In this case, she can only choose to believe in the heart of Yang Yan!


After seeing Shirona nodding, Lin Wen, who was riding on Minas, raised his eyes and looked at the super roaring whale king who dived from above!

After chasing Lin Wen and Shirona all the way here, there is only one elf, the Super Whale King!

Those roaring whale kings and fish schools did not follow!


However, Lin Wen is very clear that not following over does not mean that he has to give up his vigilance against them. As long as the Super Whale King shouts, those elves will come quickly at an extremely fast speed!

In the blink of an eye, the super roaring whale king has come not far from the opposite of Le Linwen!

It looked at Lugia on the side of Lin's tattoo, and there was a flash of caution in its eyes!The red pupil color has lightened a bit!

As a very strong elf, the Howler Whale King can feel the strength of the enemy elf even more!

Obviously, it felt the other side very quickly, the power of this new elf!

As a legendary elf, despite being too immature now, Little Lugia's strength should not be underestimated!

Let the roaring whale king also feel some pressure!


Just when the two sides were confronting, the Howler Whale King suddenly delivered a loud and hungry cry!

Lin Wen's eyes suddenly widened. He originally thought that the other party would choose to summon the younger brother under certain circumstances. After all, the other party has the ability to control the group. However, he did not expect that the battle has not yet begun. Only the super roaring whale king chose to summon the group!

Under the voice of the super roaring whale king, there were suddenly many roaring whale kings rushing over from above!

They dived one after another and quickly came to the side of the super roaring whale king! .

Chapter 1132 Fighting the Whale King Again

For a time, the super roaring whale king side, the power suddenly became much stronger!

Lin Wen's eyes turned to the other side, and he had a little understanding in his heart!It seems that Little Lugia obviously brought a lot of pressure to the Super Whale King, and directly summoned his own group to help him fight!

It can be seen that although he is still very young, the strength of Little Lugia must not be underestimated!

The two sides faced off for a short time!

Then, the battle started suddenly!

I saw that the super roaring whale king opened his mouth, and then, the ferocious water cannon skills rushed straight towards Little Lugia!

Amazing power!

In the face of this kind of attack, Lin Wen did not hesitate, and directly commanded: "Little Lugia, use the water cannon!"

Lin Wen commanded Xiao Luo "Nine Four Three" Chia, and also used the water cannon skill!

Known as the god of the sea, the Lugia family has a natural ability to control the sea!

I saw that on the side of Little Lugia, there was also an extremely powerful current rushing out!

In the blink of an eye, Little Lugia's water cannon skills collided with those of the Super Whale King!

Now in the deep sea, the collision of the two skills did not make any sound, but in the sea, there was a huge aftermath!

The first collision, two little elves, came to a match!

On the one hand, it is the overlord in the ocean, the lord-level template, the super roaring whale king who is very close to the legendary elf in the ocean!

On the other hand, although it is still a little immature, Little Lugia who was born a legendary elf!

The first skill collision between the two came to a dead end!

Just when the Super Whale King and Little Lugia started to collide with their skills, on the other side, many leader-level Whale Kings also launched a siege on Minas!

Facing them, Lin Wen's Minas didn't have the passive when facing the Super Whale King!

Lin Wen was commanding in two lines. When Little Lugia and the Super Whale King were fighting, Lin Wen also began to command Minas!

"Minas, use the water lord!"

Lord of the Waters!

The Lord-level skill of Minas!

Any elf will have different templates or different skills, and the water lord is the lord-level skill that Minas mastered after being promoted to the lord-level elf!

You know, this is the first time Minas has used it!

After being promoted to a lord-level elf, Minas was taken away by Lin Wen to the Orange Islands.Although he has entered the deep sea now, before, the battle in the ocean did not require the use of lord-level skills, and the battle in the dark team base, Yun could not use this lord-level skill!

Before, when facing the super roaring whale king alone, there is no need to say more, the strength gap is too huge, even if it is used, it will not have much effect!

And now!

In the face of these ordinary roaring whale kings, Lin Wen's lord-level skills bloomed for the first time!

Water Lord: Lord-level skills, the effect of all water-based skills is doubled when Minas is underwater, absorbs all water-based skills except the Lord-level, and increases the speed by 100% when moving underwater. All attributes increase by an additional 50%!

Very powerful lord level skills!

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