After hearing Wang Zhong's order, Metagross and Gengar looked at Zekrom and ran out of the town.

Seeing Metagross and Gengar running out of the town, Zekrom let out an angry roar. It would not allow its prey to run out of its sight.

A black light flashed.

Wang Zhong only heard a bang in the air from his ear, and Zekrom disappeared in the town.


Sensing this scene, Wang Zhong only had time to shout out this word before he was blocked by the explosion caused by Zekrom's flying over.

Metagross and Gengar only saw Wang Zhong's mouth open, and they didn't know what he was saying.

But they also found something wrong from Wang Zhong's anxious face. In addition, they didn't see Zekrom's figure, so Metagross and Gengar realized that something was wrong and hurriedly hid to the side.

A black lightning directly hit the place where Metagross and Gengar stood, raising a huge dust.

When the dust dispersed, the place where Metagross and Gengar stood was full of cracks, forming a clear contrast with the surrounding ground.

Zekrom's figure looked even taller and more powerful against the dust.

Metagross and Gengar, who had previously observed the bad situation from Wang Zhong's face, had already dodged, and Zekrom's surprise attack did not hit them.

Seeing that his attack did not work, Zekrom became even more angry.

At this time, Metagross and Gengar had already arrived outside the town.

Seeing this scene, Wang Zhong let out a long sigh.

"It is very good not to cause damage to the residents and buildings in the town!"

Although this is just a game, the influence of each character in this game on Wang Zhong is still very large.

Moreover, the characters in this game can also be brought into the real world. It is even more impossible for Wang Zhong to regard this place as a game, but as another world, and he does not want this world to be damaged in any way.

So when fighting with Zekrom just now, he seemed a little restrained.

But now that he is outside the town, Wang Zhong no longer has any scruples

""Use Black Eyes, Gengar!"

Hearing Wang Zhong's order, a black eye shot out from Gengar's eyes, and it hit Zekrom directly like a spotlight.

Because Zekrom was in a state of confusion, he lost his terrifying instinct as a divine beast, and was directly illuminated by Gengar's black eyes without any dodging.

Zekrom, who was covered by Gengar's black eyes, did not panic at all.

""Use collision, Metal Monster!"

Seeing the bound Zekrom, Wang Zhong seized the opportunity and immediately gave the order.

The Metagross quickly charged towards Zekrom after hearing Wang Zhong's order. The

Metagross that charged towards Zekrom was like a silver-white arrow, rushing straight towards the standing Zekrom.

Seeing the Metagross charging towards him, Zekrom felt a strong sense of threat from it.

Although Zekrom was already in a state of confusion, he began to struggle after sensing the danger.


The silver-white arrow transformed by Metagross hit the struggling Zekrom directly, making a loud bang.

Zekrom was directly hit by Metagross and retreated several steps.

Zekrom, who was hit by Metagross, escaped from Gengar's black gaze, and his expression became even more angry.

This was the first time that Zekrom was attacked and retreated after waking up.


Zekrom roared angrily and touched the place hit by Metagross with his claws.

Then, Zekrom opened his mouth and spit out a larger airflow from his mouth.

After being hit by the airflow, the trees along the way were directly turned into waste and rushed over with the airflow. A long channel was left where the airflow passed, as if someone had drawn a scar on the ground.

Seeing this terrifying airflow, Wang Zhong hurriedly ordered Metagross and Gengar to hide.

When Metagross and Gengar saw such a terrifying airflow, they had already thought of hiding.

After hearing Wang Zhong's order at this time, Metagross and Gengar quickly scattered to the side.

Although Zekrom, which had fallen into chaos, still had the attributes of a mythical beast, its consciousness had dropped to a level that even a three-year-old child did not have.

In Zekrom's consciousness, using the strongest ability to kill the two elves that hurt him was the biggest thing. He was completely unaware that Metagross and Gengar had already avoided his angry attack.

He continued to use this ability in front of him.


The airflow coming out of Zekrom's mouth did not change at all. It went in a straight line and directly hit a mountain not far away, making a continuous roar. The small mountain attacked by Zekrom kept dropping rocks, making various sounds of rocks falling to the ground and raising a lot of dust.

At this time, the airflow emitted by Zekrom was also constantly consumed by the mountain, and finally disappeared from Wang Zhong's sight.


Wang Zhong couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the collapsing mountains not far away and the huge traces left on the ground by the airflow.

"It seems that the state of confusion has also increased Zekrom's destructive power!"

Seeing the damage caused by his attack, the angry expression on Zekrom's face was obviously reduced.

But at this moment, Zekrom turned his head and found Metagross and Gengar who had avoided his attack.

There was a trace of astonishment on his face!

In Zekrom's imagination, Metagross and Gengar should have died under his attack.

Unexpectedly, he turned his head and found the existence of Metagross and Gengar again.

Seeing Metagross and Gengar again, the astonishment on Zekrom's face only appeared for a second, and then he raised his claws again.

""Use Psychic Power, Metagross!"

Wang Zhong hurriedly ordered when he saw Zekrom raise his claws again to attack.

Upon hearing Wang Zhong's order, Metagross' eyes suddenly lit up, and it was obvious that it had used Psychic Power.

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