This time, I came to Tianguan Mountain with Lin Wen, not only because of the relationship with Lin Wen, but also because Lin Wen's goal was very accurate. The purpose was to protect the hidden areas in Tianguan Mountain, the remains of icebergs!

You must know that on the entire Tianguan Mountain, because of the existence of the iceberg ruins, it attracted countless players to explore, but all of them have done useless efforts, and everyone has found it!

Therefore, Qianxia and the cute night cat will inevitably have a challenging mentality, so they came here to explore!

This situation is quite normal!

Not to mention, the cute night cat and the relationship between Qianxia and Lin Wen are here, and Lin Wen's invitation is still very meaningful to explore the hidden area. Therefore, without any hesitation, the two immediately discarded it for the time being. The things in hand have come here!Came to the Shenao area and explored Tianguan Mountain with Lin Wen, looking for the remains of icebergs!

Now, they have successfully become the first players to enter the Iceberg Ruins!

Lin Wen's ice elf's lord level promotion mission was also successfully completed, and the two naturally wouldn't stay too much. After saying goodbye, they chose to leave here!

After all, they themselves have a lot to deal with!


After Qianxia and the cute night cat left here, Lin Wen also returned to the town 4.2!

This time I came to the Shenao area, because there is a time limit for the promotion of the ice elf lord level quest, so Lin Wen did not have any free time...  

Now, with the successful completion of the lord level promotion task, the ice elf has been successfully promoted to the lord level elf, and Lin Wen is finally free!

Just after some exploration and battle, Lin Wen also felt a little tired, so he didn't go out to visit the Shenao area, which was relatively unfamiliar to him, but just prepared to rest!

However, before taking a long rest, Lin Wen's communication device rang!

Hearing the voice of the communication device, Lin Wen took out the communication device, but found that the communication device sent a message that he had been waiting for for a long time! .

Chapter 1073 News from Little Lugia

It's a message from the league!

On the topic of information, it is very simple. The alliance has already obtained clues about Little Lugia!

Lin Wen's spirit was shocked!

You must know that about Little Lugia, Lin Wen had already talked to the high-level figures of the alliance and obtained their help after the Rockets' annihilation war ended!

And now, with the end of the carnival competition, the alliance has finally got relevant news!

This is undoubtedly exciting!


The time involved in this task can be described as very long!

A long time ago, Lin Wen came to the deep sea through Minas in the fishing competition at that time, and met Lugia, the god of the sea. After the identity, the task of helping to find and save the little Lugia is on him!

Lin Wen has long since raised the idea of ​​completing it in the past!

However, there were always two 18 things pressing on him, making him unable to act immediately!

The first thing, of course, is strength!

Being able to capture the enemies who hurt Little Lugia must not be an ordinary person, and his strength must be very superior. In this case, when Lin Wen just won Lugia's approval and became the head of the elf, He doesn't even have a lord-level elf in his hand, and his strength can be said to be weak and pitiful, and there is no way to perform this task!

Even if it is executed, I am afraid that it is to deliver food, but it will make the opponents and enemies alert!

Therefore, Lin Wen never chose to carry out this task, but chose to improve his strength step by step to increase his own strength!

And the second point is the issue of intelligence!

Although Lin Wen knew that Little Lugia was in danger and was likely to be captured by others, he did not have any relevant information!

The entire elf world is really too big, covering many areas. In this case, it is undoubtedly a fantasy to find an elf hidden by a caring person!

You don't have to think about it, it is very likely that the person who captured the little Lugia was an evil force in the elf world. However, I am afraid that no evil force will hype after the capture of the little Lugia. The little elves are very precious. They have captured the evil forces of Little Lugia, and they will only choose to make a fortune in silence!

Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly very difficult to search for information about Little Lugia with the power of Lin Wen alone!

Even if you add the power of Lingxi Guild, it is far from enough. After all, Lingxi Guild is only a player’s guild. Although the strength is in the leading part of the player’s guild, it can even be called the player’s first guild to a certain extent. It's not an exaggeration, but compared with the NPC power, it is also greatly lacking!

Moreover, the main control area of ​​the Lingxi Guild is in the Guandu area and the Chengdu area, even the Carlos area, although Lin Wen has helped the Carlos area a lot and has a good relationship with the champion Karuna, Lingxi The development of the guild is very rapid, but, after all, it has just moved in, and its strength is very limited!

But if you want to search for the news of Little Lugia, you have to involve many areas in the entire elf world. After all, it is not certain which evil force is secretly attacking Little Lugia, and the local evil in each region is not certain. The forces are very powerful!Otherwise, I am afraid that they would have been wiped out long ago. Under the premise of their intention to hide, it is undoubtedly almost a fantasy to rely on Lin Wen and the Lingxi Guild to collect information!

It is these two elements that led to this quest that was received shortly after the beginning of the game, and has not even been carried out until now!

However, these two quests are unavoidable things. After all, at the very beginning, when he received the quest in the hands of the god of the sea, Lugia, Lin Wen was just a player!Still a player who has just entered the game!

The lack of strength and intelligence is a very normal thing. If at that time, Lin Wen could meet all the requirements, it would be against the sky!

But now that the time has come, everything has changed!

Lin Wen himself has undergone earth-shaking changes!

First of all, in terms of strength!

Compared with the rookie trainer who rode Minas all the way to the deep sea, the current Lin Wen can use his strength to act!

Even the title of a senior trainer is not enough to describe his strength. He has completely become a real powerhouse with a strong reputation in the elf world!

After debuting, the achievements are placed here, and no one can deny it!

To take the simplest point, at that time, when I met Lugia, the god of the sea in the deep sea, Lin Wen not only didn't even have a lord-level elf, but his own elf level was even more pitiful. Not high at all!

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