This can be said to be the strongest combat power of the Alliance in the entire Shenao region!

But at this time, the expressions of these super-strong trainers are not good-looking!

He frowned, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Shortly after the two ancient Pokémon woke up, as the high-level 983 figures of the alliance in the Shenao area, they quickly got the news. Now, all their attention is focused on this, and they are in a considerable promotion discussion. Countermeasures!

After being silent for a while, King Wu Song took the lead and said, "Miss Xirona, we should still focus on rescue."

He paused, looked at the turbulent sea, and then said: "If you want to intercept these two ancient Pokémon, with all due respect, I'm afraid even we can't do anything!"

It is precisely because the stronger the strength, the more clear the terrifying strength of these two ancient Pokémon!


No matter which one it is, it is a powerful and terrifying legendary elf!Even if they are the champion kings and the most powerful people in the entire Shenao region, when faced with these two legendary Pokémon, they dare not say that they can intercept them!

Shirona is obviously aware of this. Although she looks a little afraid, she still nodded slightly!

Afterwards, Shirona looked at the other (bjac) kings and said, "Let's implement it according to the suggestion of King Wusong first, let's take the lead in transferring the rescue, as for the two of Groudon and Kyogre. Let the Alliance consider the matter of the legendary elf and come up with countermeasures!"


The other Heavenly Kings nodded in agreement!

Then, without wasting too much time, they immediately chose to act and left the place!

The entire Shenao area is huge, and there are countless residents. Many things must be dispatched by these heavenly kings, but there is no free time at all, so we must hurry up and act!

Shirona stayed where she was, looking at the distant, whistling sea!

After receiving the rescue mission, Lin Wen realized the importance of this mission!Without any hesitation, I directly opted out of the forum and threw the Poké Ball!

After a flash of light, an elf has appeared in place!

Flash Dragon!

It stands to reason that Lin Wen should choose to go there as a means of transportation. After all, he is currently in the Carlos area, which is not too close to the Shenao area, but the situation is urgent now, and at this moment, because of the changes in the Shenao area , I am afraid that the transportation will also be affected, so Lin Wen directly chose to summon the Flash Dragon!

After releasing the flashing dragon, Lin Wen made a vertical leap and came to the back of the flashing dragon, and then the command voice came out, and the flashing dragon rose into the sky!

In an instant, he rushed into the sky!

Then, after the direction indicated by Lin Wen, he flew quickly towards the Shenao area!

Extremely fast!

The speed attribute of the Flash Dragon is not low, and the flight speed is very fast. With the blessing of Lin Wen's riding skills, this speed has been greatly improved. At this time, the entire body has turned into a A stream of light quickly rushed forward!

It didn't take a long time, and Lin Wen, riding a flashing dragon, has come to the sky above the Shenao area!

In the sky, Lin Wen was able to see all the situation below clearly!

The entire Shenao region has fallen into chaos!

The roaring sea water, the erupting volcano, and the ground, full of elves running for their lives, the scene is like the end of the world!

These are two legendary elves!

Moreover, Groudon and Kyogre are not ordinary legendary elves at all!

Groudon holds the power of the earth and can make volcanoes erupt arbitrarily, while Kyogre holds the power of the ocean, and it is very easy to cause a tsunami!

Now, these two elves woke up and immediately caused earth-shattering damage to the entire Shenno area!

Lin Wen rode a flashing dragon and swept across the sky. When he saw the environment below, he couldn't help but show his shock!

The scene was far more shocking than he imagined!

at the same time!

He commanded the Flash Dragon and flew quickly towards a position coordinate in the Shenao area!

That's exactly Shirona's current coordinates!

In this matter, Shirona was also caught up in the hustle and bustle, directing the transfer of the residents of the Shenno area!

After all, if it is said that in the Shenao area, Lin Wen is the most familiar, than the champion Shirona who once fought side by side with him!So in the process of receiving the rescue mission to the Shenao area, Lin Wen had already contacted Shirona through the communication device and knew her location!

In this matter, I directly chose to go straight to Shirona's position!

The flashing dragon swept across the sky, and after arriving in the Shenao area, its speed increased again, and it flew towards the location of Shirona quickly!


Came to the sky above this area!

Looking down from a distance, Lin Wen immediately saw Shirona's figure!

In this matter, the champion's face is serious, and he is protecting and evacuating the residents of the Shenno area! .

Chapter 1211 Lin Wen Arrives

At the same time, there are many trainers in alliance uniforms who are working with her!

The flashing dragon is huge and attracts attention no matter where it goes. At this time, after coming to hit the sky above this area, it was immediately discovered by the sharp-eyed residents below, and the scene even appeared a little restless!

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