threw the Pokeball and out came Shedinja.



Ding! You caught Shedinja. Its stats are listed

Ding! Your leadership increased by 5


"Open status"



Name :- Axel Blaze

Race :- Demi human

Alignment :- Neutral

Profession :- Pokemon trainer (Rookie)

Reputation :- 5

Health :- 120/120 Aura :- Locked

Strength :- 10* Agility :- 24

Intellect :- 30 Leadership :- 15*

Skills :- Active skills

1. Identify (Lvl 5)

Passive skills


Pokemon :- Nidoran, Shedinja*

Quest :- Main quest - 2

Sub quest - 0


He clicked on Shedinja and saw the following:



Pokemon name :- Shedinja (Age- 1.5 years)

Pokemon Nickname :- None

Ability :- Wonder guard

Health :- 20/30 (Hp cannot be increased in any way)

Attack :- F

Agility :- F

Defense :- F

Sp. Atk :- F

Sp. Def :- F

Moves :- 1. Hypnosis

2. Gust

3. Harden

5. Endure


Well, he expected it to be bad. But he was surprised that it knew shadow sneak. It is a good move if used well. Shedinja ability 'Wonder guard' was a very good ability. With this ability, Shedinja is immune to any attacks that are not super effective. That means only fire, flying, dark, ghost, and rock type moves could harm it. Of course, it was not full proof. Status moves like poison powder and confusion could affect Shedinja. Indirect damage like burn, weather, recoil could also hit Shedinja.

"Nidoran, wake up!!.. We are going to the city today. Shedinja already agreed to joins us" Axel shouted to Nidoran. Nidoran had learned Focus energy when it was battling Pidgey 3 days ago."Nido…" it said softly and then closed its eyes and pretended to sleep. Axel was fed up with its antics. How lazy could a Pokemon be? What is it, a Snorlax? "Wake up fast, if not I will go and you have to eat in the wild" It opened its eyes very fast and stood up. There is one thing that Nidoran couldn't give up. That was food made by Axel. After Axel followed the recipe for Nidoran and made the food, Nidoran was hooked on it.

"Shedinja, come inside the Pokeball. You are not fully healed." Shedinja nodded and came inside the Pokeball.

Gringey City

It was a big city full of people and Pokemon. In the anime, Gringey city was described as a city over-expanded with factories and power plants resulting in the city being virtually abandoned as well as the sea was polluted. But that was not the case now as the anime story takes place in the future. There were a couple of factories but the environment was still very lively.

Axel went up to the Pokemon center. Now it was not the first time he visited the Pokemon center. He had visited the Pokemon center in the past with his father twice but it still startled him. Cause it was a massive 3 storied building. The game never did justice to the sheer size of the building. The building had the iconic pokemon sign. The ground floor was for pokemon healing and for selling items like antidotes, potions etc. There was a separate building for Pokemart. Pokemon center too offered items but the items offered in Pokemon mart were of much variety. Normally items regarding healing nature were offered in the Pokemon center.

The 1st floor of the Pokemon center was a canteen. Trainers came to the Pokemon center to eat and spend some time when their Pokemon were healing. And finally, the 2nd floor were rooms for trainers to stay the night. Rookie trainer enjoyed these services.

Axel went to Nurse Joy who was standing in the podium. "Hello, my name is Clarie. I am the Nurse Joy of Gringey city. How may I help you?" she asked politely. In this world, Nurse Joy doesn't look the same. They were all very different people born from different parents. Nurse Joy was a title given to them. As of habit, he identified Nurse Joy.



Name :- Clarie Weddelton

Race :- Demi human

Alignment :- Kanto region

Profession :- Nurse Joy, Pokemon trainer (Advanced trainer), ???

Title :- Nurse Joy, ???

Reputation :- 30000

Health :- 400/400 Aura :- Locked

Intellect :- 50 Leadership :- 650

Pokemon :- Blissey, ???

Pokedollars :- ???


Axel was shocked. This Nurse Joy was an Advanced Trainer. And what the hell is that reputation of 30000. Her stats are off the roof. She had 35 in strength. She could literally punch him to oblivion. And there were lots of '???'. It seems Identity needed to level up quite a bit to know all of them.

"Excuse me, sir, can you hear me?" Clarie asked again. "Ahh.. Yes. Could you look at my Pokemon? I just came from the forest and wanted to make sure if they are all ok." Axel said. "Of course sir, could you show me your Pokecard for verification?" Axel liked how she honored him by saying, sir. 'Finally someone with manners' he thought. He gave his Pokecard and after some recordings and verification, Nurse Joy said " Oh, since you are a Rookie trainer, minor healing and checkups are free." She took the Pokeballs that Axel gave and said "why don't you get some breakfast. This will take about 30 minutes" Axel nodded and left. He could see Clarie giving those Pokeballs to Blissey to checkup. He felt a bit unsecured handing his Pokemons to another person but didn't think about it much.

He went to the 1st floor and ordered some bread with Beedrill honey and some tea. He was just enjoying the view but heard something unusual from a group of people who looked like young Pokemon trainers.

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