As the guardian of the World Tree, it actually allowed two human beings to successfully break through, which is undoubtedly unacceptable to Reggie Locke!The red light flashing on the head is with its very anger! .........

Chapter 1168 Tree Heart Lake

] Chapter 1168 Tree Heart Lake Pokémon Century Capital Chapter 1168 Tree Heart Lake. At the same time!

The silent call sounded!

Also as the three gods, there is a very unique way of contact between the three gods!the call between them

The sound, only can be heard, outsiders can't hear it at all!

You must know that although there are many guardian elves of the tree of the beginning of the world outside, those elves have no way to enter the inside of the world tree!

As Qianxia's information said, after Lin Wen and Qianxia entered the tree of the beginning of the world, the elves outside suddenly had no choice, and the inside of the tree of the beginning of the world obviously had a certain influence on them!Certain restrictions prevent these outside guardian elves from entering!

Those who can enter the inside of the World Tree can only enter with the Three God Pillars!

However, now, with the intrusion of Lin Wen and E Qianxia, ​​this Reggie Locke was obviously plunged into anger, and a silent call came out!It is calling for the other two Three God Pillars to guard here!

As a powerful elf of the lord level, Regilock is not stupid, and understands that the strength of the two intruders this time cannot be underestimated, which is absolutely unprecedented!

And 19, the intruder who can make it all the way here has not appeared for many years!

Therefore, Reggie Locke is also calling on the other two Three God Pillars, preparing to completely expel the two unprecedented intruders, Lin Wen and Eqianxia!


the other side!

Lin Wen and Qianxia, ​​long before Regilock, one of the Three God Pillars, entered the interior of the World Tree, they had already put away their respective elves and rode Leaf Elf and Pokkis, one on the ground and one in the sky. , quickly left here!

Their speed is fast!

One in mid-air and one on the ground, exploring!

Lin Wen rode the Leaf Elf and explored the ground.

Although the core of the World Tree is a tree, it still has the existence of civil engineering, and it is a huge tree-centered world!The area is quite huge!

The environment here can be said to have given Lin Wen a great shock!

There are many elves here, among which very rare elves also exist!

Ye Elf's speed is very fast, but because Lin Wen is exploring, your speed is not too fast in the first few days, but you are advancing at a constant speed!

Lin Wen's eyes were constantly investigating this, and from time to time he was deeply shocked by the surrounding environment!

Here, as expected of the inside of the tree of the beginning of the world!

If he hadn't entered here personally, Lin Wen would never have imagined that such a situation would have been born inside the tree of the beginning of the world, giving birth to such a huge tree-heart world!

Simply unimaginable!

In the sky, Pokkis is also constantly flying!

On the ground, Ye Elf was also moving forward with Lin Wen!

After a period of exploration, Ye Elf stopped suddenly!

Lin Wen's eyes turned to the front!

Here, it can already be said to be the underground center of trees!

I saw that there was a lake reflected by the moonlight just as far as Lin Wen could see!

Against the background of the moonlight, this lake looks truly beautiful!

Just as Lin Wen's eyes focused on this lake, the system's prompt sound suddenly sounded!

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Yang Yanxin, who discovered the hidden area Shuxin Lake and got 3000 reputation reward."

Tree Heart Lake!

Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the lake in front of him was Shuxin Lake!

Lin Wen looked around.

This is a lake similar to Meteor Lake, and there are many elves living around it!

After Lin Wen rode the leaf elves here, the eyes of these elves all turned to Lin Wen.

Lin Wen's movements froze for a while.

After hesitating for a while, he looked at the surrounding elves, and tried to instruct the leaf elves to move.

There are a large number of elves living here, and there are also many elves with high level and high template!Under such circumstances, Lin Wen did not dare to act rashly, so he had to try it out!

The movements of Lin Wen and Ye Elf attracted the attention of many elves!

For a time, countless elf eyes focused on Lin Wen and Ye Elf!

For a time, even Lin Wen was a little nervous!

Because, through the eye skills, Lin Wen clearly discovered that the elves gathered around the heart of the tree have many high-level templates and high-level elves!

One by one is very powerful!

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