The old man was in a hurry, and the old man was in a hurry.

Hurry, hurry, hurry! King Jiji is not as anxious as them!

It's already this moment, why hasn't the Phoenix King come yet?

Everyone's heart has been lifted up!


Xiaozhi's eyes widened in vain! Pikachu... spoke!

And he said... he wanted to be with him forever!

At this time, behind Xiaozhi, a huge skill was charged again!

This time... the momentum was even more terrifying than before!

Xiaozhi used up his last strength to take Pikachu's Poké Ball in his hand,

Then he forced Pikachu into it directly!

Then he held the Poké Ball tightly in his arms!

At the same time, all the Pokémon's moves burst out in full view of the public!


A nuclear-like sound exploded on the top of Tianqing Mountain!

Tianqing Mountain shook wildly! The aftermath of the explosion spread thousands of meters away!

The mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and the tsunami rolled! The dazzling and terrifying shock wave rushed straight into the sky!

The whole world seemed to be shaken three times by this attack!

This...this Phoenix King should come, right?

Except for the high-level legends, it is estimated that few Pokémon can take this move!

However...the Phoenix King did not come!

Pikachu's Poké Ball fell and rolled out slowly, and Xiaozhi's hat fell lightly from the sky and covered it.

At this time, Souji and others came late,

After they saw the scene above, their pupils widened, and they trembled all over, as if all the strength in their bodies had been drained.


Pikachu was forced out of the Poké Ball, and Xiaozhi's hat just hit Pikachu's head,

Finally, it slid down powerlessly.

And Xiaozhi...

Right in front of Pikachu!

But Xiaozhi now has become almost transparent! His eyes are completely closed!

His body seems to have turned into particles and is drifting away in the wind!

Pikachu exchanged a sound of disbelief, then picked up the hat on the ground and walked over slowly.

When Pikachu wanted to put the hat on Xiaozhi's head again...

Xiaozhi completely disappeared! The hat also fell directly to the ground...

The rainbow feather in Machado's hand beside him also turned into ashes and quietly dissipated! dead? ! ! !


" it possible?!"

Adu looked at Xiaozhi's death and was speechless for a while.

Not only Adu, but all the people in the world, after seeing Xiaozhi's death,

their pupils widened, their hands clenched, and their hearts were instantly tightened!

The barrage list at this time was surprisingly quiet, because...everyone was so shocked that they didn't even send barrages!


Shirona is now in a hotel in Galar.

Tomorrow is the final between her and Dante.

However, before the final, she saw such a scene!

Xiaozhi... is dead...

She has a lot of good feelings for Xiaozhi.

Brave, strong, funny, loves elves, and loves everything in the world!

He will risk his life for others and will never give up at any time!

Although they have known each other for a short time, Xiaozhi is already a good friend to Shirona!

And now... her friend is gone...

"Xiaozhi... you won't fall here, right? Stand up like before!"

Shirona muttered to herself with hope and disbelief.



Everyone in the Oak Research Institute couldn't help but shout.

Xiaoxia's heart seemed to be pinched hard, and tears even flowed from her eyes!

And Hanako's eyes were already filled with two lines of tears!

That's her son! Her son...died in front of her!

How could a mother accept this!

Even if it was just a parallel world...

Xiao Mao also widened his eyes, unable to accept that his rival and best friend...had just gone like that? !

How could it be possible!! He didn't believe it!


"Impossible...Xiaozhi must be fine! He was the first champion of Alola who defeated Tapu Kokoro!"

Lillie shook her head wildly in disbelief, tears streaming down her face.

How could Xiaozhi...just fall down like that!

Sui Lian and the others were speechless at this moment,

Xiaozhi's death...was too shocking to them...


In the video--

After seeing Xiaozhi completely disappear, Pikachu slowly picked up Xiaozhi's hat,

Bean-sized tears kept flowing out, he couldn't

He kept shouting, but... no one responded to him anymore!

Xiaozhi is gone, it's all their fault... it's all their fault!

A world without Xiaozhi... I don't need it!!


The dazzling golden thunder spread thousands of miles and rushed straight into the sky!

The whole world was illuminated by this terrifying thunder!

The powerful thunder directly swept away all the darkness around!

Use despair as thunder to sweep away the darkness in the world!!

You destroyed the only thing in my world! I will destroy your only world!

This power... even if a high-level legend comes, it will probably be killed instantly!

All the darkness between heaven and earth was swept away! The darkness disappeared, but Xiaozhi... can't come back! .

Pikachu, who was desperate, shattered the darkness with thunder!

Even though everyone was immersed in sadness at this time, they were shocked by Pikachu's terrifying thunder!

Even Red was shocked.

He silently glanced at the electric rat beside Xiaozhi,

In his heart, he silently compared the difference between Pikachu and Charizard...

Forget it, it can't be compared, his Charizard with cheating can't compare to this electric rat with cheating...

This thunder comparable to the level of world destruction, it is not an exaggeration to kill the Mewtwo in the Cerulean Cave in one second!

Even the current Mewtwo may not be able to stop it,

If it is MEGA, there may be some chances.

'Are you using me as a unit of measurement? '

'Don't make a fuss, the atmosphere is quite solemn now! I in the parallel world actually died... This joke is not funny. '

'I can't die, that boy... has the power of life! '

'Oh? Can you smell it through the screen? '

'? Believe it or not, I will twist your head off'

'I don't believe it. '


After communicating with Mewtwo, Chihong's mood calmed down a lot.

Since Mewtwo said he can't die, then he can't die.

Now Mewtwo is not only the strongest in his team,

but also the one with the best eyesight. Only he can detect those high-level energies.

It seems... it's not that Ho-Oh didn't make a move, but he had already made a move!

Everything that Xiaozhi is going through now is probably still the trial of the Rainbow Warrior.

It's this trial... that's a bit too much!


The corners of the mouths of many champion kings twitched...

This Despair Volt is more powerful than Ten Million Volts... One hundred thousand lives can't take it!

Is this the true strength that Xiaozhi's Pikachu has! ? It's really terrifying!

What lightning birds, thunder gods, etc., are not worthy of the title of thunder god in front of Pikachu!

Even Zekrom may not be able to defeat Xiaozhi's Pikachu in lightning!

The title of Thunder God... should be given to Zhipi!

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