As an opponent of this battle, although Lin Wen has never seen it in person, he has heard the name Fireworks many times!

As the president of the Hellfire Guild, the means and strength of the other party are quite amazing!

In the Shenao area, the fame of fireworks, in a sense, is not inferior to that of Lin Wen, which can be said to be quite amazing!

After all, the Hellfire Guild has developed quite astonishingly in the Shenno area, and it can be said to be the first guild worthy of the name!As the president of the Hellfire Guild, the fame of fireworks is of course quite amazing!

"Heart of Yang Yan."

After a simple self-introduction, the firework turned around, as if he didn't care about the forest pattern behind him at all, and looked at the many buildings below, and looked at (bjeh) the entire Binhai City!

You must know that their current location is the previous headquarters of the Shenao Regional Alliance. It can be said that this is the tallest building in the entire Shenao region, and of course the tallest building in Binhai City!

Here, on the roof, you can take in the entire Binhai City.

"Look at this city, is it beautiful?"

His eyes swept across the many buildings below, and the fireworks did not turn back and asked.

Lin Wen didn't know why, he didn't quite understand what the Hellfire Guild president was doing, so he didn't answer.

"It's beautiful." Without Lin Wen answering, the firework said directly.

"And... he is now under the control of my Hellfire Guild!"

"However, this is just the beginning!"

"Binhai City is just the beginning. Next, my Hellfire Guild will conquer cities one by one and take control of the entire Shenao area... After that, the entire Huaxia area will be owned by our Hellfire Guild. world!"

The tone of the fireworks was full of ambition and fantasy, and with his hands spread out, he seemed to have imagined that day would come.

Lin Wen frowned slightly.

Then, seeing the fireworks, he turned his head.

His eyes turned to Lin Wen, and he said, "Heart of Yang Yan, don't you think it will be a very wonderful picture?"

"Then... are you willing to join our Hellfire Guild?"

Lin Wen frowned and subconsciously refused.

Fireworks seemed to see his plan, and then said, "Don't be in a hurry to refuse... Trust me, as long as you join our Hellfire Guild, you will definitely reap huge rewards!"

"You must know that you are recognized as the number one person in China, and our Hellfire Guild has huge financial support. As long as you choose to join our Hellfire Guild, with our strong financial support, your strength, It will grow again, and it will completely confirm the identity of the first person, and, with your ability, coupled with the ability of our Hellfire Guild, if we cooperate, even if we completely grasp the elf world that Huaxia loves to go to, it is not impossible!"

"Think about it, the world below will be under our control, and we will become the masters of this world. Can't these still make your heart flutter?"

Fireworks said in a very bewitching tone, trying to persuade Lin Wen.

Lin Wen frowned slightly as he listened to the fireworks quietly.

After the fireworks quieted down and looked at him expectantly, Lin Wen slowly opened his mouth and said, "President Fireworks, I think you may have made a mistake."

"I'm not someone who is addicted to power like you. For me, controlling the world has no attraction at all!"

Lin Wen said decisively.

"The reason why I chose to enter this game is just because he evoked some memories for me and made me like it very much. As for controlling the world..."

Lin Wen's eyes squinted: "Is it interesting?"

Lin Wen said what was in his heart!

You must know that most of the players who entered the Elf Century are holding a childlike innocence!

It is because of this that the relationship with the elves is very beautiful and harmonious!

Lin Wen is naturally not surprised!

In a certain sense, his affection for the Elf Century is even more extensive!

Therefore, as a trainer in the elf world, he does not want the villain to become the master of this world!

This is something he is not allowed to see!

The world of elves is supposed to be a peaceful and beautiful world. The elves live a beautiful life. If the villain's ambition makes this place dirty, then it is something that no trainer is allowed to see, and it is completely unacceptable!

All kinds of thoughts appeared in Lin Wen's heart!

His voice became firmer: "President Fireworks, you don't have to think about it, hand over the control device of Groudon!".

Chapter 1288 Contract Battle

"Is that your answer?"

There was some disappointment in Huo Huo's eyes, it seemed that he didn't persuade Lin Wen to successfully join the Hellfire Guild, and he felt a little regretful!

However, as the president of Hellfire Guild, he naturally won't affect his mentality because of this kind of thing!

As soon as his eyes turned, another thought had already appeared in his heart!

The corner of his mouth rose slightly, as if he was interested: "Heart of Yang Yan, since you like this game so much, let's take a gamble with this game's battle method!"

"Gamble?" Lin Wen raised his brows and looked at the fireworks: "How do you want to bet?"

"Let's have a 1v1 battle! There are three Pokémon available to both sides. Whoever wins will naturally win the bet!"

"So...what's the bet?" Lin Wen keenly noticed the key points and asked.

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