Then, his eyes turned to the front.

As far as the line of sight can be seen, a seaside city is already looming!

There, it was the destination of his trip, Binhai City!

Lin Wen nodded lightly.

His original destination was to go to Binhai City before to stop Groudon and Kyogre, two legendary elves who were not even sober. The seat communicated, and headed to Lingfeng's location first.

Crackling Seat is a legendary elf, but because of the Crackling Heart, it directly agreed to Lin Wen's request.

However, the coordinates given by Lingfeng are very close to Binhai City, it is a forest around Binhai City!

The flying speed of the cracking space is very fast. After Lin Wen saw Binhai City with the naked eye, it was almost a blink of an eye, and the cracking space was already above the coordinates given by Lingfeng!

Lin Wen looked down, and saw that there were many figures in uniforms in the forest!This uniform Lin Wen can be said to be quite familiar. Obviously, they are members of the Lingxi Guild!

This forest was chosen by the Lingxi Guild as a temporary gathering point!

"Cracked Seat, let's land first."

Linwen and Kaikongza interchange.

The cracking seat nodded lightly and slowly descended toward the ground!

Just as Lin Wen was commanding the Crackling Seat to land, many of the Lingxi Guild players below also saw the Crackling Seat's figure!

As a legendary elf, Kaikongza has a huge body. It slowly descended from the sky and was discovered by countless people at the first time!

For a time, the temporary residence of the Lingxi Guild had a huge reaction!

"Enemy attack enemy attack!"

"Everyone, be alert! There are enemies coming!"

"Who can't think of such a big list? Even dare to break into the camp of our Lingxi Guild?"

The players of the Lingxi Guild soon reacted even more!

Because, as this huge elf gradually fell, they found that many of the elf who were placed outside seemed to be under great pressure and shivered!

This is the suppression of the high template elf to the low template elf!

As a legendary elf, it is completely unimaginable to suppress the boss-level elf below!

This scene made the players of the Lingxi Guild suddenly nervous!

"Hurry up and report to the captain! The enemy who came this time is quite powerful!"

A player shouted.

The entire Lingxi Guild camp was a little restless!


Lin Wen rode on the back of the cracking seat and landed slowly, his eyes kept watching the situation below.

When he saw the reactions of the members of the Lingxi Guild in the camp below for the first time, Lin Wen couldn't help but stunned, which was quite unexpected.

However, as the cracking seat gradually descended and got closer and closer to the bottom, the sound from below also entered Lin Wen's ears. Although it was a little intermittent, Lin Wen had sorted it out a little, and I understood why the players who came down below There was such a big reaction.

"Emotions are, treat me as an enemy?"

The corners of Lin Wen's mouth couldn't help twitching.

After thinking about it, he reacted. You must know that he usually appears in the Lingxi guild station, riding a flash dragon, but this time it really cracked the empty seat, and the image changed greatly. The players below also saw Lin Wen. It is not surprising that a misunderstanding becomes an enemy attack.

Just when he thought of this in his mind, there was another shout from below.

"That's not right, how does the appearance of this elf look the same?

"Cracked Seat?"

"Cracked Seat?"

"That legendary elf?"

"Wait? I saw in the forum before that wasn't the Great God of Yang Yan from our trade union brought the Rift Seat to the Shenao area?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

"Legendary elf, Rift Seat?"

You pass me, I pass him.

More and more members of the Lingxi Guild realize that they may have made an oolong!

The whole camp fell silent.

the other side!

This chaotic situation was soon discovered by Ling Feng. When he realized that the members of his guild almost mistook Yang Yanzhi as an enemy, he couldn't help but smile helplessly.

But immediately, his eyes focused on the mid-air, towards the cracking seat that slowly fell to the ground.

"Legendary elf..." he said softly.

0 ......


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