Lin Wen calmly said to the guard: "Go and inform your Queen, Lady Irene, that the Heart of Yang Yan has just received very important information."

Chapter 1195 Excited Queen

"Lord Irene? Heart of Yang Yan?"

The guard was stunned for a moment, carefully recalled in his mind, and quickly linked the heart of Yang Yan with the figure in front of him, the originally indifferent expression changed in an instant, and opened his mouth to Lin Wen: "It turned out to be Yang Yan. Lord Yan! Wait a minute, I'll report to Queen Irene now!"

After speaking, the guards quickly entered the castle!

Seeing this scene, Lin Wen couldn't help shaking his head helplessly!

Now he, not only among the players, but also among the NPCs, can be said to have a very powerful reputation!There are countless people who know him!

Obviously, the ordinary guard in front of him has also heard his name, so he is very eager!

There is no doubt that at this stage, the name Heart of Yang Yan is undoubtedly a movable type sign in the alliance!

As a trainer who has just debuted, he has an extremely brilliant record, and his own strength is unfathomable and quite amazing!

Lin Wen just waited outside for a few tens of seconds before the guard ran back out of breath!

"Master Yang Yan!"

From a distance, Lin Wen heard the guard's voice: "Queen Irene is waiting for you in the castle, please come with me."

Lin Wen nodded gently towards him, then followed behind the guard and walked into the castle.

Castles and the like, there are all kinds of servants, etc., and seeing the strange face of Lin Wen again, he couldn't help but cast his eyes.


Led by the guards, he was taken to the door of a room.

"Queen Irene is waiting for you inside."

The guard said something to Lin Wen with some restraint, and then said: "Master Yang Yan, you can enter by yourself, I have to go back to stand guard first."

Lin Wen nodded towards the guard.

Then, I saw the guard quickly leave here.

Lin Wen stood in front of the door, and then knocked on the door.

dong dong dong.

With the sound of knocking on the door, a response came from inside: "Please come in."

Lin Wen pushed open the door and entered.

As soon as he entered the room, Lin Wen saw a back, and that back was the back of Queen Irene!

It was not the first time to see Queen Irene, Lin Wen recognized her very easily!

At this moment, Queen Irene was standing in front of the window, with a hint of melancholy in her eyes, watching the scenery outside the window seriously!

After hearing the sound of the door opening behind her, Queen Irene turned around. After seeing Lin Wen, she showed a smile and said softly, "Researcher Yang Yan, you are here."

"Lin Wen nodded lightly."

This is not the first time he has met Queen Irene. As early as the beginning, after the elf battle in Orudelang City, Lin Wen was awarded by Queen Irene herself. At the same time, she received the reward from her Got Lucario and got a quest about the power of the waveguide!

This time, it was the second time that Lin Wen had met Queen Irene, and they were less familiar with each other.

"I learned from the guard's report that they said you just found an important piece of information." Queen Irene's eyes flashed with anticipation, and then continued to ask: "Researcher Yang Yan, it is about the power of the waveguide. what?"

Lin Wen nodded slightly.

Queen Irene suddenly widened her eyes: "It's really about the power of the waveguide? Researcher Yang Yan, where did you get the information?"

"It's in the World Tree." Lin Wen replied, responding vaguely (bjcj) times, without mentioning the existence of dreams!

After all, fantasy is a legendary elf, and it is better not to expose the information related to their specific location.

Feeling Queen Irene's look of anticipation, Lin Wen didn't continue to sell off and directly took out the memory crystal from her backpack, and then handed it to Queen Irene.

"Queen Irene, this memory crystal should contain everything you want to know."

Queen Irene almost took the memory crystal with a trembling palm!

Because she is so excited!

After the loss of the inheritance method of the power of the waveguide, Queen Irene blamed herself more than once and thought of many ways, but none of them were successful!

Regarding the power of the waveguide, Queen Irene can be said to have worked hard, but in the end, it was all useless!

did not expect!

Just today!

Actually, someone really found information about the power of the waveguide!

This undoubtedly makes Queen Irene very excited!

After she stretched out her hands to take the memory crystal, Queen Irene's eyes were fixed on the memory crystal, as if she was observing some treasure, and she was completely reluctant to leave her eyes!

Lin Wen's eyes caught this, and his thoughts flashed through his mind. He could keenly sense the excitement in Queen Irene's heart. The other party was obviously very yearning for this information and had been looking forward to it for a long time!

Therefore, after Lin Wen brought the memory crystal, he became so excited!

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