Just as a few people were walking between the mountain peaks, the ice elves and other elves in front suddenly encountered their opponents!

I saw a slightly huge body straddling in front of them and blocking them!

Although the way to climb the mountain is very difficult, the mentality of the three of them is very relaxed, walking and chatting is very relaxed.

But at this time, they were keenly aware of the situation ahead!

I saw that in front of a few elves, a body stopped there!

The three of Lin Wen looked at each other, and immediately quickened their pace. Soon, they came to the rear of the three elves!

I saw that there was a big steel snake standing in front of the three elves on the opposite side!

Steel spirit!

There are various ice-type, steel-type and magnetic-type elves on Tianguan Mountain. This big steel snake is obviously one of them!

Lin Wen's gaze swept over, and the basic attributes of this big steel snake were immediately reflected in Lin Wen's heart!

This is a boss-level big steel snake!

At this time, it was very fiercely stopped in front of the three elves!

Eyes are very vigilant staring at the ice elves, sun elves, and fire elves!

Lin Wen glanced left and right, and then said, "Leave it to me."

Qianxia and the cute night cat did not compete, and nodded secretly, expressing their agreement.

The ice elf's eyes had long been filled with fighting intent. After hearing Lin Wen's voice, his body suddenly jumped forward sensitively and came to the front of the big steel snake!

Then, Lin Wen's command sound suddenly sounded!

Ice Elf, use the frozen aura!

Frozen aura!

The advanced skill of frost aura!

The ice elf is one of the elves that is very good at controlling the field. After absorbing the ice crystal core of Tianguan Mountain, the strength has made a huge improvement, and the frost aura has been successfully promoted to the frozen aura!

Compared to before, the effect has been greatly improved!

Frozen Aura: A rare skill that can only be obtained by talented ice-type Pokémon, it can emit a powerful frost aura when it comes out, reducing the movement speed of all nearby Pokémon except for ice-type Pokémon by 40%. Inflict an additional ice-based special attack damage related to the special attack attribute value once every five seconds, and the effect of sunny days is halved.

Compared with the previous frost aura, the power of the frozen aura is undoubtedly stronger!

I saw that along with Lin Wen's command voice, the ice elf started to act in an instant!

The powerful ice energy is released in an instant!

In the air, the cold wind blows!

The surrounding weather became cold almost at any time, and a touch of frost condensed!

You must know that when Tianguan Mountain is climbing on the Internet, as the altitude increases, the temperature gradually decreases, and when it reaches the top, it will turn into an iceberg!

It is precisely because of this that the ice elf's lord level promotion mission is called the iceberg challenger!

In this case, this terrain is undoubtedly the combat terrain that ice elves are very good at!

At this time, the frozen aura was used, and the effect was immediately amazing!

The cold frost condensed, the surrounding temperature dropped, and even a faint frost condensed on the body of the big steel snake opposite, and its speed suddenly dropped a lot!

The big steel snake is an elves that are not very good at speed, but now it is limited by the frozen aura, and the speed that is not fast has suddenly dropped a lot again!

Originally in a confrontation, the big steel snake has not taken the initiative to launch an attack, but just stopped in front of a few elves, and now suddenly encountered the attack of the ice elves, the anger of the big steel snake was suddenly aroused, without any hesitation, directly Counterattack launched!

Its body rolled up, and its huge tail slammed over in an instant!

Iron tail!

It was originally a steel body, which was very hard. Now, under the premise of using skills, a faint light flashed, making the big steel snake's tail more powerful!

The tail slid across the sky, with a whistling sound, and attacked the ice elf!

Lin Wen's voice came out in an instant: "Ice Elf, get out of the way!"

The ice elf had already made preparations the moment the big steel snake launched its attack. Now that he saw his tail rushing towards him and heard Lin Wen's command voice, he suddenly jumped 2.3 times without any hesitation!

As soon as it kicked its hind legs, its body left the place in an instant, dodging towards the other side!

Just when it got up, the huge tail of the big steel snake attacked fiercely!

However, it was empty!

After all, the effect of the frozen aura still exists. At this time, there is still a slight frost condensed on the body of the big steel snake. Although the attack of the big steel snake looks very ferocious, the speed is still unavoidable because of the frost. There was a certain delay, so it failed to burst into maximum speed!

In this case, the ice elf, who was already very agile, naturally avoided the attack of the big steel snake very easily!

The huge snake tail was dodged by the ice elf and slammed to the ground!  …  

Chapter 1048 Fighting the Big Steel Snake


With a loud noise, the ground where the tail hit the ground suddenly burst open, you can see the ferocity of the power!

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