I saw that blue ripples flashed across Kyogre, and then!The thick water cannon shot out suddenly!

Water cannon bombardment!

Suddenly bombarded the elf on the shore, instantly killing it!

At the same time, the power of the water cannon did not decrease, and it bombarded the rock fiercely. In an instant, the rock exploded, and the power of the legendary elf was even more ferocious!


After the Awakening failed, Groudon and Kyogre, the two legendary elves, became even more irritable!


In midair!

Lin Wen rode on the body of the cracked empty seat!

His brows were slightly wrinkled, and he looked at Groudon and Kyogre, who were still in a rampant state below!

Before, the light that flashed on Groudon and Kyogre was clearly seen by Lin Wen...  

With his cleverness, of course he reacted immediately, that is Lava Heart 0.9 and Ocean Heart at work!

Obviously, under the control of the Hellfire Guild, these two legendary elves became even more violent and fearless!

Lin Wen rode on the body of the cracking seat, looking at the raging Groudon and Kyogre, his brows were wrinkled, and he couldn't help sighing!

So far, after trying to wake up and failing!Now, only a last resort!


After the awakening fails, there is only the last resort, and that is to try to solve the problem by fighting!

Today, the Shenno region is in chaos!If you want to restore the stability of the Shenno region, even with brute force, you need to expel the two legendary elves, Groudon and Kyogre! .

Chapter 1255 Three Legends Battle

Lin Wen's eyes fell on Groudon and Kyogre, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes!

Now, even Lin Wen's heart has lost some confidence after Kaikongza failed to wake up!

Even with the help of Kaikongza, who is also a legendary elf, Lin Wen still doesn't have much information about winning!

After all, what he has to face is the combination of two divine beasts, Groudon who holds the power of the earth and Kyogre who holds the power of the ocean, a legendary elf combination, and it is also a dual attribute combination of one water and one fire!It is quite powerful!

Even if Kakuza is also a legendary elf, it is probably very difficult to win when one fights two!

After all, in the previous battle, the fighting power of the two legendary elves, Groudon and Kyogre, had been fully revealed!

Fire and water seem to be mutually exclusive properties, but when combined together, the effect they play is really unimaginable!

In the previous battle, it can be seen from the 19 spirits of the lord-level wizards who were killed in seconds. In the face of Groudon's fire-based skill attack, and Kaioka's water-based skill attack, these lord-level wizards were attacked. The elves didn't have the slightest resistance, they lost their fighting ability directly and were easily defeated!

From this, it can be seen that these two legendary elves are powerful!

Therefore, even with the help of the legendary elf Kiakongza, Lin Wen has no certainty of victory!

but!The battle must continue!

If you want to restore peace in the Shenno region, you must defeat Groudon and Kyogre!

Lin Wen's gaze turned to Groudon and Kyogre, who were not far away, and then he whispered towards the Sky Crack, "I'll leave it to you!"

Cracked Seat nodded lightly!

The intelligence of the legendary elf is quite terrifying, it can naturally understand the meaning of Lin Wen!

Today, Lin Wen is still flying in the sky on the Rifted Seat. After talking to the Rifted Seat, he directly took out the Poké Ball!

After a flash of light, a huge figure appeared beside Kaikongza!

Flash Dragon!

Lin Wen's figure moved slightly, and he jumped towards the Flash Dragon very flexibly. In the sky, he changed his mount and came to the Flash Dragon!

There is no burden on Rikongza!

You know, the next battle involves the battle of three legendary elves!Under such circumstances, if Lin Wen was still riding on the Rift Seat, it would undoubtedly become a burden!

and!Lin Wen also doesn't need to command the Cracked Seat!

As a legendary elf, Kakuza's fighting consciousness is definitely stronger than that of most trainers. He knows how to fight, which is the best choice!

In this case, Lin Wen directly chose to ride on the Flash Dragon, and was not ready to join in the next battle of the legendary elf!

The strengths of Groudon and Kyogre were fully revealed in the previous battles, and they were both quite terrifying. Facing the lord-level elves, they were the result of direct instant kills!

Although Lin Wen is very confident in his elf strength, and will not be instantly killed in the face of Groudon and Kyogre, the role he can play is quite limited!

In this case, Lin Wen directly entrusted the task of fighting with Groudon Kyoka to Rift Seat, while he was preparing to clean up the members of the Hellfire Guild!

Just when Lin Wen jumped to the back of the Flash Dragon!

Crackling Seat suddenly raised his head with a dragon roar, and then charged straight towards Groudon and Kyogre!

at the same time!

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