Then, the scorching dragon breath spewed out towards the night demon!Attack it in an instant!

It hasn't stopped yet!

Before the flash dragon's attack hit, another command voice from Lin Wen had already been issued!

"Ice elf, use the extreme freezing technique on the night demon!"

Extreme Freezing: Release a large amount of ice aura to block the enemy instantly. The damage caused is related to the special attack. The blocking time is 1-5 seconds, and the specific value depends on the strength of the two sides!

This is also one of the new skills that the ice elf has mastered after being promoted to the lord level elf!

Now, under the command of Lin Wen, let the ice elf move towards the night demon immediately!

You must know that under the shroud of Darkrai's evil spirit dream, the night demon took the opportunity to approach the ice elves a lot, so as to launch a sneak attack!

But now, this distance has become the disadvantage of the Night Demon!

Because, along with Lin Wen's command voice, the ice elf moved in an instant, and the ferocious ice aura was released. Because of the distance between the two, the night demon didn't even dodge, and was caught by the ice aura. Directly shrouded in it!

Then, the skill effect activates!

I saw that, along with the breath of ice, the dark night demon was enveloped, and the light frost that condensed on its entire body in an instant fell into a frozen state, and there was no way to make any movements!

That's the scary thing about cryotherapy.

As long as the breath of ice is enveloped, the enemy will be instantly blocked and frozen!

Because both sides are lord-level elves, this night demon is the main elf of the leader of the dark team, Plaque Hall, and its strength can be said to be very powerful. The block time generated by the freezing technique is only short of a second!


That's enough!

You know, on the other end, the original dragon breath of the Flash Dragon has already struck!

Although Lin Wen commanded the Flash Dragon to launch an attack first, but because of the distance between the Ice Elf and the Dark Night Demon, the freezing technique used in the next step came into play first!

All of this is in Lin Wen's plan!

If you want to coordinate the skills between the elves, of course, you need some such little skills!

In the face of a lord-level elf who is not weak like the Night Demon, the control time of the extreme freezing technique is really limited. After only one second, in the blink of an eye, the freezing state of the extreme freezing technique has disappeared!


The Night Demon did not feel lucky because of this, but panicked!

Just as it broke away from the frozen state, in front of it, the scorching primordial dragon breath had already attacked!

The Dark Night Demon did not have any reaction space at all, and was directly hit by the original dragon breath!

Two heavens of ice and fire!

In the previous step, just because of the cold ice breath, I fell into a frozen state. In the next step, just after I got out of the frozen state, I was hit by the hot dragon breath!

Dark Night 2.0 Demons have undoubtedly encountered the same treatment as ice and fire!

This does a lot of damage to it!

For a time, the night demon couldn't help but let out a painful howl, and as the power of the original dragon's breath dissipated, the damage to the body was even greater!

the other side!

Magical sparkle and the power of the ghost dream collide!

This is the skill collision of two lord-level elves!

The final result is that there is no winner or loser!

The magic flash caused a certain degree of damage to the Dark Night Demon and Darkrai!Then, the effects of the two lord-level skills disappeared at the same time!

In the secret team base, it suddenly returned to its normal state and no longer fell into darkness! .........

Chapter 1123 Crazy Plaque

Just when the Night Demon suffered the double damage of Ice and Fire, Hirona's cold commanding voice came out!

"Ice Elf, use the Freezing Beam on the Night Demon!"

Shirona's ice elf suddenly started to move, and the dazzling beam shot straight out, targeting the night demon!

Under the scorching of the original dragon breath, the Dark Night Demon is in pain, and there is no way for Liu to separate his mind to dodge. As Hirona's ice elf, he is a very powerful lord-level elf. The template has a high-level foil, the power of the skills, and the speed, are very powerful!

In this case, the freezing beam did not have any accident, and directly hit the body of the night demon!

Frost instantly filled the entire body of the Dark Night Demon!Facing the attack of the three lord-level elves, and the overflowing damage caused by Pokkis's magic flashing skills, the Night Demon, who was frozen into frost, directly lost its combat effectiveness!

The second lord-level elf, defeated!

As the 19th leader of the secret team, Plaque Hall, who has three lord-level elves, is not weak, and his strength is terrifying. I am afraid that whether it is Xirona or Lin Wen himself, he is working with Plaque. When Hall fights, he has to go through a lot of hard work and work hard!

However, after Lin Wen and Shirona joined forces, all of this is unnecessary!

In the face of the huge lineup of seven lord-level elves, even the leader of the secret team, Plaque Hall, who has three lord-level elves, has no choice, and was directly defeated by two. Only lord level elf!

Almost in the short battle time, Heluga and the Night Demon have been defeated one after another, and only the last Darkrai is left in the hands of Plaque Hall!

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