
The Hellfire Guild player in front of Lin Wen remembered what Lin Wen looked like!

Therefore, the first time he saw Lin Wen's face, he suddenly reacted and couldn't help but let out a soft cry!

"Heart of Yang Yan!"

His whole person was in shock!

If this face can't explain anything, then the two elves beside the person in front of him, Shanaido and Lucario, are sitting down!

It looks the same as the Heart of Yang Yan, and it happens to have Shanaido and Lucario?

Are you kidding me?

That is impossible!

Not to mention the rarity of these two elves, let's just say that at this time, only the Heart of Yang Yan can appear here! .

Chapter 1286 As expected

In the heart of this Hellfire Guild player, everything was quickly determined!

However, his shock did not weaken in the slightest!

"Who can tell me how the Heart of Yang Yan appeared here!"

Today, the battle continues on the frontal battlefield, but now, the powerful combat power of the alliance side has entered the base of the Hellfire Guild!

This kind of thing, no matter how terrifying it is, this Hellfire Guild player was obviously shocked by this incident!

However, soon, he recovered from the shock!

Without any hesitation, he put his hand into his arms, ready to take out the communication equipment!

The Heart of Yang Yan entered the base of the Hellfire Guild and had to notify the upper levels immediately!

at this time!

Lin Wen moved!

Naturally, Lin Wen couldn't let him fight the grass and startle the snake in advance. At that time, all plans would be shattered!

His eyes were cold, and the calm command voice sounded!

"Xanaido, use the power of thought to make this person faint for me!"

In the heartbeat, Shanaido's voice rang.

"Yes, Lord Yang Yan."

Afterwards, Shanaido on Lin's tattoo side suddenly had a mysterious purple light in his eyes, and an invisible super power radiated out!

The light suddenly shines!

The surging superpower rushed towards the player!

The player just took out the communication device from his arms, but before he pressed any keys, the super power had already attacked, and the invisible power invaded. In less than a second, he was clean and tidy. passed out and lost consciousness!

Seeing this, Lin Wen breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, the vigilance in my heart has also been greatly improved!

Now, he is in the base of Hellfire Guild, and he may experience anything, and he must not lower his vigilance!

"Furthermore, we must hurry up!" Lin Wen glanced at the unconscious Hellfire Guild player in front of him, thinking to himself.

Without any hesitation, he said directly: "Lucario, Shanaido, use your sensing ability to sense whether there is any abnormal fluctuation in this building!"

Lin Wen issued his own order!

You must know that the control props of the legendary elf are not ordinary props. They can be controlled at a long distance. However, under such control, there will be fluctuations. Otherwise, how can the legendary elf be able to Receive an order?

Lin Wen understood this, so he directly let the two elves sense it!

Shanaido and Lucario glanced at each other, and immediately began to act!

Shanaido's eyes narrowed slightly, purple light emitted, and the skill was already used!

Super sense!

This is the new skill that Shanaido has mastered after receiving the gift of Chaomeng in the World Tree, while his strength has soared!

Super perception: Shanaido's perception ability has been further improved, and he can clearly perceive everything around him, and has a high probability of discovering hidden organs, treasures, and malicious enemies.

As a super elf, Shanaido's perception ability is very powerful. This time, after the improvement, it is even more amazing!

Invisible super power radiates out!

At the same time, Lucario also started to act!

Lucario is a boss-level elf, not like Shanaido, he is a lord-level elf, and he is also the top existence among the lord-level elf!

However, Lin Wen is also looking forward to Lucario!

Everything is because of the power of the waveguide!

In the world of Pokémon, there are not many mysterious powers, and the power of the waveguide is undoubtedly one of them, which contains many quite amazing functions and powers!

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