"found it?"

Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, then reacted, looked at Shanaido with shock, and asked, "Have you found it?"

"That's right!"

In the telepathy, Shanaido's response came again!

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed, and he asked, "Where is Shanaido?"

Shanai Duo is very clear that the target they want to find these days is the legendary elf, Xerneas. Now, it obviously senses the position of Xerneas to be so excited about himself. report!

Without any hesitation, Lin Wen asked Shanaido!

Shanai Duo's response voice conveyed: "Master Yang Yan, Xerneas is located at the very center of this forest!"

While reporting in the telepathy, Shanaido raised one of his arms and pointed to the center of the forest!

Forest Center!

Lin Wen's eyes turned to the direction that Shanaido was pointing at!

Very excited!

After several days of searching, I finally found the location of Xerneas!

You must know that this involves two tasks that can greatly improve his strength, which can be said to have a considerable effect! !

Under such circumstances, Lin Wen couldn't bear to ignore it!

Looking at the center of the forest, Lin Wen directly put away Shanai Duo temporarily, and then summoned the Leaf Elf!

Because there is still a certain distance from the center of the forest, Lin Wen, who was in a hurry, directly summoned the Leaf Elf!Then go and ride on Ye Elf's body!

Following the command, Ye Elf kicked his hind legs and sprang out in an instant!

In the forest, it can be said to be the home field of the leaf elves. When they are here, all aspects of the leaf elves' attributes will be enhanced to a certain extent because of the strong grass-type energy!

The Leaf Elf with the 770 forest pattern on his body seemed to not feel any weight at all, his body turned into a streamer, and he shuttled quickly through the forest!

With extremely fast speed, the Leaf Elf has carried Lin Wen outside the center of the forest!

When he came here, Lin Wen's command voice came out, instructing Ye Elf to stop temporarily.

After all, there is the existence of a legendary elf inside, and it cannot be disturbed.

In this case, Lin Wen directly chose to get on and off Ye Elf's body. Then, after hesitating for a while, he put Ye Elf into the Elf Ball!

He then took out the Poke Ball and released another Pokemon!


After all, it was Xerneas who helped Shanaido be promoted to a lord-level elf. Therefore, when he went to meet Xerneas this time, Lin Wen directly released Shanaido!


According to the direction pointed out by Shanaido's sensing ability, Lin Wen and Shanaido moved quickly towards the center of the forest along the path between the trees!

This is a very remote forest in the Carlos area. If it weren't for the search for Xerneas in the past two days, Lin Wen had searched most of the surrounding forests, and he would never have found the existence here! .

Chapter 1204 Celebi

However, it is precisely because of this that after finding this place, I finally found the trace of Xerneas!

Lin Wen and Shanai Duo walked side by side!

As they continued to move towards the depths of the forest, Lin Wen keenly felt the smell of life in the surrounding air!

Then, after they turned a corner, Lin Wen's eyes froze for a moment!

Because, he saw a large lake in front of him!

The water surface in this lake is almost completely visible, waving with a strong breath of life!

Just as Lin Wen discovered the existence of this lake, the system prompt suddenly rang in Lin Wen's ear!

"Ding Dong, player Yang Yan Heart, congratulations on your discovery of the Lake of Life, reputation +1000 points."

The lake of life!

Lin Wen's expression was shocked, and he immediately wanted to understand everything!

This is a very mysterious lake of life in the Carlos region, and it is also the core of this remote forest. It is no wonder that the search for many days before has not found it!

Moreover, Xerneas would choose to stay here to recuperate, which is very understandable!

The Lake of Life can be said to be full of strong life force. If you cultivate in such a place, it will undoubtedly greatly improve the speed of recovery!

Everything is understandable!

Lin Wen and Shanai Duo continued to move towards the depths of the forest along the edge of the Lake of Life!

Finally, after crossing most of the Lake of Life, Xerneas finally appeared in front of Lin Wen!

That's not far ahead!

at the same time!

After Lin Wen's gaze turned to Xerneas, he was keenly aware of another figure that was relatively insignificant in comparison!

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