The top player in the United States, Jason, uses the fighting spirit!

His first elf was a strange force!

And this strange opponent is a wonderful frog flower!

Grass-type wonderful frog flower!

Fighting monsters fight against grass monsters!

Lin Wen's eyes were fixed on the video, he was very serious!

In this battle, one side is the top player in the United States, Jason, and the other player, although not so famous, is also a very well-known player in the carnival competition in the United States!


The battle process and results of the strange force and the wonderful frog flower are beyond Lin Wen's imagination!

Because, this battle is completely unilateral crushing! .

Chapter 1149 World Zone

As a grass-type elf that should be very good at defense and recovery, it can be said that she is very good at protracted battles!


In the face of Jason's strange power, this wonderful frog flower seems to have lost its own instinct. Under the combination of strange power, it has no power to fight back!Straight to easy defeat!

A set of spikes, without any resistance!

The strength of this strange force is completely beyond imagination!

Because he was watching through the video, Lin Wen had no way to know the attributes of both sides of the battle through his eye skills. However, Lin Wen could still guess that these two elves should be lord-level elves!

This can prove the strength of this strange force from the side!

Facing the wonderful frog flower that could have been standing continuously, it could also be easily defeated, its strength is evident!

More than that!

The competitions in each region are the same. There are three elves that can fight on both sides. Only when the three elves lose their fighting ability can it be regarded as a victory for the other player!

After defeating the wonderful frog flower, the strange force came directly to a luxurious one wear three!

Defeat all three of the opponent's elves directly!

The strength of this strange force is far beyond imagination. In the video, the voices on the scene are very loud. Obviously, this player named Jason is very famous in the United States!

After watching Jason's battle, Lin Wen continued to watch other video battles!

It can be said that the battles of these players have opened Lin Wen's eyes!

The information that Ling Feng has collected can be said to be very complete, allowing Lin Wen to get a lot of information from it!

For example, Jason of the US team is using fighting elves, and his few fighting elves are very powerful!

There is also Tanaka Feitian of the Dongying team, who uses a number of flying-type Pokémon, and Park Zhixun of the Korean team, a Pokémon who has a variety of attributes... and so on!

From these video materials, Lin Wen can be said to have discovered a lot of strong people!

Among them, there are many players with powerful and exclusive elves!

It is a little elf with characteristics and uniqueness in the whole area, similar to the leaf elf, and its strength can be said to be quite terrifying!

You must know that in the Huaxia region, Lin Wen is a well-deserved number one. However, compared with the Huaxia region, other regions are not weak at all. Under this circumstance, the players participating in the World Championships who appeared there are undoubtedly They are all very powerful!The strength is terrifyingly amazing!

For the next time, Lin Wen immersed himself in the video of the game in front of him!

The information collected by Ling Feng is very complete, so that Lin Wen has a certain understanding of these foreign players and strong players, and finally he will not be blinded!

Otherwise, when facing the other party in the future, without any prior understanding, it will undoubtedly be very passive!

Now, I finally have a certain understanding of these foreign players, and when the time comes, it is very likely that they will have an effect!

After watching for a long time, Lin Wen finally finished watching all these video materials!

After watching these videos, Lin Wen couldn't help frowning!

Because he found that the strength of these foreign players is also very strong!

The difference is that they are in different world regions!

After all, the game map of each world area is actually the same. As long as you carefully explore and add your own game experience, it is only a matter of time if you want to become stronger!

Under this premise, players from other regions will undoubtedly have great strength, not to mention, the player information that Lingfeng has collected for himself are all players who are very likely to participate in the World Championship. It is very powerful and cannot be underestimated!


For Lin Wen, there was only one problem!

That is, how much difference do these players have compared to themselves?

After all, the information in the video is incomplete. After all, the real strength, in addition to actually fighting against the opponent, cannot be seen simply by watching the video!

Without personal experience of the battle, it is impossible to confirm the true strength of the opponent!

You must know that after the strength reaches their level, although the template and strength of the elf are also very important, but equally, the experience of the battle and the reaction on the spot are also very important!

Because they are the top players in their respective regions, if there is a considerable gap between the elves, it is completely impossible!And under the circumstance that the elves have similar strengths, there is no doubt that only a good on-the-spot performance can achieve the final victory of the battle!

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