"So...there is the Great God of Yang Yan on the Cracked Seat?"

Although these players in the battle did not have much time to pay attention to the forum, they also learned some information from the previous big news on the forum!

Even, because of this information, the morale has greatly increased!

However, with the passage of time, the cracking seat and the heart of Yang Yan have not shown up, which makes the players of these alliance camps feel a trace of despair again!

And now!

Cracked Seat Appears!

This is the legendary elf of the alliance camp!

at the same time!

Many players, looking upwards, vaguely saw the figure on the back of the cracking seat!

Heart of Yang Yan!

Great God of Yang Yan!

The Heart of Yang Yan and the Rift Seat!It's finally here!

at the same time!

In Binhai City!

The first time Lin Wen showed up with the cracking seat, Huo Huo, the president of the Hellfire Guild in the Shenao area, already knew!

Although he is in Binhai City, Groudon and Kyogre are fighting raging battles outside the city. From the fireworks' point of view, Binhai City is already under his control. Do and Kyogre, two legendary elves, wreak havoc in the city!

In the sky, the figure was so dazzling and mighty that it could be seen at a glance.

The eyes of the fireworks focused on the body of the crack, and there was a trace of worry in my heart!

What impact will the arrival of the Heart of Yang Yan and Cracked Seat have on the battle that was already guaranteed?

The cracking seat slowly stopped, and Lin Wen's eyes looked down!

Below, a mess!

This is a battlefield where countless people have fought, so one can imagine how chaotic this battle is!

At the same time, Lin Wen's eyes focused on Groudon and Kyogre for the first time!

It seems that the arrival of the cracking seat has made these two legendary elves feel the crisis. Therefore, at this time, their rampant actions have temporarily stopped!

This situation made Lin Wen's heart move!

According to legend, when Groudon and Kyogre were in a riot, Rift Seat would come out to organize these two legendary elves, so now... Could it be that it will really work?

With a move in his heart, he opened the mouth directly to the cracking seat under him and said: "Cracking seat, can you try to wake up Groudon and Kyogre from their current state?"

The sound of Kakuza's response came to mind in Lin Wen's mind.

"Heart of Yang Yan, I can try it, but I can't guarantee it..."

Lin Wen nodded lightly: "Do your best."

Rikuza's pupils looked towards Groudon and Kyogre below!

next second!

Invisible fluctuations emanate!

This is a powerful wave visible to the naked eye, containing amazing energy, spreading out in circles!

Targeting Groudon and Kyogre!

In just a blink of an eye, Wave has touched Groudon and Kyogre!

Just after Wave came into contact with Groudon and Kyogre, a struggle flashed across the eyes of these two legendary elves!

Lin Wen's eyes were fixed on these two legendary elves. The struggle in their eyes was keenly discovered by Lin Wen!

There is a play!

The legend may be true!

Ripple seat, can 847 wake up these two little elves who have fallen into a state of riot and let them get out of control!

Not just Lin Wen!

at this time!

The battle below also stopped briefly!

You must know that in addition to the players and trainers on the alliance side, there are also members of the Hellfire Guild member Ocean Team!

At this time, everyone's eyes are focused on here!

The cracking seat exudes these visible fluctuations, as long as players with a little brain can react, this is an attempt to bring these two legendary elves back to their senses!

You know, there are very few legendary elves who are evil by nature!

The reason why Groudon and Kyogre help the villains fight and wreak havoc is because they have fallen into the control of the Heart of Lava and the Heart of the Ocean before they wake up!

The players of the alliance also keenly discovered the changes of these two legendary elves, and they were overjoyed!

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