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"Use the dragon's tail to attack it, old man!"

Seeing that Tyranitar and Metagross were fighting for a long time without a clear winner, Kagawa ordered his Pokémon to use their abilities.

Hearing Kagawa's words, Tyranitar raised his tail and attacked Metagross.

"You want to defeat my Metagross with this? How is that possible?"

Seeing the Tyrannosaurus use its skills, Wang Zhong sneered and didn't take it seriously at all.

""Use your palm to grab its tail and fight back!"

Hearing Wang Zhong's order, the giant gold monster opened its palm and grabbed the Tyrannosaurus that was attacking it.

The Tyrannosaurus's tail roared and attacked the giant gold monster.

At this time, the giant gold monster had also opened its hands and prepared for a long time.


The tail of Tyrannosaurus collided with the hands of Metagross, making a loud noise.

Metagross caught the tail of Tyrannosaurus steadily with both hands, and stopped the tail in front of Metagross without any sign of hitting its body.

After blocking the attack of the tail of Tyrannosaurus with its own hands, Metagross wanted to grab the tail of Tyrannosaurus and make it lose its resistance.

However, the experienced Kagawa saw the intention of Metagross at once and ordered Tyrannosaurus to retract its tail.

Metagross's palm was just clenched in vain, without grabbing anything.

"I didn't expect you to have some skills. You could actually fight with my old friend for such a long time!"

Seeing that Tyrannosaurus was almost caught by the tail of Metagross, Guardian Xiangchuan praised Wang Zhong.

"However, if this is the extent of your ability, that's all you can do!"

"Use dragon breath to defeat it, old friend!"

After saying this, Kagawa directly ordered the Tyrannosaurus to attack again.

The Tyrannosaurus, receiving the order, opened its mouth and blew out a huge breath from its mouth.

""Megalodon, use telekinesis to block it!"

Seeing the skill used by Tyrannosaurus, Wang Zhong felt a strong danger and hurriedly ordered Metagross to use telekinesis to block the dragon's breath.

After receiving Wang Zhong's order, Metagross quickly used telekinesis to block in front of him.

After Metagross used telekinesis, Tyrannosaurus's dragon breath was also ready, and it breathed directly at Metagross.

It was seen that Tyrannosaurus's dragon breath continued to enter the barrier formed by the Titan's telekinesis.

Although Tyrannosaurus's dragon breath was very powerful, it had not been able to break through the Metagross's telekinesis barrier.

It had been firmly blocked in front of it by the Metagross's telekinesis barrier.

As time went on, the dragon's breath in his mouth gradually weakened.

During this period of time, the telekinesis used by Metagross completely blocked Tyrannosaurus's dragon breath, making the dragon's breath used by Tyrannosaurus ineffective.

"Use Wind Blade, Metagross!"

Seeing that the attack of Tyrannosaurus had failed, Wang Zhong ordered Metagross to use Wind Blade, hoping to take advantage of this opportunity to defeat Tyrannosaurus.

Upon hearing Wang Zhong's order, Metagross quickly condensed a green Wind Blade in front of him, constantly accumulating power.

"Fly to the sky to avoid its ability, old friend!"

When the guardian Kagawa saw the ability used by Metagross, he directly ordered Dragonite to fly, hoping to take the opportunity to avoid Metagross's ability.

After receiving the order, Dragonite spread its wings and flew into the sky.

Just as Dragonite spread its wings and flew into the sky, a huge wind blade came to its side.

It turned out that when Dragonite heard the order and wanted to fly into the sky, Metagross had seen Dragonite's next move through its Observation Haki.

So when Dragonite just flew up, Metagross's wind blade seemed to have been waiting for a long time and came in front of Dragonite.

"Oh no, how could this happen!"

The guardian Kagawa who saw this scene couldn't figure out what was going on.

In the end, he could only attribute this to the talent of the Metagross.

"Do you think you can defeat the Tyrannosaurus Rex like this?"

"My old friend, its defense is very strong!"

Although he saw that the wind blade had come to the front of Tyrannosaurus, the guardian Kagawa was full of confidence in his own elves.

He felt that the ability used by Metagross was completely impossible to break Tyrannosaurus's defense.

However, Guardian Kagawa did not go to the field and had no idea how powerful Metagross was. Tyrannosaurus

, who faced the ability of Metagross on the field, felt a lot of pressure. It was completely different from what its master said.

Although it did not receive the order from its master, its mind was already full of thoughts of avoiding.

However, the ability used by Metagross has completely locked Tyrannosaurus.

It made Tyrannosaurus have no ability to dodge, so Tyrannosaurus can only rely on its own defense to take this move.

The wind blade of Metagross was not hindered in the air, and it quickly attacked the Tyrannosaurus that was standing in front of it. The wind blade that Metagross spent a lot of time to condense directly hit the Tyrannosaurus that was standing in the air, making a loud noise. In mid

-air, the wind blade came into contact with the body of the Tyrannosaurus, and it bloomed in the air like a firework.

The Tyrannosaurus flying in the air did not resist the attack of the wind blade, and was directly knocked down from the air by the wind blade and fell to the ground.

The Tyrannosaurus that was knocked to the ground, after smashing a huge hole in the ground, fainted directly. There was no movement for a long time, only the Tyrannosaurus fell to the ground, and the dust raised kept flying up.

"So awesome, I admire you!"

"You have such strength, it really gave me a big surprise!"

"Now it's the boss who has to worry about it. You have to be careful, the boss's strength is much stronger than mine!"

"Haha, after all this time, a powerful guy finally comes!"

"I , Xiangchuan, look forward to your performance!"

Seeing that the violent dragon was shot down directly from the air, Xiangchuan had already realized that he had failed.

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