Almost instantly, except for Pokkis in mid-air, and the ice elves, ice elves, and Shanaido, who was blocked by the last power of the super shield, the power of the frozen world was blocked. Pokémon, have been severely affected!

Even Ye Elf, at the moment when the frozen world swept in, had already jumped away from the place, but, he was still being swept away.

At the same time, when the frozen world played a role, Reggie Lock suddenly began to charge up!

Destroy the dead light!

Lin Wen's response was quick, and the moment he saw his elf being controlled by the frozen world, he said directly: "Ice elf, help them out of trouble quickly!"

Regais's "[-]" frozen world ability is very powerful, and he has frozen his elf in place, so if he breaks free, it will only cause damage to himself!

In this case, Lin Wen directly chose to let the ice elf, who also holds ice energy, help himself and Qianxia's elf out of trouble!

Although in terms of strength, the strength of the ice elves is not very strong, and it is close to the legendary elf Regais. However, you must know that the ice elves are also the darling of the ice element, although their strength is not as good as the thunder Geez, however, it is very convenient to help his elf out of trouble!

As soon as Lin Wen's order came out, the ice elf immediately started action!

It understands the importance of things, so it is extremely fast, and it does not dare to have the slightest delay!

The first time, the ice elf came to the side of the leaf elf!

Afterwards, a faint light flashed on the body, and I saw that the ice that had frozen the Leaf Spirit in place disappeared almost in an instant!

The Leaf Elf has regained his freedom again!

However, before the two elves were lucky, the crisis had suddenly struck!

Lin Wen's commanding voice came over almost instantly!

"Ice Elf, Leaf Elf, dodge quickly!"


Just when the ice elf was helping the leaf elf to get out of trouble, the attack came suddenly!

It was the attack that Regilock was brewing before!

Destroy the dead light!

Previously, Regis Qilu's Cannon Light Cannon had already proved how powerful the three pillars were and how ferocious their attacks were!

You must know that destroying the dead light is a skill that needs to be charged, which almost means, powerful power!

Skills that need to be charged are almost all powerful!

Destruction of Death Light is undoubtedly such a skill!

You must know that destroying the death light itself is already one of the very powerful skills. After the guardian of the tree of the beginning of the world, Regilock, who is close to the legendary elf, casts it, the attack power will undoubtedly be even more amazing!

Just when the ice elf helped the leaf elf out of trouble, Regilock's destructive death light had already been charged up!Swept towards the location of the Leaf Elf and the Ice Elf!

The ice elves and leaf elves were concentrating on trying to escape from Regais' frozen world, so they didn't notice this attack!


However, Lin Wen was keenly aware of this!

The command voice was conveyed almost instantly!

As Lin Wen's command voice came out, the Leaf Elf and the Ice Elf almost simultaneously had a sense of crisis!

At the moment of reaction, the two little elves suddenly kicked their hind legs and wanted to leave the place!


They are a little slower!

You must know that when Ye Elf was still trapped in the ice surface caused by the frozen world, the destruction of the death light had already been brewed and swept over. The speed of this skill was very fast!

Although the ice elves used extremely fast speed to help the leaf elves get out of their shackles, it still made them slow to a certain extent!

In this case, the dodge time of the two elves is completely slower!

The direct result is that although Ye Elf and Ice Elf are very flexible Pokémon with fast speed, they are still slower in the face of the incoming destructive light, although they are not hit directly, But physically, it was still attacked by the destructive light of death!

Scratched a part!

Almost at the moment when the destruction and death light swept across, the hair on the bodies of the two elves suddenly scorched black, and there was a look of pain on their faces!

As a super roaring whale king comparable to the sea of ​​roaring whale kings, he is already close to the powerful existence of a legendary elf. Regilock's attack power is completely beyond imagination. And the ice elves did quite a bit of damage!


Fortunately, Lin Wen's timely command allowed Ye Elf and Ice Elf to avoid the most powerful main damage. Otherwise, they would be hit head-on by Regilock's Destruction Death Light skill, then the result would be not only It's just like this now!

It is entirely possible that it is unimaginable!

Just after the Leaf Elf and the Ice Elf dodged and left the place, they destroyed the Death Light and suddenly bombarded the place where the Leaf Elf and the Ice Elf were!


A violent explosion sounded suddenly!

Smoke is flying!

I saw that under the attack of Regilock's destruction of the death light, a deep pit suddenly appeared on the ground, and the gravel splashed, with amazing power!

0.8 This is exactly the attack of an extremely powerful elf like Regilock, which can be said to be very shocking!

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