A boss-level rotten wood demon!

Lin Wen's eyes turned to this rotten wood demon, and his heart couldn't help but move, and some emotion rose!

There is no doubt that this is the leader-level Deadwood Demon reborn in the hidden map of the tree of the beginning of the world!

Lin Wen's memory of this rotten wood demon is very deep!

You know, Lin Wen and Qian Xia encountered this rotten wood demon on their first exploration!

The strength of the two of them at that time was far less powerful than they are now. When facing this rotten wood demon, it can be said that they used all their strengths and thought to defeat the opponent!

But now what?

Lin Wen's gaze turned to the leaf elf beside him, and then he said directly, "Ye elf, quickly approach the dead wood demon, and then use a million wooden horns to strike!"

After all, this is a forest terrain, and it is the area where the leaf elves are best at. Therefore, when they first explored the tree of the beginning of the world, Lin Wen had already summoned the leaf elves and directed them to fight!

Those elite-level elves before were facing the lord-level leaf elves. The templates were quite different, and the battle was completely easy to crush!

Now, in the face of this rotten wood demon, Lin Wen once again commanded Ye Elf to launch an attack!

The moment Lin Wen's command voice came out, Ye Elf suddenly started to act!

With a kick of its hind legs, its body suddenly jumped out of the spot!

Afterwards, his body turned into a green streamer, rushing towards the Dead Wood Demon!

The dead wood demon had just discovered the enemy who had invaded here, and was just about to launch an attack on the leaf elf, and found that the other party had disappeared in place!

This scene immediately shocked the Dead Wood Demon!

More than that!

The speed of the Leaf Elf is very fast, and before the Dead Wood Demon has not noticed it, it has already crossed a considerable distance and is approaching the Dead Wood Demon Flying 2.7!

Moreover, just as he was approaching the past, the single horn on Ye Elf's forehead also burst out with a rather astonishing dazzling light!

The grass energy is condensed in it, and the power is amazing!

It seems like a blink of an eye!

Ye Elf suddenly appeared in place!

It has already appeared in front of the Dead Wood Demon!

The Dead Wood Demon reacted immediately, and immediately prepared to attack the Leaf Elf, but its movement was one step slower!

Because, at the moment when Ye Elf appeared, the million wooden horn strikes that had been brewing for a long time suddenly came!

In an instant, the Dead Wood Demon was hit!

Then, the energy of the million wooden horns suddenly vented out! .........

Chapter 1153 Dive into the depths

I saw that as the million wooden horns hit the Dead Wood Demon, the Dead Wood Demon only supported for two seconds, and then suddenly fell to the ground, losing its ability to fight!

The boss-level rotten wood demon was instantly killed by the Ye Elf!

Lin Wen's strength has improved, one can imagine it!

You know, the last time I came here to explore the tree of the beginning of the world, when Lin Wen faced this boss-level rotten wood demon, it can be said that he spent a lot of time and effort. Only defeat the opponent!

But now!When Ye Elf defeated this rotten wood demon, he only used one move!

Killed in one hit, the Dead Wood Demon has no resistance in Ye Elf's hands!

For the leaf elves who are also the top elves among the lord-level elves, the leader-level elves such as the dead wood demon have completely been reduced to the level that they do not need to take a head-on look, and they are completely unworthy opponents!

Now, when the belly and the rotten wood demon were once again lost, Ye Elf was killed with a single blow!

Qianxia was also deeply impressed by this scene. As a girl, she could be more careful than Lin Wen. Lin Wen remembered the Dead Wood Demon, and of course Qianxia also remembered it.

She didn't forget that when they first explored this place, when they encountered the boss-level Deadwood Demon, they were in a difficult situation!

but now!

This rotten wood demon is no longer even the enemy of Ye Elves!

The difference between before and after is very obvious!

Today's Lin Wen is no longer the one he used to be, and his strength has improved significantly!Simply unimaginable!

Qianxia was always by the side, watching Ye Elf easily defeat the Deadwood Demon Empress with one blow, she couldn't help but praise: "Ye Elf, you did a beautiful job."

It was not the first time that Ye Elf had met Qianxia, ​​and she was quite familiar with her. After hearing Qianxia's voice, she couldn't help but turn her head and squinted at Qianxia.

Seeing this scene, Qian Xia once again praised Ye Elf!

Ye Elf is very useful!

at the same time!

As the boss-level Deadwood Demon was easily defeated by Lin Wen's Leaf Elf, it also meant that Lin Wen and Qianxia had successfully passed the outermost layer of the Tree of the World's Beginning!

The two have successfully reached the middle level!

Looking at Qian Xia, Lin Wen and Qian Xia put on the ghostly heavy clothes according to the plan they had made at the beginning!

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