Groudon and Kyogre, these two ancient legendary Pokémon!

The strength of the Lingxi Guild is undoubtedly quite powerful. Even if Nirvana took the original Hellfire Guild members to defect to a certain extent, the strength of the Lingxi Guild had a certain impact, but the difference was not that big!

After all, Lingxi Guild has its own foundation!


Even if the strength of the players in the Lingxi Guild can be regarded as a leader among the vast number of players, it is still not enough to see when facing two legendary elves! .

Chapter 1258 Flowers in all directions

In the face of two legendary elves, the players of the Lingxi Guild could not play any role at all. Although they had exhausted their strength, they were easily defeated and crushed, resulting in the fall of Binhai City!

This made every Lingxi Guild player feel a haze in their hearts!

But now!

The two legendary elves who were blocking them were dragged!

Under this circumstance, every member of the Lingxi Guild can exert their strength~!

The anger that had gathered up before was manifested at the same time. Without the hindrance of the two legendary elves, every player of the Lingxi Guild showed [-]% of their strength!

The battle started in an instant, and then it went directly to the _ climax!

The Hellfire Guild has been planning this matter for so long, and naturally it will not be easily defeated. Facing the players of the alliance camp headed by the Lingxi Guild, they also showed unmatched willfulness and strong resistance. !

The two sides fell into anxiety almost immediately. The players on both sides showed their strength, and their super strength was revealed at this moment!

The battle entered the climax in an instant!


Battlefield Center!

If you find one of the most dazzling and most attention-grabbing existences from the players in the entire alliance camp, then there is no doubt that it is the Heart of Yang Yan who is fighting in the center at this time!

Heart of Yang Yan!

Because the super strength displayed by his little elves is really shocking!

Flash Dragon, Shanaido, Leaf Elf, Ice Elf!

These four elves, each of which is a lord-level elves, have been known to the players long ago, but knowing is one thing, and getting close is another!

The fighting power of these four lord-level elves is completely unmatched!When facing the alliance camp, show the combat effectiveness!Simply invincible!

Four lord-level elves!Like a sharp knife, it ripped apart the camps of the players of the entire Hellfire Guild!

There is no one elf at all, facing these four elf, can still stabilize his formation!

Under the command of Lin Wen, Flash Dragon, Leaf Elf, Ice Elf, and Shanaido turned into four super-powerful warriors, defeating every enemy in front of them one after another!

After the two legendary elves, Groudon and Kyogre, were all stopped by the Kakuza, the four lord elves of Lin Wen were completely invincible!

Lin Wen's command voice came out one after another!

"Leaf Elf, use the seed bomb!"

"Ice Elf, use the frozen aura!"

"Shanaido, mind power!"

"Flashing Dragon, Tianlong Meteor!"

With the sound of Lin Wen's commanding voice, the four elves started to act again almost instantly!

I saw a flash of green light on Ye Elf's body, and then!Almost instantly, the grass-type power quickly condensed!

In the blink of an eye, a bomb has condensed!

Seed bomb!

There is no doubt that this is a skill frequently used by leaf elves, and the proficiency has reached an unimaginable level!

In this case, after Lin Wen's command voice came out, Ye Elf's movements were already completed, and the seed bomb was condensed!

At the moment when the seed bomb was condensed, Ye Elf suddenly exerted force, and the seed bomb was already shot by Xu Su!

The goal, point directly to the elf group of Hellfire Guild players in front of you!

Almost in the blink of an eye, the seed bomb has arrived in front of these little elves!

The quick release speed of skills makes these elves have no room to dodge at all!Not to mention, just before, the ice elves' skills had just been released, and the elves of the Hellfire Guild were also slowed to a certain extent. In this case, the seed bomb, which was very difficult to dodge, was very fast. Came to this group of elves in front of you!

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next second!

Suddenly hit one of the Hellfire Guild's elf!

At this time, a boss-level fire dinosaur!Almost as soon as the seed bomb hit the body, it immediately lost its ability to fight, and it didn't have the slightest resistance at all!

After all, they are facing the best of the lord-level elves!Ye Elf's full blow!And it is just a boss-level elf!

The natural template gap is here, and there is a gap in the strength of the two elves!Not to mention, Ye Elf is also a worthy existence among the lord-level elves!In this case, the moment the seed bomb hit the fire dinosaur for the first time, it was instantly killed!There are no surprises!


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