These roaring whale kings were originally affected by the dark energy of the secret team, so they were in a more irritable state. After sensing the call of the overlord in this sea area, the super roaring whale king, and the call of the lord of their tribe, they immediately Gathered here!

Now, after being influenced by Minas' singing and successfully restoring Qingming, these roaring whale kings have recovered their nature and no longer fight!

Under the leadership of the super roaring whale king, these roaring whale kings have left here one after another!

Lin Wen and Shirona's eyes followed these roaring whale kings away, watching these roaring whale kings disappear here and swim into the depths of the sea!

Then, Lin Wen and Shirona looked at each other!

Crisis averted!

Minas and Little Lugia also swam to Lin Wen's side very well-behaved!

Xirona looked at Lin Wen, and there was a flash of approval in her eyes, and then said: "Researcher Yang Yan, you did a good job!"

Lin Wen nodded lightly, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth!

Before, when I was forced to dive by the Super Howler Whale King, it was a very dangerous situation!

However, I didn't expect that I would be so lucky. In the process of diving, I met Little Lugia!

The little Lugia you've been looking for!

This was undoubtedly beyond Lin Wen and Shirona's expectations, thus giving them a chance to deal with it calmly!

If it wasn't for the encounter with Little Lugia, and the battle between the Super Whale King and Little Lugia was 0.9, the consumption was very large, and some spirits were restored, then I am afraid that the song of peace of Minas could not be taken lightly. A little bit of impact on Super Whale King, make it back to normal!

Looking at it now, it can only be said that the innate luck value is playing a role, so that Lin Wen can still successfully turn around and change the entire battle situation when faced with a desperate situation!

After all, it was in the deep sea, and Lin Wen and Shirona didn't communicate too much. After a short conversation, they stopped directly and chose to swim up above!

Lin Wen and Shirona, each riding their own Minas, accelerated their speed!

And Little Lugia, facing Lin Wen, the trainer who holds the token, is obviously very close, directly following its side and swimming upwards together! .........

Chapter 1138 Bizarre Meeting

Shore of the Shore of the Whale King!

Dr. Xinyuan from the alliance, King Wusong and some trainers from the alliance gathered here one after another, staring at the sea of ​​the roaring whale king, with worry flashing in their eyes!

What they are worried about is obviously Shirona and Lin Wen who entered it!

When Shirona and Lin Wen chose to enter the Sea of ​​Whale Kings to explore, Professor Xinyuan and King Wusong did not know about it. They only learned about it later, and they came here immediately!

You know, the seabed and the land are completely different places!

On the land, the combination of the champion Shirona and the heart of Yang Yan can make them feel at ease. Professor Shinhara and King Wusong have no idea what kind of enemy can hinder them. However, in the bottom of the sea , the probability of a crisis they encounter is undoubtedly much greater!

Therefore, both of them are very worried!

at this time!

Beside Dr. Xinyuan and King Wusong, trainers who already have an alliance put on diving suits and are ready to dive at any time!

After all, the entry time of Yang Yanxin and Shirona is not short, and Dr. Xinyuan and King Wu Song are also worried about whether they have encountered any danger!

"King Wusong."

The trainer in the diving suit looked at Wu Song: "Are we going to dive in now?"

King Wusong glanced at the time, no hesitation in his eyes, and nodded directly: "Enter now!"

After hearing the command voice of King Wusong, several alliance trainers wearing diving gear immediately prepared to dive into the sea of ​​roaring whale kings!

These are all alliance trainers with water elves!

The situation of the Sea of ​​Whale Kings has long been known to many people. Entering it, it is almost certain that a battle will occur. Therefore, Dr. Xinyuan and King Wu Song deliberately chose the trainer of the cultivator water elves to enter. Fortunately, after entering it , facing the elves, you can fight!No danger!

Several trainers wearing diving gear glanced at each other, and they were about to enter the sea of ​​the roaring whale king!

at this time!

The originally calm sea in front of me suddenly changed!

I saw that the ripples were rippling!

The occurrence of this scene successfully attracted the attention of everyone on the shore, and their eyes were concentrated here!

I saw that after the ripples rippling, in just two seconds, two figures surfaced!

These are two minas!

On the bodies of these two Minas, there are two figures. They are wearing diving equipment, and they are recognized by many trainers on the shore at a glance!

"Researcher Yang Yan!"

"Miss Shirona!"

Exclamation sounded!

King Wusong and Dr. Xinyuan looked at each other, finally letting go of their worries.

Then, the two stepped forward, ready to meet Lin Wen and Shirona, and asked what they had encountered in the depths of the Sea of ​​Whale Kings, and why it took so long to get ashore!

Right now!

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