At this time, Wang Zhong and Xiaoxia were trying to figure out where they were. Although they knew this was the Seventh Island, they had no idea which island it was.

"Brother Wang Zhong, look quickly!"Seeing the two high-end balls buried on the beach, Xiaoxia excitedly shouted to Wang Zhong

"What happened?" Wang Zhong, who was observing the environment, was attracted by Xiaoxia's cry.

"There are two advanced balls here!" Xiaoxia said happily as she looked at Wang Zhong approaching."And I also found a lot of magical props here!"

"The levels of these items are so low, they are totally useless, but these two high-level Poké Balls are pretty good."

"It seems that we should be on the first island of the Seven Islands, the Juyuan Island." After hearing what Xiaoxia said, Wang Zhong thought.

In Wang Zhong's memory, only the treasure beach of the first island had so many props, but most of these props could not be taken away. Even if you took it away, after a period of time, the props would automatically return to this beach.

"Brother Wang Zhong, these two Poké Balls are for you!"Xiaoxia handed over two high-level Pokémon Poké Balls.

"No need, the props here can't be taken out of this beach!" Touching Xiaoxia's head, Wang Zhong replied

"Ah! Why?"Xiaoxia asked with a red face

"This beach is called Treasure Beach. Even if you take the items away, they will return automatically!"After hearing Xiaoxia's question, Wang Zhong patiently replied.

"I think this should be the first of the seven islands, Juyuan Island." Wang Zhong felt a little embarrassed when Xiaoxia looked at him, so he turned around and continued,"Only Juyuan Island has a treasure beach."

"Then, brother Wang Zhong, where are we going now?"After hearing Wang Zhong's words, Xiaoxia asked

"Let's go to the Lantern Mountain on this island first!" Wang Zhong said after thinking for a while.

"Okay, I'll listen to your brother Wang Zhong!"After hearing Wang Zhong's words, Xiaoxia said

"Well, follow me!" Wang Zhong said quickly when he saw that it was getting dark.

After that, Wang Zhong walked towards the northernmost part of the island, and Xiaoxia followed closely behind him.

Along the road on the island, Wang Zhong and Xiaoxia found many fire-attributed elves on the road. Because the level and qualifications of these fire-attributed elves were very low, Wang Zhong had no intention of subduing them.

After walking on this road for more than an hour, Wang Zhong and Xiaoxia came to the foot of a dead volcano.

"Brother Wang Zhong, what should we do now?" Seeing that the road ahead was blocked by the volcano, Xiaoxia frowned and said

"We have arrived at the Lantern Mountain!"Looking at the extinct volcano in front of him, Wang Zhong said excitedly

"Ah, you said this is the Lantern Mountain!"Looking at the train in front of her, Xiaoxia asked in confusion

"Yes, because the flame bird lives on the top of this huge mountain. Even at night, the light of the sacred bird's flame can be clearly seen, so the Lantern Mountain got its name from this. But now the flame bird should no longer be on this volcano."

"Let’s continue climbing up!"

"Well, let's continue climbing this volcano!"Xiaoxia was also full of doubts about Denghuo Mountain, so she naturally wanted to go up and see it herself.

After that, Xiaoxia and Wang Zhong climbed up to the top of Denghuo Mountain together.

It didn't take much effort for Wang Zhong and Xiaoxia to reach the top of Denghuo Mountain.

"There is a small town here. Let's go to this town and ask how to leave this island!"Looking at a small town not far away, Wang Zhong said

""Hmm." Following Wang Zhong's gaze, Xiaoxia also discovered the town.

After that, Wang Zhong and Xiaoxia set off towards the town.

Soon Wang Zhong and Xiaoxia arrived in front of the town and walked into the town's gate.


Wang Zhong and Xiao Xia had just entered the town and were about to find a hotel to rest when they saw a familiar figure in front of them.

"Professor Oak?" Wang Zhong shouted loudly at the familiar figure in front of him.

"Hmm?"After hearing Wang Zhong's call, Dr. Oak turned around in confusion.

"It's you! Wang Zhong! Why are you here too?"After turning around, Dr. Oak found Wang Zhong behind him and asked with surprise and confusion.

"I was exploring a ruin when it collapsed, so I jumped into the water and ran here."After hearing Professor Oak's question, Wang Zhong replied

"Well, that’s how it is."

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