He carefully observed with his eyes and found that the strength of these gym trainers is not bad at all. The lowest level of Pokémon is around LV12, and the highest level can reach LV35. Once the player succeeds in the challenge, he can gain a huge amount of experience from it. That's why so many people are attracted to gyms.

He carefully observed it, and found that Xiaogang, the master of the gymnasium, did not appear, and he did not know where he went.

At the same time, in the cottage at the backstage of the Nibi Gym, Xiao Gang, the owner of the Nibi Gym, was looking at a registration sheet brought by his subordinates with awe.

"Heart of Yang Yan... This should be the strongest trainer in all the gymnasiums trying to act in the past week, right?"

Xiaogang raised his brows slightly, the registration form in his hand was none other than the one registered by Lin Wen.

This time, there are four Pokémon he registered to fight, the boss-level Ye Elf, the boss-level Six-Tails, the boss-level Minas, and the elite-level Chillian, all of them are rare Pokémon, all of them are superb!


It's no wonder that the front desk lady and the gym owner Xiaogang pay attention. Although the other party's Pokémon level is low, the template attribute is surprisingly high, and each Pokémon has its own characteristics, which is extremely difficult for people to target.

"If there is a trainer who can beat me in Guandu in the future, this guy should be the most likely one." Xiaogang made a firm judgment.

The front desk lady's eyes flashed, and she knew that the other party was not joking. Xiaogang was a very serious person and never joked with anyone casually. She asked curiously: "Xiaogang Taoist pavilion master, you have to fight in person. ?"

"I haven't made a shot for a week in a row, isn't it pretty good to move my muscles and bones almost?" Xiaogang rubbed his chin and thought for a moment, showing his eyes full of fighting intent, can this trainer surprise him? , he also wanted to witness it with his own eyes.

The establishment of the gym is not just to be challenged and earn gold coins, but more importantly, to select trainers with strength and potential to help them and let them go further. The future of the alliance depends on these infinite potentials. young people.

As the owner of the gym, Xiaogang, of course, is willing to give pointers to newcomers, so that they can get along with the Pokémon more harmoniously and become stronger.

To put it bluntly, the regional champion is a potential newcomer who slowly rises under the attention and training of the eight gym owners and four heavenly kings.

This is also the reason why there are practice challenges in gyms, to stimulate the potential of these new trainers and quickly improve their growth.

"I understand, and now I will arrange for you to prepare for the game."

After receiving an accurate answer, the lady at the front desk bowed slightly, turned and left the villa behind the gym, and returned to the front to continue her work.

In this kind of waiting, the flow of time was not lonely at all. Lin Wen hadn't watched so much in a long time, it was like watching a boxing match.


But it didn't take long, the reminder in Lin Wen's hand rang, and it was his turn to play.

"So fast! It's only been five minutes."

Lin Wen was a little surprised. He didn't expect it to be his turn so soon. It was noon, and the gym's acting training was at its peak. I don't know how many players were waiting in line.

Doubt is of course, he never imagined that he would be chosen by the gym owner Xiaogang to directly challenge for a vigorous gym leading role, not as simple as an ordinary acting battle.

"Since you're here, you must give your best!"

After Lin Wen made some adjustments, he put the six tails away. He knew that this battle would not be easy, and he did not intend to hide his strength this time. He wanted to take out the results of his training in the past few days. 893

Then break through!Break through again!Get stronger!

"Please go to the central training ground."

Before asking for the training ground number, the lady at the front desk took the initiative to tell Lin Wen his location.

"Central training ground!?"

Lin Wen's pupils dilated slightly, and he immediately revealed a faint smile. He understood that it was not only himself who was passionate about this battle, but his presence also alarmed the gym owner of this gym.

After he nodded slightly, he walked down the stepped platform and moved to the center of the training ground.

"Look at it!"

"That guy actually stood on the central battlefield, could it be..."

"Damn, the lucky guy is actually valued by the gym owner, it's really enviable!"

"I don't know who that guy is, it's too far to see the ID!"

"There's a good show to watch now."

"What a good show, I must have been defeated by the Gym Master all at once. At this stage, it is impossible to defeat the Gym Master."

The players in the audience were attracted by Lin Wen's steps, and just as they thought, Xiaogang, the owner of Nibi Gym, who had not appeared for a long time, appeared in the training ground again. .

Chapter [-]: The Fierce Rumble Rock

"I'm Xiaogang, the Gym Master of Nibi Gym."

"Heart of Yang Yan, researcher of the Elf Alliance."

On the central training ground, Lin Wen and Xiaogang reported their identities to each other. The scene was peaceful, but in fact they were secretly fighting.

"You are one of the most talented Pokémon trainers I've seen in recent years, I hope you don't disappoint me, you must have done some research before coming here, I'm good at using rock-type Pokémon, if you don't prepare well in advance Work, you will face a difficult challenge next." Xiaogang smiled slightly, very satisfied with this young man's momentum.

"Don't worry, although I have no confidence in winning the Nibi Gym, the next battle will never disappoint you!"

Lin Wen's eyes shone brightly. Among the strongest Pokémon he used, Minas and Ye Elf were able to exert great power in this battle.

"In that case, let's get started!"

Xiaogang's eyes narrowed, and he threw the long-prepared Poké Ball upwards. With a surging white light, a sturdy rumbling rock appeared in the central rock training ground.

This rumbling rock is a little different from the general rumbling rock. The lines of its limbs are very obvious. The stone on its body is darker and larger than ordinary rocks, and its momentum is amazing. It must have undergone good training. One of the rock-type Pokémon that Shi Xiaogang always takes by his side and devotes all his efforts to training.

Rumble Rock

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