Moment of time!A ferocious wave suddenly hit the Ye Elf!

"Ye Elf... get out of the way!"

Lin Wen's command voice suddenly sounded!

Following Lin Wen's command voice, Ye Elf kicked his hind legs, and his body shot out instantly!

The whole body, jumping high!


Facing this ferocious lord-level skill, Ye Elf's movements were still a little slower!

Just as its body jumped halfway, it was severely hit by the wave brought by the tsunami!

The powerful impact came, and the Ye Elf in mid-air couldn't resist at all, and was slammed to the side!

The body fell to the ground!

After all, it was an attack like a tsunami. The powerful impact was impossible for the Leaf Elf in mid-air to stop!

The power is quite amazing!

The power of every Lord-level skill cannot be underestimated!The same is true of Emperor Nabo's tsunami skills, which caused a shock to the leaf elves in mid-air!

Seeing that Ye Elf's body was directly knocked out, there was a hint of joy on the face of the ghost fire!

Unexpectedly, in the face of Emperor Nabo's tsunami skills, even Ye Elf can't treat it as easily as before!

The power is quite amazing!

Gui Huo's face was overjoyed, and immediately said: "Emperor Nabo, take advantage of the situation to pursue and use the water cannon skill!"

The emperor let out a sound with a wave, and then the water cannon skills were about to be released!

at this time!

Under the impact of the tsunami, Ye Elf's body fell not far away.

Lin Wen's expression was calm, and he couldn't see the slightest panic. Facing the water cannon skills that Emperor Nabo had brewed, he said directly: "Ye Elf, dodge."

At the moment Lin Wen's order was issued, Ye Elf, who had fallen to the ground due to the impact of the tsunami, suddenly jumped up flexibly, and with a flash, he left and came to the same place!

The water cannon skill crashed down!

Ye Elf's body is standing upright, and he can't see the damage from the impact of the lord-level skill just now!

In fact!

The tsunami skill did cause some damage to it, but it was far from the level of defeating it!

After all, the tsunami is a water-based skill, and the leaf elves, which are grass-type elves, are born with a very strong resistance!

The reason why Ye Elf would be knocked out was entirely because it was in mid-air at the time and had nowhere to take advantage of. In this case, in the face of the ferocious impact of the tsunami, it was knocked out. , fell to the ground!

However, although the effect seems to be very good, the damage to the Leaf Elf is actually extremely limited!

In this case, at this time, with the attack of the water cannon skill, Ye Elf directly evaded!

After dodging the water cannon skill, Lin Wen's command voice sounded!

"Leaf Elf, use the seed bomb!"

Seed Bomb Skill!

Emperor Nabo is a water-type elf, and grass-type skills are undoubtedly more powerful. Therefore, Lin Wen directly chose to let the leaf elf use the seed bomb!


Along with Lin Wen's command voice, the Ye Elf's body flashed light, and the rich grass-type energy condensed in an instant, and the seed bomb was formed in an instant!

Then, vent towards Emperor Nabo!

Seeing this scene, Guihuo quickly said: "Emperor Nabo, hurry up and dodge!"

His command voice is very timely!However, Emperor Naboo's dodge was still a step behind!

Ye Elf's skill speed is quite amazing!

In the blink of an eye, the seed bomb had already struck the front of Emperor Naboo!

Emperor Nabo is not an elf who is good at speed, and his evasion speed is limited. In this case, facing the incoming seed bomb, he just dodged slightly and was directly hit!


The seed bomb hit the body of Emperor Nabo directly!

At the moment of the bang, the rich grass-type energy burst out instantly!


In an instant, Emperor Nabo was injured twice!

The rich grass-type energy overflowed, causing quite terrifying damage to Emperor Nabo. In this case, after only supporting for two seconds, Emperor Nabo was already defeated!

Its eyes twitched, and then its body fell down, losing its ability to fight!

Emperor Naboo, defeated!

Although it seemed that Emperor Nabo had the upper hand when the tsunami was cast, it was after all relying on the power of lord-level skills!

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