Lin Wen's eyes flickered, and a person he knew flashed in his mind!

You must know that since the existence of the fairy forest is proposed in the mission, it proves that the fairy forest does not only exist in the forest in fairy tales, but actually exists!

at the same time!

And this is very important!

That is, there must be people who know the exact location of the Fairy Forest!

Otherwise, this task is completely a dead end. Even if it involves the evolution of fetters, the system will never issue a task that has no possibility to be completed!

About the specific location of the Fairy Forest, someone must know!

at the same time!

Lin Wen's mind flashed one after another figure!

He didn't think about the players. Among the players, the one who knows the most secrets is probably himself. To ask other players about the location of the Fairy Forest is undoubtedly a fantasy!

Even the Lingxi Guild and Lin Wen are not ready to inform!

The location of the Fairy Forest, if no one tells it, it is completely impossible to find it with your own strength!I am afraid that it will take a long time to find it!

Therefore, contacting the Lingxi Guild is probably just a waste of time!

In this case, Lin Wen didn't have any idea of ​​looking for players to ask, looking for Ling Feng's help!

Because the other party and Ben can't help!So looking for Lingfeng is useless!

What Lin Wen thought in his mind was all about the higher-ups of the alliance!

You must know that when it comes to a place like the Fairy Forest that even Queen Irene of Orudelang City doesn't know about, ordinary members of the alliance probably won't know the location of the Fairy Forest!

Only the upper echelons of the alliance have the possibility of knowing the location of the Fairy Forest!

Lin Wen took the lead in calling out several champions that he knew and saw!

Miss Caruna from the Carlos region!

Shirona of the Shinno region!

Also, the Yulong family in the Guandu area, although not like the Tianwangdu who is better than a champion!

The figures of these people came to mind, but Lin Wen denied them one by one in his heart!

There is only one reason!

Although they are the champions of heaven in various regions, these trainers must know a lot of information, but in Lin Wen's view, they have one thing in common!

That is, they are all too young!

You must know that the information on the Forest of Fairies can only be known by trainers with extensive knowledge and experience!

After thinking of this in his mind, Lin Wen suddenly thought of a figure!


The high-level old man of the alliance!

After the annihilation of Team Rocket, the elders of the alliance who were responsible for issuing Lin Wen's rewards and communicating with Lin Wen!

The identity of the other party, 767 in the alliance is definitely where the top is!Moreover, with age, you will definitely know a lot of information that others do not know!

This is almost a certainty. After all, there are a lot of secrets in the elf century. Only some old people can know this information!

There is no doubt that Sopa, the senior old man of the alliance, is one of them!

If even Sopa doesn't know the exact location of the Forest of Fairies, then Lin Wen really can't think of anyone else who can know. If even he doesn't know, then Lin Wen can't think of anyone in the alliance who can Know this information!

After thinking about Sopa, Lin Wen took out the communication device without any hesitation!

Then, he directly dialed the communication request sent to Sopa, and wanted to see if he could get some useful information from Sopa!

After the communication request was sent, it only took a short dozen seconds to be connected!

Sopa's voice came from the communication device!

You must know that before, after the annihilation of Team Rocket, there was almost no communication between Lin Wen and Sopa, but during this period of time, many earth-shattering events happened, such as the Carlos area involving Xerneas and Sopa The battle between the two legendary elves of Yveltal! .

Chapter 1199 The Unreachable Place

Another example is the Shenao area, which involves the secret team, the Super Whale King, and the descendant of the legendary elf, Little Lugia!

In these two major events, there are figures with the heart of Yang Yan!

Moreover, it still occupies a very important position in it!

For ordinary players and ordinary ADCs, this kind of thing is not known to them, but the high-level and old figures of the alliance like Sopa are naturally aware of this kind of thing!

Therefore, for the heart of Yang Yan, it can be said to be very important!After seeing the communication request sent by Lin Wen, he immediately chose to accept it!

After accepting it, Sopa's voice came over!

"Researcher Yang Yan, you rarely contact me. I don't know what's the matter with contacting me this time?"

Sopa's voice revealed an air of equality, and did not regard Lin Wen as an ordinary rookie trainer, or as a junior!

After all, with the passage of time, the participation of major events again and again, the strength of the Heart of Yang Yan, as well as the role, and the display are exhausted!

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