Besides, this Rasengan is Naruto's signature skill in Naruto. Naruto has defeated so many enemies with this Rasengan.

Rasengan, just thinking about it makes me a little excited.

If my metal monster has this skill, it will definitely become more powerful than other elves.

Thinking of this, Wang Zhong did not hesitate.

"I want to exchange for Rasengan," Wang Zhong said to the system

"Redemption successful"

"Should I use the redeemed abilities on the host's only elf metal monster?"

""Conduct fusion," Wang Zhong said, looking at the system's prompt.

After hearing Wang Zhong's words, the system turned the Rasengan ability into a white light that enveloped the metal monster.

Because it had already experienced the previous two fusions, the metal monster did not show any panic this time.

After a while, the light that enveloped the metal monster dissipated again.

The figure of the metal monster appeared in front of Wang Zhong again.

""Metal Monster, use the Rasengan!"

Wang Zhong pointed to the uncle not far away and said.

After hearing Wang Zhong's order, Iron Dumbbell quickly gathered his own strength, and then a small silver-white ball appeared in his hand.

He launched an attack in the direction Wang Zhong said.

A big tree in that direction was hit by the Rasengan in the hand of the metal monster, and it made a series of"booming" sounds.

In an instant, the big tree was cut in half and collapsed instantly.

""How powerful!"

Wang Zhong said with emotion as he looked at the tree hit by the metal monster.

However, when Wang Zhong turned around and saw the metal monster's weak appearance, he was stunned.

"Could it be that this Rasengan consumes the metal monster's own power?"

Wang Zhong remembered that in the anime Naruto, Naruto used the Rasengan with the power of chakra, but he didn't expect that his Metal Monster actually consumed his own physical strength.

Looking at the current state of the Metal Monster, it seems that the Metal Monster can only use this move once in each battle, and after using it, the Metal Monster will fall into a weak state.

But after the level of the Metal Monster is increased, all the attributes have been improved, and you can use the Rasengan as much as you want.

Let's take a look at the attribute panel of the Metal Monster to see if there is any special effect on the Metal Monster after using the Rasengan once.

Spirit: Metal Monster (Flash Mutation)

Level: Level 25 (1600 experience points can be upgraded to one level)

Experience required to the next level: 1584 (Title attribute reduces the experience required for upgrading by 10%)

Steel attribute: 216 (4 points for each level increase)

Super power attribute: 214 (4 points for each level increase)

Physical strength: 220 (3 points for each level increase)

Strength: 199 (2 points for each level increase)

Speed: 225 (3 points for each level increase)

Skills: Telekinesis, Metal Claws, Electromagnetic Levitation, Slam

Abilities: Intermediate Observation Haki, Navy Six Styles - Razor, Wind Blade, Fireball, Basic Sharingan, Rasengan

Qualification: S (each attribute increases by 10 per level)

Status: Weak (can be removed after one hour, and the weakened state can be removed faster in the Poké Ball)

Items: None

Other attributes have not changed much, except for the addition of a weak state. It seems that this Rasengan is a high-cost skill.

Wang Zhong looked at the attribute panel of the metal monster and muttered:

""Hello, little brother. Sorry to bother you." Xiaoxia looked at the iron dumbbell after it had evolved and said to Wang Zhong in shock.

This voice interrupted Wang Zhong's thoughts. Only then did Wang Zhong remember that Xiaoxia was still around him.

"Sorry, my iron dumbbell just evolved. I was so happy that I tried its new skill."

"It's okay. Xiaoxia said to Wang Zhong.

"But your metal monster looks really powerful."Xiaoxia looked at Wang Zhong with admiration and said

"Can I touch it?"

"Of course you can," Wang Zhong said to Xiaoxia.

Then Xiaoxia slowly stretched out her hand and touched the metal monster.

Perhaps because the metal monster saw that Xiaoxia was very friendly with her master, she did not resist Xiaoxia's touch.

"Your metal monster is so good!" Xiaoxia stroked the metal monster and said to Wang Zhong.

Wang Zhong ignored the resentful look the metal monster gave him and said to Xiaoxia:"That's for sure."

"By the way, I found a cave in the forest. My elves were all borrowed for performances, and I felt a little scared to be alone in the cave."

""Can you come explore this cave with me?" Xiaoxia looked at Wang Zhong expectantly and said


"I have discovered the hidden mission"Xiaoxia's Help (2/2) Explore the Cave". Do you want to accept it?"


Wang Zhong looked at the system prompt and chose to accept. This should be the hidden copy with rich rewards in the previous life, he thought.

This hidden copy had very rich rewards in the previous life. Many new players quickly rose up with this copy.

And after clearing this hidden copy, you will get a reward of Evergreen Power, which is the reward that will help you the most.

After thinking about this, Wang Zhong said to Xiaoxia, who was very nervous;"Of course you can"

"Really? Thank you so much, little brother!"Xiaoxia jumped up happily and said to Wang Zhong.

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