With the sound of "two eighty zero" from the dragon roar, a huge figure first appeared beside Lin Wen!

Flash Dragon!

The lord-level flash dragon!

The huge body of the Flash Dragon is undoubtedly full of attractiveness, and it is very eye-catching!

At the moment when the Flash Dragon appeared, its gaze was directly fixed on Regilock's body not far ahead!

You must know that before, in the battle in the outside world, it was the Flash Dragon and Regilock that had a head-to-head confrontation!

Therefore, the Flash Dragon has a very deep impression on Regilock!

at the same time!

The flashy dragon's huge longan stayed on Regais for a while, and soon turned his head!

Looking at the other two super lord-level elves not far behind!

Regais and Regis Quill!

Both are one of the three pillars of the gods, and are also the guardians of the tree of the beginning of the world, the strength of Regais and Regis Qilu, compared to Regilock, has not decreased at all!

As a powerful elf of the lord level, the Flash Dragon is undoubtedly very keen on the perception of the opponent's strength. In this case, they can clearly distinguish their strength!

In his eyes, a cautious flashed suddenly!

As a very powerful lord-level elf, the strength of the flash dragon can be described as incomparably powerful, even if it were to collide with the super lord-level Regilock head-on, with its strong defensive ability, there would not be the slightest fear, but Now, in the face of Regilock, Regais, and Regis Qilu, the three three-pillar elves, and the three elves who also have super lord-level combat power, even in the eyes of the flashing dragon, All appeared cautiously!

This shows that the strength of the opponent is terrifying!It is very powerful!

At the moment when the flashing dragon appeared, another figure also appeared beside the flashing dragon!

With its appearance, the air suddenly became a little colder, and the irritating cold air spread out, reducing the temperature of the surrounding air!

The incarnation of the ice element, the ice elf king!

Lord-level ice elf!

When the ice elves were at the boss level, although their strength was quite insufficient compared to the lord-level leaf elves and other elves at that time, they would still appear frequently in battles!

There is only one reason for everything. As an ice-type elf, an ice elf with powerful ice-type abilities can be said to be a good player in field control!It is very easy to control the field of battle, thus helping Lin Wen win!

Therefore, even though the ice elf, who was still a leader at the time, was not strong enough for Lin Wen, Lin Wen often commanded it to fight!

And after the trip to Tianguan Mountain!

Ice Elf, the only shortcoming, has also been made up for!

The ice elf who was successfully promoted to the lord-level elf is no longer weaker in combat power. The powerful skill attributes are combined with the identity of the ice-type elf, and the ice elf who has been promoted to the lord-level elf is compared to the boss-level himself. , What is more than one grade of improvement in ability?

Moreover, the improvement of strength has made the ice elf no longer a elf that only provides the ability to control the field. The strong leaf elf is fully capable of fighting head-on with any lord-level elf!

In this case, the ice elves almost quickly entered the main lineup of Lin Wen!

After all, as an ice elf, the ice elf's ability to control the field can be said to be unparalleled!Whether it is the freezing effect of the ice system or the deceleration effect, it can play a huge role in battle!

After the ice elf was promoted to the lord level elf, the last shortcoming of the ice elf was also smoothed out. There was no strength gap, and the battle against the lord level elf would not be difficult. Therefore, the ice elf jumped. Become the main elf!

After being released, the ice elf turned his gaze actively and quickly became familiar with the surrounding environment!

You must know that in the past, Lin Wen and Qianxia only followed Ye Elf and Pokkis, and the other elves didn't know much about the situation here!

The lord-level elves are extremely intelligent!Not to mention the ice elf who is the only elf. When it was released, the ice elf already knew that the battle was going to start. The next battle!

The ice elf looked directly at him and quickly glanced at it. The surrounding environment was immediately reflected in the heart of the ice elf, giving it a certain understanding of the surrounding environment!

at the same time!

After scanning the surrounding environment, I have a certain understanding of this place!

The eyes of the Ice 4.4 elves were almost immediately focused on Regais!

You must know that the other party is one of the three pillars of the gods, and he is also a lord-level elf!

And, more importantly, it must be!

The ice elf's lord-level mission was completed through the guardian of the iceberg ruins, Regais, at the foot of Tianguan Mountain!

Although Regais, as a guardian elf, was created, there is not only one in the elf world, but after the ice elf was summoned and his eyes swept around, it was the first Time focused on Regais!

After all, for ice elves, Regais' identity is very special! .........

Chapter 1178

At the same time as Regais was seen, the ice elf's eyes also had the eagerness to fight constantly rising!

You know, Regais, as one of the three pillars of the gods, is also an ice elf!

The ice elves are also ice elves!

As an ice-type elf, the ice elf felt the power of the ice god Pillar Regais, and inevitably, a challenge was raised!

Lin Wen's last elf has also quietly appeared!

Fairy Queen, Shanaido!

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