After glancing at the initial sap of the world, Lin Wen's heart moved, and he looked at the dream, and guessed in his heart: "Could it be that this is the gift that the dream is going to give me?"

Right now!

Dream moved.

It held the sap of the tree of the beginning of the world in its hand, and slowly floated to Shanaido's side!

Afterwards, he slowly handed the sap of the tree of the beginning of the world towards Shanaido!

This treasure, the sap of the tree of the beginning of the world, was not given to Lin Wen, but to Shanaido!

Immediately, Lin Wen and Qian Xia were both startled, and they didn't expect Chaomeng to take the initiative to send something to Shanaido!

The dreamy hands are handed out, and in their hands, it is a very precious treasure, the tree sap of the beginning of the world!

Shanaido's gaze turned to Lin Wen.

In the heartbeat, Shanaido's voice rang.

"Master Yang Yan?"

Shanaido's voice revealed the meaning of asking.

As a lord level 773 elf, Shanaido can of course feel the effect of the treasure in front of him on him, but he still needs the consent of his master!

Therefore, it immediately asked Lin Wen.

Lin Wen showed a smile. Although he was very shocked at the beginning, he has regained his calm. Lin Wen said to Shanai Duo: "Since the dream has been given to you, then you can accept it."

"Yes, Lord Yang Yan."

In the telepathy, Shanaido's response came!

Afterwards, Shanaido took the sap of the tree of the beginning of the world handed over by Dream!

Compared with the share that promoted Ye Elf to the only elf of the king level, this share is much more, and it is conceivable that the value is even greater!

Shanaido took the sap of the Tree of Dreams Primordial Tree of Dreams handed over by Dream, and then looked at Lin Wen!

In the eyes of Lin Wen's encouragement, Shanaido directly chose to drink!

Absorb the sap of the tree of the beginning of the world!

The essence of the tree of the beginning of the world is slowly absorbed by the sand (bibg) Naiduo!

With the absorption of Shanaido!

I saw that a dazzling light suddenly lit up from Shanaido!

Exudes extremely powerful energy!

You must know that in the fishing competition, a small bottle of the tree sap of the tree of the beginning of the world made the leaf elf the only elf, becoming a king-level elf like the Leaf Elf King!

The improvement is huge!

And this time!

The amount of sap of the tree of the beginning of the world brought by the dream is many times more than the last time!

In this case, the effect is also extremely terrible!

In an instant, Shanaido's body exuded an amazing light!


The system's prompt sound kept ringing in Lin Wen's ears!

"Ding Dong, player Heart of Yang Yan, your Pokémon Shanaido has been upgraded to lv62 because it has absorbed the essence of the tree of the beginning of the world."

"Ding Dong, player Heart of Yang Yan, your Pokémon Shanaido has been upgraded to lv63 because it has absorbed the essence of the tree of the beginning of the world."

"Ding Dong, player Heart of Yang Yan, your Pokémon Shanaido has been upgraded to..."


"Ding Dong, player Heart of Yang Yan, your Pokémon Shanaido has been raised to lv80 because it has absorbed the essence of the tree of the beginning of the world!"

A series of system prompts sounded, bringing Lin Wen his first surprise!

Under the super-powerful effect of the sap of the tree of the beginning of the world, Shanaido's level went straight to lv80!

In one fell swoop, he became the highest-level elf in Lin Wen's hands!

More than that!

With the absorption of the essence sap of the tree of the beginning of the world, Shanaido's attributes have also skyrocketed!

"Ding Dong, player Yang Yanxin, your Pokémon Shanaido, because it has absorbed the essence of the tree of the beginning of the world, hp +50, attack +50, special attack +100, defense +30, special defense +50, speed +30!"

at the same time!

Over time, the sap of the tree of the beginning of the world continues to play a role!The skills that Shanaido has mastered have been improved to a certain extent, and the power has become even more amazing!

At the same time, Shanaido has comprehended many new skills!

"Ding Dong, player Heart of Yang Yan, your Pokémon Shanaido has comprehended the skill: Fairy Sky Dance because of absorbing the essence of the tree of the beginning of the world."

"Ding Dong, player Heart of Yang Yan, your Pokémon Shanaido has comprehended the skill: Super Perception because of absorbing the sap of the tree of the beginning of the world."

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