However, even if they were busy facing the two legendary elves, Groudon and Kyogre, they couldn't do enough!

There is no way to stop these two legendary elves!

After all, as the top existence in the elf world, the strength of the legendary elf is completely unquestionable!

After the fall of Binhai City, several people left the battlefield for the first time, retained their combat power, and waited for the opportunity!

Now, their location is a temporary command post not far from Binhai City!

In Binhai City, although the battle has fallen, the battle continues!The players of the alliance camp have never given up hope and are fighting back!


In the sky.

A biting cold wind blows past!

Lin Wen rode on the body of the cracking seat, staring straight ahead.

The flying speed of the split air seat is quite fast, and in this short period of time, it has been getting closer and closer to Binhai City!

At this moment, Lin Wen's communication device suddenly rang.

Lin Wen quickly took out the communication equipment and saw that the person who sent the communication request was Ling Feng, the president of Lingxi Guild!

The corners of his mouth curled up, and Lin Wen directly answered the communication request.

"Brother Yangyan.ˇ!"

As soon as the communication was connected, Ling Feng's familiar and hearty voice had already come out.

Lin Wen nodded lightly and said, "Ling Feng."

"I just got word on the forum."

After a hearty smile, Ling Feng talked about the business and asked directly: "Is this true? Brother Yang Yan, did you really find the legendary elf Kaikongza?"

"It's true." Without wondering why Lingfeng asked this question, Lin Wen asked directly.

Lin Wen knew very well why Ling Feng asked himself this question.

After all, the alliance side is currently at a disadvantage, and the Lingxi Guild is the most powerful guild on the alliance side!

You must know that in this battle, the villains also have players' unions, and they play the role of the protagonist!

Hellfire Guild!

It can even be said that this major event was completely planned by the Hellfire Guild, and it was completely a major event led by players, but it affected the direction of the entire game!

Moreover, at this moment, the villain forces have the upper hand in one fell swoop!

As the most powerful player on the Huaxia District Alliance, and also the former boss of the Hellfire Guild, it was obviously impossible for the Lingxi Guild to see this happening. However, the strength of the two legendary elves was really too strong, even before In the battle of Binhai City, countless alliance trainers and players from the alliance side have assembled, but they still haven't been intercepted!

Although Ling Feng is very confident in the strength of the Lingxi Guild, he is also very clear that it is impossible to intercept the two legendary elves, Groudon and Gaoka, with the strength of the Lingxi Guild. !

After all, these two legendary elves are just too powerful!

However, just as Ling Feng was planning, a message came to his ears!

The Heart of Yang Yan, with the legendary elf Kia Kongza, came to the Shenao area!

Almost as soon as he got the news, Ling Feng's eyes lit up, and then without any hesitation, he directly contacted Lin Wen!

He wants to confirm the authenticity of this news!

He needs a good news to cheer people up!

Although the photos on the forum can be said to be quite clear, after all, this is an important matter related to the next plan, so Lingfeng also knows not to be careless, and immediately sent (Li Wanghao) to the communication Request, ask Lin Wen to confirm the truth of this matter!

It seems that the Sky Crack is just a legendary elf, while the Hellfire Guild and the Ocean Team control two legendary elves.

But in fact, the arrival of Rift Seat is of great significance!

Not only has a practical meaning, but also has a symbolic meaning!

The practical meaning is very simple. As a legendary elf, the king of the sky, Korakuza is quite powerful. It can completely fight and collide with the two legendary elfs, Groudon and Kyogre. It's not like the Pokémon mastered by the players, facing the two legendary Pokémon Groudon and Kyogre, they are completely vulnerable, and they are directly defeated by a single blow, not an enemy of unity. .

Chapter 1244 The Horn of the Counterattack

Its symbolic meaning is even more important!

The major events in the Shenao area have occurred so far, and even the cities under the Shenao area, Binhai City, have changed hands and fell under the control of the villain forces. This is the first time in the Elf Century!

The villain has two quite powerful legendary elves, which helped them gain a great advantage, but on the contrary, looking at the alliance side, it was completely defeated, and, as the justice alliance side, there was no such thing as a Legendary Pokémon appear to fight Groudon and Kyogre!

This is undoubtedly the news that has greatly reduced the morale of many players!

And now!

Ripple is here!

This has raised the morale of all the alliance players, and has greatly improved!

Therefore, the appearance of the cracking seat can be said to be a major event for the players of the entire alliance, so Ling Feng, the leader of the Lingxi Guild, can not calm down. After getting the news, he immediately sent a communication request to ask Lin Wen for details. Case.


Lingfeng was in a forest at 173 not far from Binhai City. After hearing Lin Wen's affirmative reply, he couldn't help but let out a long breath.

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