"Okay, you can open your eyes now. You don't have to close them anymore." Wang Zhong said to Xiaoxia who suddenly appeared from behind him.

"Brother Wang Zhong, please don't look at me like that." Xiaoxia opened her eyes and saw Wang Zhong staring at her like that. Her cheeks flushed and she couldn't help but feel shy.


"Congratulations to player Wang Zhong for opening the intimacy with Xiaoxia. The intimacy is now 90."

"Intimacy? ?"

Just like that, intimacy is turned on!?"

Wang Zhong was stunned for a moment as he listened to the prompt in his mind.

He remembered that in his previous life, this intimacy was not discovered until one year after logging into the game. It turned out that there was a hidden attribute of intimacy in the game.

Moreover, this intimacy can only be seen by people who have intimacy. In his previous life, he did not pay much attention to the intimacy because of other things, and spent more than a year without turning on the intimacy, so he gave up.

Then Wang Zhong opened his attribute panel to check.

Player: Wang Zhong

Title: Professor Oak's praise, the first trainer to level up

Pokémon: Shiny Mutant Metal Monster

Affinity: 86 (full value 100)

Intimacy: 90 (Xiaoxia) (full value 100); 75 (Professor Oak)

Items: Primary Poké Balls * 2 Intermediate Poké Balls * 2 Master Poké Balls * 1 Mystical Slate

Gold: 150

Wang Zhong looked at the two additional intimacy in his attribute panel in confusion.

Professor Oak actually had intimacy with him, but what puzzled Wang Zhong was why his intimacy with Professor Oak did not trigger a system announcement?

At this time, the game announcement rang

"World Announcement: Congratulations to player Wang Zhong for successfully opening the system's hidden attribute intimacy. Now the intimacy relationship with the system characters is officially open. Special reward of 30,000 gold coins"

"World Announcement: Congratulations to player Wang Zhong for successfully opening the system's hidden attribute intimacy. Now the intimacy relationship with the system characters is officially open. Special reward of 30,000 gold coins"

"World Announcement: Congratulations to player Wang Zhong for successfully opening the system's hidden attribute intimacy. Now the intimacy relationship with the system characters is officially open. Special reward of 30,000 gold coins."The three consecutive system prompts stunned Wang Zhong.

At this time, Wang Zhong didn't know that because of this world announcement, the game world was boiling again.

"Who is this Wang Zhong? Why is he here again?"

"What is intimacy? Why is there no such ability in my attribute panel?"

"Great God, this is the real Great God"

"Wow, this is the same Wang Zhong in the world announcements."

"Does anyone know what this intimacy is? It sounds like it's very powerful."

After the announcement, almost all the players were discussing it. Some players who had just logged in didn't quite understand it. After asking, they were speechless.

How could the gap between players be so big?

However, there were also some smart players who learned useful information from the announcement. It turned out that there was an intimacy relationship with the system characters. If the intimacy was high, would the reward be high?

It can be said that the world announcement triggered by Wang Zhong directly accelerated people's understanding of this game world.

Wang Zhong naturally didn't know this. He was checking the detailed explanation of affinity given to him by the system.

Because all the people in the previous life, including Wang Zhong himself, went to the wild to cultivate and upgrade Pokémon after obtaining their first Pokémon.

Basically, there was not much communication with the characters in the game, so Wang Zhong didn't pay too much attention to the issue of intimacy in his previous life, so this time he should study the issue of intimacy carefully.

"Intimacy: A state of affection between a character in the game and you. When the intimacy reaches 100, you can use gold coins to bring the character out of the game into the real world. It costs 1 million gold coins to bring a character out."

"When any intimacy reaches 90, you can establish an intimacy relationship with a specific character in the system."

"10-20 intimacy means aversion, 30-40 intimacy means disgust, 40-50 intimacy means normal, 50-80 intimacy means trust, and 80-100 intimacy means love."

Wang Zhong looked at the introduction of the system and his heart was like a surging sea. He was in a state of dizziness.

It turned out that only specific game characters would establish an intimacy system with players. Only after completing special tasks could they gain favor with specific game characters. In the previous life, after the intimacy system appeared, many players studied how to establish an intimacy relationship. However, because the requirements for the specific tasks to be completed were too high, many players did not establish an intimacy system.

Although he completed the tasks in his previous life, he only established an intimacy of 85 with the characters in the game, which was still a little far from 100.

If he could improve the intimacy of the characters in the game in the previous life, he would have enough gold coins to take the NPC characters out, and there would not be so many casualties when dealing with the Ultimate Beast. However, in this life, he has established such a high intimacy with Xiaoxia, and he can definitely improve his intimacy with Xiaoxia in the shortest time, so that Xiaoxia can appear in the real world, which will be of great help to him.

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