Chapter 1146 The last worry

After all, legendary elves have their own thoughts and ideas. Although Little Lugia is very immature, it is the same. Naturally, it wants to continue to stay in this sea of ​​roaring whale kings, so the alliance can only obey!

If you force it, maybe it will cause a rebellious mentality. In that case, it will really cause a big problem!

After Xirona, King Wusong, and Dr. Xinyuan glanced at each other, they all saw the thoughts in each other's eyes, and they agreed!

The three nodded towards Lin Wen.

Lin Wen looked at them and said, "Miss Shirona, although Little Lugia chose to stay with the Whale King's child, I hope that the Alliance would better send someone to stay here for a long time. Protect the safety of Little Lugia."

Lin Wen paused and then continued; "After all, the leaders of the secret team and the scientific team all fled and were not arrested, and some of the core members were at large. They knew very well that Little Lugia was in the sea of ​​the whale king. In this case, if they know that Little Lugia has not left this sea area, they will inevitably have some thoughts and plot against Little Lugia!"

"Although Little Lugia is a legendary elf, she is still a little immature after all. If you really face the conspiracy and tricks of the secret team, some problems will inevitably occur!"

Having said this, Lin Wen looked at Shiro very seriously: "So, I hope the alliance can pay more attention, and there is no need to send many people here to protect Little Lugia, after all, Little Lugia's own strength It's not weak, and it has a certain ability to protect itself. I just hope that the alliance can send people to pay attention to this place for a long time, so that if there are evil forces plotting against Little Lugia, the alliance will not receive any information."

Lin Wen expressed his thoughts.

This is exactly what Lin Wen is worried about!

Little Lugia continues to stay in the sea of ​​​​the Sea of ​​Whale Kings. It can be said that there are good and bad. Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the good. After all, this sea of ​​​​Whale Kings can be said to be a paradise for water elves. Here, the water system is small. Elves can grow to a great extent!

As a legendary elf, Little Lugia grows very slowly. It is very lucky to be able to find a place like the Sea of ​​Whale Kings!

However, the bad point is also possessed!

That is the threat from the secret team and other evil forces!

You must know that after this battle, Little Lugia's secrets in the Sea of ​​Whale Kings may not be able to be concealed. When it falls, it will inevitably lead to the plots of evil forces. Coveting the legendary elves, these evil forces can Do anything beyond the bottom line!

In this case, Little Lugia will inevitably encounter danger!


Fortunately, there is a solution to this disadvantage!

To say that the most powerful force in the entire elf world, there is no doubt that it is the elf alliance!

And now, the Alliance is also involved!

Lin Wen specially mentioned it to Hirona and others, hoping that Hirona and others could pay attention to it and pay more attention to the safety of Little Lugia. It is not necessary to send strong men to protect Little Lugia for a long time, but at least Sending people to monitor and inspect the Sea of ​​Whale Kings for a long time, this way, when the evil forces are acting, they can immediately detect and deal with them!

Lin Wen finished his opinion in one breath, and then turned his eyes to Shirona and the others!

The three of Shirona looked at each other, and then nodded very seriously!

The three of them are all high-level figures in the alliance, a regional doctor, a regional champion, and a regional king. It can be said that everyone is very well-informed!

What Lin Wen can think of, they can naturally think of it, just after Lin Wen said a few words, they already understand the importance of this matter, so they take it very seriously, and do not take it as a deaf ear!

After all, Little Lugia is a legendary elf in the future!

Legendary elf is undoubtedly very rare in the entire elf century, and at the same time, it is also plotted by countless evil forces!

· · · · Flowers 0

Every evil force is very coveted for the legendary elf!Looking forward to catching a legendary elf!

However, the location of the legendary elf is very secret, and it is usually haunted, so it can be said that it is difficult to be captured by people!


There's one more important reason for this!

That is, most of the legendary elves have very powerful strength. Even if the evil forces find their traces, it is very difficult to capture them. !


After all, legendary elves are not easy to provoke. Although each evil force has a strong trump card, when facing legendary elves, they may still capsize in the gutter. After all, most legendary elves have grown up for many years. The time, the background is also very rich!


Little Lugia, but it's completely different!

As a descendant of Lugia, the god of the sea, Little Lugia is blessed with a unique advantage. After birth, she is a legendary template elf!


As a legendary elf, the difficulty of growing up is undoubtedly very difficult!

Even now, Little Lugia is still very immature, and has never succeeded in truly possessing the combat power possessed by the legendary elf!

Its current combat power is at best a super lord level. Although it is close to the legendary level elf, it has not yet reached it!

This also gives the evil forces a chance!

After all, a legendary elf without legendary combat power can be said to be coveted by countless people!

Just like the secret team, if the plan is really successful, the little Lugia is successfully captured and transformed into a dark elf, then, with the blessing of the dark turning flower, maybe the secret team can really Got a legendary Lugia! .

Chapter 1147 A Treasure Land

Even if it can't, with the ability of the secret team, as long as it takes time and energy to train the little Lugia, you can also harvest a legendary elf, which will greatly improve the strength of the secret team. At that time, the headache was the Elf Alliance!

Fortunately, these things did not happen because of Lin Wen's participation, and the secret team's plan was destroyed!


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