"In that case, let's fight!"

Then fight!

Lin Wen gently shook his head!

The first time he saw this secret team, Lin Wen knew that there was bound to be a war next. The mirror card said a lot, and in his opinion, it was complete nonsense!

Lin Wen looked at Shirona beside him, and said softly, "Miss Shirona, leave that mirror card to me, and leave the rest to you."

Shirona was stunned for a moment, and after hesitating for a while, she nodded gently: "Okay!"

You know, this team can be said to be the largest secret team that Lin Wen and Xirona have encountered so far in Gangbo Town!

There are not only cadres leading the team, but also more than a dozen ordinary members!

There are more than a dozen ordinary members of elves, as many as dozens, and they are all strengthened dark elves. If someone else is to deal with them, they will definitely be in a hurry, and they may even be injured because of it. However, for Shirona, For the champion of the Shenao region, Lin Wen has no worries at all!

If the champion of the Shenao region will be messed up by a group of ordinary members of the secret team, then... she is not worthy of the title of champion!


After agreeing to Lin Wen's proposal, Shirona took the initiative to command her elves, and greeted dozens of elves of the ordinary members on the opposite side. The battle was about to start!

And at the same time!

Lin Wen was also staring at Jingka silently!

"You are the heart of Yang Yan?" Jingka's tone contained contempt: "The tone is quite big, I just hope that your strength will not be too weak."

Lin Wen smiled lightly, he didn't care about the other party's ridicule, he just replied softly: "Your tone is also quite loud, I still can't understand, how did you have the courage to say what you just said!"

The two are tit for tat, and neither will let the other!


Without further delay, the mirror card directly took out two elf balls and summoned his elf!

After all, the mouth cannon is useless, and all the results will naturally appear after the battle is over!

The two Poké Balls came into his hands in an instant, and then they were thrown directly by the mirror card!

Bang bang!

Accompanied by two sounds, after the light flashed, the figures of two elves appeared on the spot!

Scorpio King!

Dragon King Scorpion!

The two elves summoned by the mirror card are the Scorpion King and the Dragon King Scorpion!

Among them, the Scorpion King has the ground and flight attributes, while the Dragon King Scorpion has the poison and evil attributes!

Two very powerful pixies!

After the appearance of the two elves, Lin Wen's eyes narrowed slightly, and the basic attributes of the other elves were immediately known to Lin Wen through the eye-wisdom skill!

Scorpio King, lv60, lord level elf!

Dragon King Scorpion, lv58, lord level elf!

Two lord-level elves!

This secret team leader, the strength of the mirror card, is somewhat beyond Lin Wen's expectations!

Lin Wen was a little stunned. No wonder the other party was so arrogant. Sitting on two powerful lord-level elves, they really had the ability and the strength to be arrogant!

But... your arrogance, when facing me and Shirona, it seems that there is no need to show it...

Such thoughts rose in Lin Wen's heart!

After all, whether it is him or Shirona, there are more than two lord-level elves in his hands!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

The strength of this mirror card is indeed there, and it should be arrogant, but obviously!He's got the wrong one!

Seeing the Dragon King Scorpion and the Scorpion King sent by the other party, the two lord-level elves, Lin Wen turned his gaze and landed behind him!

Because they had been fighting all the time, Lin Wen's three elves didn't get back into the Poké Ball at all!

At this moment, the Flash Dragon, Leaf Elf, and Ice Elf were all behind Lin Wen!

After thinking for a while in his heart, Lin Wen already had a plan and said directly: "Ye Elf, Ice Elf, prepare to fight!"

Although facing the mirror card, Lin Wen could completely rely on the number of elves he summoned to defeat the opponent, but Lin Wen was not prepared to do that!

0 ......

In fact, he could summon four lord-level elves in one fell swoop to fight together, completely making the mirror card desperate, but Lin Wen didn't do that either!

Arrogant people should be treated arrogantly!

Since the other party sent two lord-level elves, then Lin Wen would not take advantage of the other party, and he also decided to use two elves!

Defeat the opponent in a 2v2 battle once, this is the way to give the opponent the biggest blow!

He wants to completely destroy the arrogance of the mirror card!

After hearing Lin Wen's voice, both Ye Elf and Ice Elf uttered a little excitedly, and then, with a quick jump, they came to stand in front of Lin Wen!

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