"Since you said so..." Lin Wen squinted slightly, "That's what you want!"

He naturally knew that these two were absolute masters even in Hellfire Guild, and why did they stop him in front of him at this time!

Obviously, the combat power he showed made Hellfire Guild too jealous!

In terms of personal strength, there is still a big gap between the current Lin Wen and the legendary elf!However, when facing the main elves of the Hellfire Guild, these boss-level elves, Lin Wen's combat power and combat effects were not inferior to those of the legendary elves!

This is like a martial arts master!There is of course a certain gap between second-rate masters and first-rate masters!But in the same way, there is a gap between third-rate and fourth-rate masters, and second-rate masters!

A first-class master can easily beat a third- and fourth-class master, and so can a second-class master!

In this case, after the two legendary elves were temporarily intercepted by the cracking seat, the target that Lin Wen assumed was undoubtedly equivalent to the second legendary elves on the alliance side. For ordinary members of the Hellfire Guild They caused unimaginably powerful damage! .

Chapter 1261

in this case!Hellfire Guild naturally did not dare to let Lin Wen continue to be so arrogant, and directly approached the two most powerful people in the entire Hellfire Guild to intercept Lin Wen and prevent him from continuing to fight so arrogantly!

Lin Wen was very clear in his heart!

However, he can't ignore these two people!

After all, the two of them both possess the combat power of two lord-level elves. If they want to intercept Lin Wen wholeheartedly, even if Lin Wen wants to avoid it, it will not be easy!

Under such circumstances, Lin Wen obviously had no way to avoid them!

but!Lin Wen never thought of avoiding it from the beginning!

He will not fear any enemy!

Since the other party has come to the door, then defeat them directly!

These thoughts rose in Lin Wen's heart, look at each other!

Four lord-level elves!

Lord-level Tutai Turtle!

Lord-level Murk Eagle!

Lord-level Hudi!

Lord-level steel snake!

For most players, there are still two elves who can control the battle at the same time. In this case, the vice president of Hellfire Guild, Minghuo, and the first master Yutian Yijian are obviously no exception. There are also two elves that can control the battle!

Among them, Tutai Turtle and Muke Eagle are the elf of Netherfire!

And Hu Di and the big steel snake are the elves of Yutian Yijian!

On the other hand, look at Lin Wen!

The four elves have also temporarily stopped their movements, and their eyes are fixed on the other four lord-level elves!

Flash Dragon!


Leaf Elf!

Ice Elf!

It's a battle involving eight elves!

Eight lord-level elves!

Among the players, this is definitely a very eye-catching battle!

Just when Ming Huo and Yutian Yijian intercepted Lin Wen, they already attracted the attention of many players around!

After all, Minghuo and Yutian Yijian are the vice presidents and first masters of Hellfire Guild. Although their reputation is definitely not as good as that of Hellfire Guild's president Huohua, they must also be known by some other players. !

More importantly, the target they intercepted!

Heart of Yang Yan!

Today, on the entire Binhai City battlefield, the most eye-catching one is undoubtedly not far away, involving the main battlefield of the three legendary elves, Rift Seat, Groudon, and Kyogre!

If there is a second place that attracts the attention of players, there is undoubtedly only one!

The location of the heart of Yang Yan!

As the strongest players in the Alliance, the recognized number one player in China, Heart of Yang Yan and Lin Wen undoubtedly attracted the attention of countless people after their debut, and it was not just the players in the Alliance. , also has the attention of Hellfire Guild players!

After all, the shadow of the famous tree of people, the name of the heart of Yang Yan, is a kind of deterrence!

Now, two people with four lord-level elves stopped in front of Lin Wen, which immediately made the players who were paying attention to Lin Wen become even more concerned!

"Someone has come to the Great God of Yang Yan〃'!"

"These two are masters! They are all lord-level elves!"

"God Yang Yan, come on!"

These are the voices of the alliance players!

Likewise, the chatter of the Hellfire Guild players was also very harsh.

"It's the vice president and brother Yijian!"

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