"After that guild battle, one of the three major guilds completely disappeared, while the other two guilds were merged into the Lingxi guild."

"And just today, one of the major guilds incorporated into the Lingxi Guild, Hellfire Guild, under the leadership of the president Nirvana, officially defected from the Lingxi Guild!".

Chapter 1222 Clarification

"Do you think the name Hellfire Guild sounds familiar? That's right! Hellfire Guild is the initiator of this major event in the Shenno region. You can check the tasks on the current task panel, the official Hellfire in Shenao region. The guild, created this big event!"

"Moreover, according to my gossip, this time, the former members of the Hellfire Guild in the Lingxi Guild defected to officially join the Hellfire Guild in the Shenno area. According to the information I got, the Hellfire Guild in the Chengdu area, And the Hellfire Guild in the Shenno area, it is a family!"

One stone caused a thousand waves!

Now, when the big event starts, every player's nerves are very sensitive. At such a time, there is such an explosive news.

Almost immediately, it attracted the attention of countless players!

"Fuck, big news, big news! There was a defection incident."

"Is there such an operation?"

"I didn't expect that, as the No. [-] guild in China, the Lingxi Guild would encounter such a situation. Presumably, the strength of the Lingxi Guild will also be hit a lot!"

"I really didn't expect it."

"The landlord broke the news 6666!"

"Some can't believe it, but the Lingxi Guild has the heart of Yang Yan, the great god, how stupid people would choose to defect?"

"You must know that this major incident was caused by the Hellfire Guild in the Shenao area. Now that the Hellfire Guild members of the Lingxi Guild have chosen to defect, how can I smell the conspiracy."

"Everyone said, this big event, wouldn't the Lingxi Guild be involved in it?"

"No, Lingxi Guild belongs to the alliance, so it shouldn't do such a big death."

"What are the thoughts of these big guild executives, we small players can speculate."

Just as Ling Feng expected.

The conspiracy theories of the players are quite heavy. After the defection incident was exposed, and after interpretation by the players, a considerable number of versions of Kevis appeared.

The version closest to the truth is, of course, that the Lingxi Guild had a hand this time. Without knowing it, the Hellfire Guild had a hand, and the subordinate players defected, and their strength was affected to a certain extent.

The unreliable version is quite a lot!

For example: This big event was actually planned by the Lingxi Guild and the Hellfire Guild together!In order to profit from it.

Another example: Lingxi Guild is actually ready to defect and leave the alliance!

As a guild on the side of the alliance, Lingxi Guild is not easy to take action directly, so it is higher than such a defect, so that players on its own side can help members of the Hellfire Guild.

All kinds of speculations, but there are quite a lot of versions, which are confusing.

After Lingfeng had to let Nirvana leave with many members of the Hellfire Guild, he also rushed to the Shenao area for the first time. This big event involves a lot, and the Lingxi Guild will of course participate in it.

In the process of going to the Shenao area, Lingfeng also saw many related posts on the forum!

This can be said to make him laugh out loud.

Totally unexpected!

Not to mention that Lingxi Guild is developing so well now, there is absolutely no need to rely on major events to make a fortune. It can be said that Lingxi Guild is a prosperous and prosperous one on the alliance side, and it has the heart of Yang Yan. There are champions in various regions and masters who have a good relationship with the king, and they will choose to defect to the villain side and help the villain side when they are out of their minds.

The guesses of these players are completely nonsense!


Ling Feng did not take these posts lightly.

Although the speculations of these players are just casual talk, they can't stand scrutiny at all, and there is no evidence at all, but the story of three people becoming tigers must be used for reference. These speculations are viewed by other unknown players. It is inevitable that there will be some prejudice against the Lingxi Guild.

Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, Lingfeng went directly to the forum and made a post!

This is a clarification post!

"About the Defection of the Hellfire Guild! 》

The id of the person who posted it is Ling Feng!

"Hello everyone, I'm Ling Feng..."

"Everyone must know that the recent posts on the defection incident on the forum have been exposed. I can say that this defection incident is indeed real."

"A former member of the Hellfire Guild, in this big event, chose to defect from the Lingxi Guild, go to the Shenao area, and join the Hellfire Guild in the Shenao area, which is the initiator of this big event!"

"Simply state here that the Lingxi Guild has nothing to do with the launch of this major event. I also just learned that the former members of the Hellfire Guild and the Hellfire Guild in the Shenao area are just a shell. The two major guilds under Zixia have now chosen to defect when such a big event occurs, and the Lingxi guild has also been affected to a certain extent."

"I hope everyone can view this incident from an objective point of view. The Lingxi Guild is also a victim, not a beneficiary."

If it was a post like this from an ordinary person, I'm afraid it would sink immediately.

However, the id of the poster is Ling Feng!

The president of the Lingxi Guild.

Therefore, after this post was posted, countless people noticed and supported it!

You must know that Ling Feng's reputation is definitely not comparable to that of Yang Yan's heart in the current wizard century, but this does not mean that Ling Feng's reputation is weak!

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