Both Lin Wen and Qian Xia's eyes turned to this light curtain.

Dream looked at the two of them, floated to the front of the light curtain, and then waved to Lin Wen and Qianxia!

Lin Wen and Qian Xia are a little inexplicable!

Lin Wen's eyes turned to Dream's action, his heart moved, and he said, "Dream, are you inviting us over?"

Hearing Lin Wen's voice, Dreamy's eyes lit up, and then he nodded quickly!

Although Dream can't speak, and expresses his feelings through actions, he has the ability of telepathy. Although he doesn't speak human words, he can know the hearts of both parties!

It was precisely because he felt that Lin Wen and Qianxia were not malicious, that Dream took the initiative to invite him!

After confirming the dreamy idea, Lin Wen and Qianxia did not hesitate, took two steps forward, and then came to the front of the light curtain!

Then, a magical scene happened!

I saw that the dream floated in front of the light curtain, and then looked forward, the whole body protruded into the light curtain, and then it disappeared in place!

Lin Wen and Qian Xia looked at each other, without hesitation, they also walked towards the light curtain!

I saw that after the two entered the light curtain, Lin Wen and Qian Xia suddenly disappeared here!

at the same time!

Lin Wen, who walked into the light curtain, felt faint for a short time, and then, after reappearing, the environment around him had undergone other changes!

at this time!

In Lin Wen's ear, a system prompt sounded suddenly!

"Ding Dong, player Heart of Yang Yan, congratulations on discovering the heart of the world tree where dreams live!"

World tree heart!

Lin Wen's heart moved, quite shocking!

Beside him, Qian Xia's eyes flashed in shock. Obviously, she also heard the system's beep!

Both were shocked!

You know, the two of them tried to find it all the way, but to no avail!But now, after searching for a place for so long, Dream brought them in directly!

Lin Wen looked around, and suddenly found something that surprised him!

I saw that there was no elf in the surrounding space that was not small!

Except for the dream of entering here first, there is no elf!

This makes this space look very empty!

After hesitating for a while, Lin Wen took out the elf ball and prepared to release his elf too!

In the combat state, players can only release a limited number of elves, such as Lin Wen. Because of the relationship between the elves, they can release four elves to fight. However, in the non-combat state, players can Unleash all your pixies!

Now, in this open area, there is only this dreamy existence around, and it is naturally impossible to be in a state of battle!

Throw 350 Poke Balls!

A little elves appeared in place!

Leaf Elf, Ice Elf, Shanaido, Flash Dragon, Minas, Nine-Tails, Lucario!

Lin Wen's seven elves, all released!

After being released, these elves couldn't help but look around curiously. Obviously, these elves were also very surprised by this area!

You must know that this is the heart of the world tree. Apart from the dream, they are likely to be the first trainers and elves to come here!

With the release of Lin Wen's elf, after getting familiar with the environment here, the originally empty world tree heart suddenly became lively!

Because there is no need to fight, the little elves of Lin Wen can be described as very relaxed!

The dreamy gaze, after being released from Lin Wen's few elves, stared at them tightly, and after hesitating for a while, it directly moved towards it!

The dreamy body is not big, and it is very flexible. It floats among the elves of Lin Wen, and directly provokes the elves of Lin Wen!

Just like a lively child who found a companion, Dream took the initiative to come and find them to play with! .

Chapter 1189 Dream Gift

The elves know very well about the elves. In the face of the legendary fairy dream, which symbolizes childlikeness and kindness, the elves of Linwen have a very high degree of favorability towards the dream. There is no accident in joining, and soon, we will play together!

There was no battle to go on, and each of the elves could be said to be very relaxed, playing together to their heart's content, and soon they got together and sparred.

The huge flashing dragon is a rare leisure time at this time, lying on its side directly on the ground, it looks very comfortable!

Its body is very huge, and it quickly attracted the attention of several other elves around. The elves headed by Dream all quietly jumped on the body of the Flash Dragon and played on the soft body!

The Flash Dragon didn't care about it either, and lay on his side leisurely!

Lin Wen's little elves and dreams can be said to be very happy and relaxed.

The elf is an existence that loves to play very much. Now this rare leisure time makes every elf in Lin Wen enjoy it very much!

At the beginning, Lin Wen's eyes focused on his elf and dreamy body. After finding that they were having a good time, Lin Wen withdrew his gaze and turned to observe the surrounding environment and the situation here!

Of course, his eyes are still focused on Dream from time to time!

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